It's rare to catch up with the rainy days recently, and I don't know when it will rain. In order not to drag down the crew, Cheng Ping rejected the alternative plan of artificial rain in the future, and appeared on the set after just resting in bed for a day.

This time he was calm, recited the Buddhist scriptures silently in his mind, and watched the coffin buried three times. Although the eye scene still didn't meet the director's mysterious and mysterious description, it finally passed the passing line and finished shooting this group of shots.

He went to work sick and drenched in the rain for a day, and fell down again at dusk, suffering from a bad cold.

When everyone took turns to care about him, the assistant director naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and asked worriedly, "How many days do you need to stop filming this time?"

Cheng Ping stuck his fingernails into his palm, showing an apologetic look, and mumbled, "I'm very sorry, my physique is usually better than this, maybe it's because weight loss has affected immunity."

People lose weight because of their role, and they get sick because of dedication. The assistant director also knew in his heart that he was not to blame for this incident, he just wanted to provoke him to get angry again and make a fool of himself in front of the director. Unexpectedly, when he punched cotton, he suddenly learned to be obedient and admit cowardly.

The assistant director had no choice but to be magnanimous: "In the future, we still have to do what we can, don't be a hero anymore." He looked like he was thinking about the crew wholeheartedly.

Cheng Ping's face was pale, and he nodded in humiliation.

The director was also frightened. This time he insisted that he fully recover before returning to work, and stop losing weight. He should eat and supplement.

Cheng Ping decided to take this opportunity to find the illusory feeling the director wanted.

He originally wanted to use the old method and find some similar characters to observe and learn from. But for the role of Hiroshi, the old ways don't work. All the reference clips he found, the performance was "heavier" than his own.

The same emotional expression is sufficient for others, but it is superfluous for Hiroshi. This young man seemed to be not a living person, but a creation of a dream, and when he realized this, he would disperse.

Cheng Ping deeply felt that it was difficult for him to master such delicate micromanagement as a human firecracker.

Cheng Ping stayed in his room for a few days, and didn't even participate in the crew's Valentine's Day event.

This event was initiated by Li Boxi by accident and instigated the director. The reason is that many family members of the crew members came to visit the set on this day, so it is better to organize everyone to have a dinner together, which can also cleverly avoid the problem of leaking secrets.

So after the day's work was over, the crowd rushed into the city in a mighty manner and took over the entire restaurant.

There is also a band playing in the center of the restaurant to add to the fun. Everyone didn't take it seriously at first, but they didn't expect the music to stop suddenly halfway through the meal. The band members took out a piece of paper, looked at it, and announced: "We have received a private commission to show love on behalf of Ms. XX who cannot be present."

Everyone booed and cheered, and turned their heads to look around, wanting to see whose hot lover this Ms. XX is.

As a result, the band walked up to a person with their instruments in their arms and performed a love song to him. Everyone took a closer look, and there was a dead silence for a while—it was the assistant director.

Having been on the set for a long time, almost everyone knew that the assistant director was hanging out with the director.

But not everyone has heard that the assistant director has a girlfriend outside the crew.

Although it is very common for couples in the film crew to play dewy love, it is still extremely embarrassing to encounter this authentic Shura field.

Everyone was stealing eyes on the two parties involved.

Chang Ji's face was so red that it turned purple, and he found a reason to get up and leave.

The assistant director couldn't get away. Because the band surrounded him closely, playing love songs endlessly, the festive face formed a tragic contrast with his complexion.

Everyone's initial shock was over, and they gradually tasted a little bit of humor from the scene. Some even took out their mobile phones to watch the excitement and started recording videos.

The assistant director wished he could bang his head on the fork and die.

The band finally played the last note.

The assistant director clapped dryly a few times, and squeezed out a sentence: "Thank you."

The band members stretched out their index fingers beamingly and shook: "It's not over yet! Ms. XX also entrusted us with a gift!"

Deputy director:"…"

The band forced a gift box into the hands of the assistant director, and asked him expectantly, "Would you like to open it and have a look?"

The assistant director couldn't get off the tiger, and with a livid face, he roughly tore open the package.

A thick stench pervaded the air, and everyone stretched their necks to look at it, and those who held up their mobile phones to take videos also stretched their arms.

It's a bag of shit.

Plus a note: "Have an unforgettable Valentine's Day, bastard."

As for the content of the gift, the band said they had no knowledge of it and were only entrusted with it.

The person in charge of the restaurant was furious and asked the assistant director to pay for environmental pollution.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the double impact of sight and smell, and they didn't eat any food, and scattered quickly.

It is conceivable that the topic of their day is inseparable from this major gossip. This gossip has been widely spread, and soon the name of the assistant director will be heard throughout the industry.

The assistant director paid the compensation, walked out of the empty restaurant like a ghost, made a phone call on the spot, and offered to resign.

Cheng Ping spent this Valentine's Day in his own room.

He was eating dinner when there was a knock on the door. Li Boxi shook his phone at him: "I'll show you—oh, are you still eating? Then watch it after you finish eating."

Cheng Ping: "What? Let's see first."

Li Boxi: "Trust me, you won't want to eat after watching it."

Cheng Ping: "?"

What are you going to show me during this big holiday?

Cheng Ping finally finished his meal and watched the wonderful video of the assistant director.

Li Boxi: "Aren't you happy?"

Cheng Ping was dumbfounded: "This...was this what you planned?"

Li Boxi: "No. His girlfriend found out that he had been cheating on him for a long time and had a lot of bad deeds, so she decided to take revenge. He has committed so many injustices that he will kill himself."

Cheng Ping: "How did his girlfriend know?"

Li Boxi: "It seems that I received proofs such as photos and videos sent by an anonymous account. Wow, I don't know which righteous person is hiding in the crew."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi: "Then the righteous people comforted her well, and helped her come up with a revenge plan."

Cheng Ping: "... Then this righteous person can be said to be upright."

Li Boxi: "Isn't it? It moved me to tears."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi: "Aren't you happy?"

Cheng Pingshuang went to heaven.

But he was a little embarrassed, sitting on the bed and scratching his head: "I was too naive to get angry because of that kind of garbage, so you have to worry about it."

Li Boxi raised his eyebrows: "Why did you say that? It's good that you are like this."

Cheng Ping: "."

Li Boxi looked at him: "You seem to always be ashamed of your emotions. But shouldn't you be angry when you encounter that kind of rubbish? If even emotions are considered childish, then the world of adults is really too distorted. "

Cheng Ping was a little surprised.

He always thought that Li Boxi was just extra tolerant of his personality, but now it sounds like the other party really appreciates it.

Cheng Ping: "You... like watching me get angry?"

Li Boxi nodded slowly.

Cheng Ping: "Why?"

After a long test of tactics, Li Baixi said frankly: "It's very spicy."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi lowered his head and sat next to him: "But it's not just this... I thought I had already fully expressed my praise for your every smile... You are a person without a mask. I didn't have one a long time ago."

He also questioned his parents why he painted paintings that he didn't understand, pretended to be unfamiliar to him, and lived in an unfathomable way. They said: When you grow up, you will understand. He thought to himself that he would never grow up to be that kind of adult.

As a result, he grew up and lost.

He looked at Cheng Ping sadly and softly: "You are the person I never became."

Yes, he had accepted each other's roles: because the other was such a living luminary that his hand could steal a ray of light from this face.

Maybe people are more sentimental when they are sick, Cheng Ping suddenly stretched out a hand and held Li Boxi's.

Li Boxi naturally held him back and turned his head to kiss him.

The kiss was deep and long, until Cheng Ping couldn't breathe, and hid back in embarrassment: "My nose is still a bit blocked."

Li Boxi smiled unkindly.

Cheng Ping glared at him. At this glance, I saw where I shouldn't be looking.

Li Boxi himself looked down, and asked with a smile, "Did you believe me this time?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi went to hug him again, with such force that he threw him down. Cheng Ping fell on the pillow, as if sensing what was about to happen, gasping for breath: "Wait a minute!"

Li Boxi: "?"

Cheng Ping: "Not now, wait for me to recharge my batteries."

Hearing this word, Li Boxi was slightly confused: "...Ah. Are you feeling unwell?"

Cheng Ping nodded, and kissed him comfortingly: "I'm afraid that my performance will disappoint you."

Li Boxi: " don't have to be so particular about it, I'll just do it."

They looked at each other silently, each smacking each other's words, feeling that something was wrong.

A few seconds later, Li Boxi's pupils shrank: "Do you think you are 1?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping: "You too?"