The younger brother also noticed Li Boxi's appearance, and before the host could say something friendly, he smiled and asked, "Senior brother, what do you think of this makeup, do you have a chance of winning?"

Host: "..." Asking this question during the live broadcast is too malicious!

Li Boxi looked at his junior brother and also smiled.

The host was about to move a step down for him, when he heard him politely say: "That's it?"

【...What did he say? 】

【Hey! Old force king! 】

The barrage exploded instantly, and the line read "this is it".

The lifting range is so high that everyone's appetite is whetted.

The host was completely numb, and said powerlessly: "Then let Teacher Li start."

After a while.

The bullet screen was silent for a while, and then slowly brushed up again: 【...That's it? That's it? That's it? ? ? 】

To say that Li Boxi's performance was "lack of goodness" is to be polite.

He put on the base makeup neatly, and painted the eyebrows and eyes neatly. He used all **** colors, and every step was standardized to boring, just like an on-site teaching of makeup introduction 101.

The audience patiently watched him busy until now, without a single eye-catching detail.

The younger brother stood on the sidelines and watched coldly, with a half-smile.

The more high-end beauty makeup goes, the more it pays attention to personality and edges and corners. However, the topic this time is "The best kindness is like water", but it must be mellow and non-disputable. Therefore, Li Boxi will definitely take a silent route of moistening things, and draw meticulous paintings on people's faces.

For himself, it's a matter of whether it's a mountain or a mountain.

But Li Boxi seemed to have forgotten one thing: at this time, it was not some art masters who decided their victory or defeat, but a group of ordinary audiences who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Who is full and full, slowly pondering the artistic conception behind you?

Sure enough, in the real-time voting column displayed at the bottom of the live broadcast room, the number of votes on Li Boxi's side was appalling. Those who were aroused by his "that's it" fell short of their expectations, and turned to their juniors in retaliation.

Cheng Ping watched the barrage of cynicism, and finally couldn't help registering an account temporarily, and rant: [What are you talking about? Whether or not Shang Shan Ruo Shui understands it is relevant! 】

However, the direction of the barrage has been set, and his defenses are drowned in the torrent of scolding.

[At least there is water on the opposite side, you can't even see a drop of it! 】

[My fifteen-year-old niece can be transformed into this... not good enough, how about fooling around? 】

Cheng Ping spat a few messages with others, unable to speak with one hand, angrily quit the live broadcast room, and opened the recharge page.

Half a minute later, a line of blinding golden characters hung on the top of the live broadcast screen: "The distinguished user 'likes to eat any apple' has entered the live broadcast room."

The local tyrant's exclusive notification hung up for ten seconds before disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, the local tyrant's exclusive super large font size golden barrage filled the screen:

[So this is the high-end appreciating master, please accept it]

[I don't understand three of the four characters, so I vote for whichever one is blue]

[Don't put on makeup, the Smurfs will battle with Avatar online]

A poor barrage squeezed to the bottom struggled to drift past: [Is this local tyrant's hand speed real? 】

When the local tyrants were killing all directions in the live broadcast room, Li Boxi was still digging out the details in an orderly manner.

He seems to have suddenly developed a strong interest in contouring and highlighting, and he smears it with movements that are so detailed that they are almost redundant. After being groomed like this for a full twenty minutes, Xinhuan's face hardly changed.

The younger brother's smile gradually turned dull, and even faintly sullen.

Of course he hoped to trample Li Boxi on the soles of his feet. He had been waiting for this moment for many years.

Perhaps it was the expectation value gradually accumulated during the long wait that made this fight infinitely sublime in his heart, so that there was a gap in the face of reality.

Is this the highest level of Li Boxi today? Have all these years of fighting become a joke?

The only person in the arena who was truly calm was the model with his eyes closed.

Xinhuan asked in a low voice: "Ms. Li, when I show my makeup to the camera, do you have any requirements for facial expressions?"

Li Baixi didn't stop moving, and said with a smile: "Just try to be as calm as possible."

Xinhuan was stunned.

Is he not calm enough?

Li Boxi: "Oh, that's right." He turned to the host, "Wait, can you turn off the other lights and leave only the top light?"

Moderator: "No problem."

The younger brother paused after hearing the words, looked up at the overhead light that he hadn't noticed before, and then scanned the other lights.

His heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he fixed his eyes on Xinhuan's cheek, feeling an ominous premonition.

The barrage is also full of question marks.

Li Boxi calmly finished, got up and backed away, leaving the stage to the model: "Please."

The light sources in the live broadcast room were extinguished one by one, leaving only a beam of overhead light hitting from above.

Xinhuan could only roughly guess what he looked like at the moment, but Li Boxi calmed him down, so he smiled slightly and slowly turned for half a circle from left to right.

Where he couldn't see, a qualitative change happened.

Suddenly, there was a glint of water on that plain face that was as pale as a white drawing. This radiance is extremely subtle and internalized, as if it was radiated by the skin itself, but as he turned, the flickering water patterns also danced quietly, making him feel like he was born from the bottom of the sea.

The water color is transparent, transcendently clear, and complements his indifferent expression.

The last makeup made him a heroic and handsome guy, but this one directly made him a fairy.

The first three characters of "Shang Shan Ruo Shui" are found here.

The host also thought that Li Boxi was in a car accident, and worried about how to save him for a long time. At this moment, he suddenly came back to life, and he was so grateful that he boasted on the spot: "This is really beautiful! Teacher Li, I have never seen such an effect before. How did you do it?"

Li Boxi: "I blended diamond powder and mica into the foundation layer by layer, and tried to draw the texture of water waves as much as possible. But the time is limited, and the processing is relatively sloppy."

Host: "...I just applied it for so long, I thought it was just a highlighter! Mr. Song, did you notice it earlier?"

Junior brother: "..."

The younger brother only smiled: "I didn't notice."

There were so many things he didn't notice.

For example, when he was putting on makeup, Li Boxi observed the environment of the entire live broadcast room, took a fancy to the overhead light, and perhaps also paid attention to the demeanor and temperament of the model.

At this time, Xinhuan is not only the makeup, but the whole person from the inside to the outside is completely different from before, but it makes people feel inexplicably that this is closer to his true nature.

The highest goodness is like water, water benefits all things without fighting - Li Boxi even interpreted this sentence in a real way.

The host said some beautiful words again, and finally announced: "Although the live broadcast is about to end, the voting channel will remain open for 72 hours. Everyone is welcome to actively participate."

But that seems redundant. In the voting column at this moment, Li Boxi's votes have already left his junior by a large margin, and the gap is still widening, without any sign of stopping.

Even if you don't look at the number of votes, just from the comparison of the expressions of the two makeup artists, you can see that the contest has already been decided in their hearts.

Hearing the director's call, Cheng Ping put away his phone and walked quickly to his station.

He knew that he should be happy for Li Boxi, but his smile seemed to be weighed down by a heavy weight, and it was quite difficult to hold on.

Li Boxi won.

Li Boxi can improvise 100% and the model is not him.

Li Boxi may soon...not need him anymore.

Cheng Ping staggered slightly, and Albert helped him up: "Be careful."

Cheng Ping raised his head and smiled at him as hard as he could.

When Albert saw it, he thought to himself: It's too soon to get into the show today.

The live stream is over. The younger brother lowered his head and quickly packed the toolbox. Before leaving, he greeted the air in the center of the room, and he didn't know who was included.

Li Boxi was still tidying up in the corner, when Xin Huan came and laughed at a volume that only the two of them could hear: "Mr. Li, you are even more powerful than the rumors."

Li Boxi: "You also impress me."

He is telling the truth. After this battle, he fully felt that this new love is an inconspicuous person at first glance, but can make a world of difference with top-notch temperament and expressive power.

Maybe it will be Cheng Ping's big competitor.

Xinhuan: "As I said before, I have been looking forward to working with Teacher Li for a while. This is the truth. I hope there will be opportunities in the future."

Li Boxi could hear regret in his words, obviously he didn't have any expectations. As soon as he turned his thoughts, he realized that he was Zhang Yingdi's man, so of course he was not allowed to cooperate with him.

Li Boxi took a deep look at Xinhuan: "With your strength, you can reach high places by yourself."

The implication is "I don't understand how a person like you is willing to be a man's favorite".

Xin Huan knew that he knew all the nonsense in the circle and had nothing to pretend to be, so she shrugged calmly: "Ms. Li is so good-looking, I probably wouldn't understand it. For some people, a chance to show their face is considered a It’s a shortcut. Although I am not amazing, I still value my talent, and I don’t want to waste my life waiting for others to come to me.”

Having said this, the trace of aloofness that was hidden deeply was finally revealed.

Li Boxi had no intention of discussing life with him, and only said: "It's as long as you think it's worth it. Good luck."

New love:"."

This is farewell. Xinhuan paused, struggle appeared in his eyes.

Li Boxi: "?"

Xinhuan: "...Be careful of Zhang Yingdi."

Leaving this ambiguous sentence, he took his leave.

Li Boxi was puzzled.

Didn't I already know this?

He was frowning and thinking, when he suddenly heard: "Brother."

The younger brother went back and forth, stood by the door and turned his head to him: "Shall we chat?"

Li Boxi's train of thought was interrupted, and he brought up the toolbox: "Okay, let's go."

at the same time.

Actor Zhang opened a recording on his mobile phone, listened to it for a while, and said with a smile: "You guys delivered this to your door, so don't blame me for accepting it."