This day the production crew started working normally, and Li Boxi was directing a group of people to work in the dressing room early in the morning, when he suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder behind him.

He turned his head and saw a familiar face.

Ma Kou Kou is busy with travel and dust, smiling like a flower: "Surprise (French pronunciation)!"

Li Boxi: " did you appear out of thin air?"

Ma Koukou: "Hey, in order to give you a surprise, it's not easy for me. I secretly found the address where Sam (Assistant Yang) wanted to come, and was stopped by two stinky men outside the set, saying that outsiders are not allowed to enter. , and didn’t listen to my explanation, just pulled me and moved my hands and feet, and gave me my innocent body..."

Li Baixi was not in high spirits, and he was not in the mood to act with him: "Didn't you participate in that beauty show in China? Were you eliminated by low scores?"

Ma Koukou's expression changed in an instant, and he said with tears in his eyes, "That junior brother of yours has hurt me so much."

It turned out that Ma Kou Kou had received a cold reception from the first episode of the program.

He has been with Li Boxi for these years, and his actual level is firmly in the first rank among all the players. In addition, he has an outstanding personality and has a stalk of speech, so he should be a good seed for the popular players.

However, the younger brother who is the judge seems to have made up his mind to completely obliterate the existence of Ma Koukou.

The younger brother would not give him an unreasonably low score on purpose, because the younger brother is well versed in how this kind of program creates topics, and the ultra-low score is as eye-catching as the ultra-high score.

So in each episode, no matter what makeup Ma Kou Kou puts on, he always gives a mediocre score that is neither high nor low, and makes a few comments that are neither salty nor bland. Several other judges seemed to pass him in advance, doing exactly the same.

As a result, in the finished film that was finally broadcast, Ma Koukou was almost nowhere to be found.

If it was an ultra-low score, Ma Kou Kou would have had a reason to beat them, but now that they have come out of nowhere, they can only feel aggrieved secretly.

With all his energy, he performed exceptionally well in one episode of the show, drawing the most brilliant makeup in his career. As long as you have eyes, you can see that his works are overwhelming the audience.

When it came to the scoring session, he looked at his younger brother with a hint of provocation, as if to say: I want to see how you pretend to be blind this time.

Unexpectedly, the younger brother gave a fair high score with a calm face, but only commented: "The technology is good, but the idea is too simple."

At the same time, he conducted a three-minute one-person interview with a popular contestant, chatting from the core of the work to the ultimate universe, and finally said: "In any artistic creation, the technique is second-rate. People can go the furthest."

He took the lead, and other judges followed suit, talking about style and soul.

Ma Koukou's expression couldn't hold back any longer. Knowing that the camera was looking at him with ill intentions, his smile gradually distorted.

Beauty and make-up are different things, and most of the audience just watch it for fun, while the judges have their own way of doing it. The junior brother's words are tantamount to directly defining his sex.

Ma Koukou's mentality collapsed, and he lost the chain in the next issue. Naturally, the younger brother would not miss this opportunity, and he was eliminated in a legitimate way.

The episode in which he was eliminated has been taped, but it won't air until a few days later. He didn't want to endure these dark days alone, and came to Master to complain like a bereaved dog.

"It's really cruel, you put such a no-brainer hat on me, and it directly blocked my way to become a teacher... And that paragraph of words is yin and yang, insinuating, scolding me, and stepping on your face!"

Ma Kuo Kou Li Hua said with rain: "You have to make the decision for me."

Li Boxi sighed: "When I look back and think about it, I'm bothered here too."

He glanced at Ma Kou Kou, and suddenly changed his mind: "Or else, let's help each other out and give each other advice."

Horse button: "?"

Li Boxi dragged him to a corner where no one was around, and thought about his choice of words: "How can we make a... a person who thinks he is 1..."

Horse button: "???"

Li Boxi: "... Voluntarily reduce the number by one?"

Ten thousand years have passed.

Ma Koukou barely put himself back into the original shape from the fragments: "If I understand correctly, are you implying that you are 1?"

Li Boxi: "Otherwise?"

Twenty thousand years have passed.

Ma Koukou hung down two lines of tears: "All these years when I have nothing to rely on, and nothing to gain, have I always considered myself as a mother?"

Li Boxi: "..."

Ma Koukou slowly came to his senses again: "Then the self-righteous... Cheng Ping you mentioned?"

Li Boxi nodded.

Ma Koukou's eyes lost their highlights: "So in this world where there is no one in a million, there are two rare species that are consumed internally, and you come to ask me how to subtract them?"

Li Boxi: "..."

Ma Koukou: "Otherwise, you would treat me as dead."

Li Boxi: "Don't tell me, let me tell you something..."

Ma Koukou waved his hand resolutely: "I will never hear that word again."

Li Boxi: "...As far as the matter is concerned, Xiao Cheng hasn't really experienced it, so he should just take it for granted. It's definitely not good to force him. We have to find a way to guide him..."

Ma Koukou is expressionless: "I only have rich experience in persuading people to be 1 in love, and I have never encountered such a miracle."

Li Boxi: "The principles are all interlinked, you should think about it when you have time, Master's bright future rests on your shoulders."

Having said that, Li Boxi didn't really expect Ma Koukou to come up with any clever tricks.

When Cheng Ping came in to ask him to do styling, they both pretended nothing happened last night, and they were so polite to the point of being weird: "Teacher Cheng, drink water." "Thank you, Teacher Li."

Cheng Ping recovered from his cold and immediately joined the group, and began to find someone to chat with and practice speaking.

The assistant director had had a public quarrel with him before, and when he encountered that kind of incident, the crew members privately wondered if the two incidents might be related.

But in the final analysis, it was the assistant director who committed suicide, and Cheng Ping's straight-forward attitude didn't seem to be able to taint anyone, so everyone just turned a thought and threw it aside.

Cheng Ping's persevering awkward chats have gradually shown results. Now when reciting lines, his attention is liberated from pronunciation, and he can try to devote himself to emotion.

This time when he resumed work, the director praised him more, and even Albert, who was acting in the opposite role, took the initiative to speak up for the first time after a certain incident, and said a little bluntly: "Good job."

Cheng Ping was flattered and quickly thanked him.

On the contrary, Albert was amused by his reaction, and this smile broke the alienated aura: "It doesn't have to be like this, I'm just telling the truth, your eye play is very rich, subtle, and impressive."

Cheng Ping suddenly felt that this person was not a hopeless criminal pretending to be X, he might just be serious by nature. So he smiled sincerely.

In the next second, Li Boxi's voice came from next to him: "Mr. Cheng, you've touched up your makeup."

When Li Baixi was applying his foundation, Cheng Ping asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Li Boxi: "What is it?"

Cheng Ping: "I just got this makeup done half an hour ago, and I haven't broken a sweat. You pulled me here because you have something to say?"

Li Boxi was embarrassed.

He just wanted to pull Cheng Ping out of the scene of smiling at each other.

When Li Boxi was thinking deeply, Cheng Ping remembered: "The horse button is back?"

Li Boxi finally found a topic: "...Ah, I'm worrying about this." So he talked about how his junior brother bullied Ma Koukou.

He was looking for something to say, but Cheng Ping began to frowned and thought: "After the show is broadcast, it will definitely affect his reputation. If you want to offset that effect, you can only use public relations. I don't understand, or I will go to Ask your agent."

After his cold got better, the agent had already left the crew and returned to China.

Li Boxi hurriedly said: "Don't bother her."

Cheng Ping knew that the two of them were forced to cooperate because of him, so it didn't mean they were united, so he smiled: "It's okay, I won't say it's you."

Cheng Ping turned back to find the manager's voice: "I have something I want to consult with you, I have a friend..."

Agent: "You yourself?"

Cheng Ping: "No!"

Manager: "Li Boxi?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

The agent sighed: "Tell me, what happened to him."

Internet PR is all about speed.

The day before the show was broadcast, several marketing accounts released spoilers and sneaked two pictures: "I heard that Ma Koukou's work (left picture) was picked up by the judges for comparison with the right picture, and it was approved as empty. Technology has no soul, and it can’t go far in the industry, and the players changed their faces on the spot. What do you think?”

Li Boxi is well-known and has many fans, but there are very few people who love Wujiwu to support Ma Koukou—most people don't even know that Ma Koukou is his apprentice. And this show really didn't help Ma Kou Kou attract any fans.

The comments are basically full of ridicule: "Changing face? The judges are too polite. It is true that there is no soul, and the technology is not good enough."

"It's really ugly, it's far worse than the right side..."

"The one on the right is very beautiful!"

The next day, the show aired.

The marketing accounts apologized one after another: "Sorry, the source of information is wrong, the left and right pictures are reversed, and the work of Ma Koukou is on the right!"

People who eat melons: "..."

People who eat melons: "?"

This dramatic oolong incident was directly on the hot search.

More melon-eaters poured in, and laughed at them from a different angle: "Listening to the wind is rain, do you know the soul of a hammer, all of them are dementors?"

Even the program group was happy to see its success, and they gave a boost behind the scenes, creating a topic: #无表表#.

With this farce, the junior brother's comments were completely reduced to meme elements.