Li Boxi followed his junior out of the live broadcast venue and found that he had brought him into a nearby tavern.

Although the nightlife has already started, this tavern may not have many people coming because of its remote location and high consumption. The younger brother picked a corner seat and ordered two glasses of wine.

Li Boxi had just been reminded to be careful of Actor Zhang, and he was somewhat on guard, not knowing where to set up a trap for him to exploit. So as soon as I sat down, I said: "If you have something to say, it's a quick fix, so you don't have to drink, and I have to catch a plane to go back to the set."

Junior brother: "Don't be so nervous, just say a few words. You have already won, so are you still afraid that I will fail?"

Li Boxi: "That's really scary."

Even so, he didn't get up and leave.

The younger brother smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will not fight against you again from now on."

Li Boxi raised his eyebrows: "No way, have you been hit to this extent after only losing once?"

The younger brother smiled and said nothing.

The bartender brought the wine, he picked up his own glass, touched Li Boxi's while talking to himself: "Congratulations, you're finally awake."

Li Baixi had goosebumps. He glanced at his junior brother, then at the wine: "You must have taken the medicine, right?"

Junior brother: "Is this the image I have in your heart?"

Li Boxi: "Yes."

Junior brother: "..."


The younger brother no longer cared about Li Boxi, and sighed, "I hated you very much when I was in school."

Li Boxi: "I see."

Junior brother: "You can be rewarded for drawing casually, but you would rather waste your time in a daze. Everything that I can't ask for, you will throw away like a shoe."

Li Boxi: " have misunderstood me a lot."

Junior Brother: "You have a big misunderstanding of yourself."

Li Boxi: "?"

Junior Brother: "I thought I was meeting my opponent at chess, and I wanted to catch up. I didn't expect you to block your self-expression for no reason. You went to heaven and earth to find what you already had. At that time, I was jealous of you and looked down on you. Graduation In the previous match, I thought I could wake you up. What kind of path did you take in the end? First you put on women’s clothing, and then you simply bent yourself...Can you really deceive yourself?”

Li Boxi's suspicions still persisted, and he didn't answer with a half-smile.

The younger brother saw that Li Boxi didn't intend to touch the glass of wine in front of him, so he simply picked it up and took a sip, looking at him provocatively: "I know you are a straight man."



The director applauded Cheng Ping, overjoyed: "Young man, you have just completed a highlight performance in your career. It will become a classic in the future."

Albert also smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Cheng Ping thanked them. His heart was still pounding, and he was a little dizzy like lack of oxygen.

What I just finished filming is a large-scale rivalry scene.

After the painter became famous and joined the rich class, he took Hiroshi with him to manage the gallery, but found that this young man who was gradually secularized no longer attracted him. He accidentally bought back the painting of love that he had painted and hung it on the bedside.

During a good time, his eyes wandered away from Hong's body, caught a glimpse of the painting, and could no longer move away. He stared closely at the illusory figure in the painting, and climbed straight to the top.

The painter fell on the pillow and closed his eyes trying to hide it. Hong sat aside and looked down at him, without any emotional ups and downs on his face. After a long time, Hong Hang lowered his hand and gently touched his forehead.

During this part of the performance, Cheng Ping's level of devotion made him a little horrified. Even at this moment, there is still boundless despair in his heart, and he can't even tell whether this emotion belongs to Hiroshi or himself.

Impulsively, he picked up his mobile phone and sent out a voice invitation like a drowning man grabbing straw.


Li Baixi's phone, which had been turned upside down on the table, vibrated. The two people at the table ignored it.

Junior brother and Li Boxi looked at each other directly: "Why, are you really scared? Did I expose the truth?"

Li Boxi fell on the back of the chair, and smiled rather bachelorly: "I'm afraid I'll be glued to you."

Junior Brother: "...Do you think I like you? Then you must have underestimated me. You think you can only attract **** guys who want to break you up? Then you must have underestimated yourself."

Li Bo sarcastically said: "I understand. Do you see yourself as the Archbishop of Colorado? Andre Gide? Or... Plato?"

The younger brother put his hands on the table and leaned forward to stare at him: "You have lost your temper. The people around you allow you to play an increasingly false role, which is tantamount to slow suicide. If one day you run out of talents, I will The defeat is the real disgrace."

Li Boxi: "."

Junior brother: "Face your true self, you don't need a so-called muse."

The phone on the table vibrated again, Li Boxi turned it over and found that it was Cheng Ping's call.

He picked it up immediately: "What's the matter, dear?"

Junior brother: "..."

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, Li Baixi smiled and said: "I'm going to the airport right now, don't worry, I won't miss the flight."

He didn't hang up, continued to chat with the other end, waved casually to his junior brother, got up and left.

Junior brother: "..."


Cheng Ping chatted with Li Boxi for a few more words, and after hanging up, he realized that he was smiling and his heart had returned to its original place.

Until this moment, he felt that he had stepped out of the role and returned to being himself.

Lately it has been increasingly difficult for him to withdraw from the role. Perhaps the character Hong is also the highlight of Li Boxi's career. Not only the makeup and styling, he was directly whitewashed to the soul.

In front of Li Boxi, he behaved lightly, enjoying the relationship wholeheartedly. He made no mention of anxiety or insomnia, fear of being annoying.

Thinking about it carefully, this sick mood of worrying about gains and losses and clinging to people like dodders is probably also infected by the characters.

Because Li Boxi has never failed him in any way. Could it be that just because the other party is a straight man, he must always doubt the other party's feelings and live in the countdown every day?

I shouldn't be such a character, he thought to himself.


During the two days when Li Boxi returned to China for the competition, the crew completed the finishing work in the United States, and then moved to Paris. The following shots are all on-site shooting. So his return ticket is also a direct flight to Paris.

Most of the members are visiting this holy place for dating for the first time, and they are quite fresh. In the next few days, everyone will go out for a while between shootings.

Li Boxi did not expect that Cheng Ping would be the first to send out the invitation.

"Go shopping? Enrich our dating content, otherwise there will always be no spiritual communication..."

Li Boxi: "Are you tired of other exchanges?"

Cheng Ping smiled and kissed him: "You can continue when you come back."

However, Li Boxi was still thinking about Zhang Yingdi's affairs, and he didn't dare to go out alone on the street: "Take your assistant, if you are photographed, you can avoid suspicion."

Ma Koukou rebuffed, "I can't this time, I don't have time, and I still want to spend my honeymoon with El."

Li Boxi rolled his eyes: "It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay. Then Xiao Yang, you come here."

Assistant Yang's eyelids twitched, and ten thousand reluctantly followed them out, feeling that they were brighter than the night lights of the entire Eiffel Tower.

Li Boxi pulled her back the next day, and she had already prepared a countermeasure: "Master, I have a good idea, why don't you two go to the Louvre. There is no need to avoid suspicion when looking at paintings, right?"

Li Baixi thought it was not unreasonable. So they chose an afternoon when there was no shooting task, bypassing the wave after wave of tour groups going straight to the three major exhibitions, picked a relatively secluded route, and walked slowly one by one.

They didn't get a guide or rent an audio guide. Li Boxi played the role of the commentator temporarily.

He was afraid that Cheng Ping would lose interest in these paintings, so he only occasionally shared a few gossips between the artists. Unexpectedly, Cheng Ping listened attentively and asked questions from time to time.

Li Boxi was a little curious: "When did you become interested in art?"

Cheng Ping: "I want to understand your world."

Li Boxi was stunned, and looked up at the huge oil painting that occupied most of the wall in front of him: "It's not really my world."

The gods in the oil painting are still fighting dignifiedly.

"But..." His gaze moved to the corner of the wall, where a small, inconspicuous painting hung. Young rural couple is working in the kitchen.

Cheng Ping also noticed the scene full of human fireworks. The two of them stood side by side in front of it and watched for a long time.

Cheng Ping: "Actually, you have a ready-made subject to draw."

Li Boxi: "What?"

Cheng Ping half-jokingly said, "Why don't you draw a picture of the two of us visiting the art exhibition."

Li Boxi laughed: "That must be a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation."

Seeing that no one was around, Cheng Ping stuffed his hand into Li Boxi's.


As soon as he left the Louvre, Li Boxi found an unread message on his phone.

It was from Assistant Yang: "Master, take a look at this." A link is attached.

He clicked on it, and found that it was a Weibo post from a marketing account: "Surprised, a crew member broke the news that Cheng Ping had an affair with the makeup artist of the crew! Both of them pretended to be straight men before to deceive their female fans and their ex-girlfriends. , what is the difference between this and a cheating **** marriage?"

A bare Weibo post with no proof, naturally attracted a group of fans to ridicule: "The marketing account is here again. Take away our family Pingping, and he is concentrating on acting!" "Tell the biggest joke of this century: Cheng Ping is gay."

Li Boxi's heart skipped a beat.

That's all for himself, Cheng Ping's team once helped him promote the straight man design, this is a fact. If this act was really prepared by Zhang Yingdi, then the other party must have a backup, otherwise he would not be so reckless.

Li Boxi subconsciously began to think about how many times he had shown his feet since joining the group.

...are you careful?

Even when he had a drink with his younger brother, he probably didn't say anything that was true.

Li Boxi thought for a while, and tentatively sent a message to his junior brother: "?"

Junior brother: "?"

Li Boxi: "..."


Actor Zhang's cell phone rang. He glanced at his new love sitting next to him, and turned on the speakerphone.

The voice of his sister and manager came out: "The public relations side is ready for the next step, and it can be sent out at any time."

Actor Zhang: "Then send it out."

After hanging up the phone, he saw Xin Huan's hesitant expression and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xin Huan hesitated and said: "With Li Boxi's background, if he is really pushed, will he fight back?"

Actor Zhang sneered: "You are still too young. No matter how powerful their family is in the art world, he will come to be a makeup artist. Doesn't it mean that he is useless and can't get along in that circle? A strong dragon can't beat a bully, as long as he wants to After working in the entertainment industry for a day, he can't fight back."

He looked at Xinhuan, and suddenly asked curiously, "Have you discovered your conscience?"

The new lover didn't say a word.

Actor Zhang laughed: "Westerners may not care too much about whether actors are straight or crooked, but if the angle of deceiving women is found, it is enough to kill Cheng Ping. They are rushing for awards. If you don't get rid of them, you will be killed." It was you who got rid of it. Think about it, I won't give you another chance."

New love:"."

Actor Zhang: "Are you really willing?"

New love:"."

After a long time, Xinhuan shook her head.


The marketing account quickly released the second bomb: "Since the fans are here to make troubles, congratulations to you for your hard work."

He sent out a recording.

"How do you get a... self-righteous person to ... voluntarily subtract one from the number?"

"If I understand correctly, are you implying that you are number one?"

"if not?"

"The self-righteous one you mentioned... is Cheng Ping?"

"As far as the matter is concerned, Xiao Cheng hasn't really experienced it, so he should just take it for granted. It's definitely not good to force him. We have to find a way to guide him."

Marketing account: "Coincidentally, this makeup artist just broadcast a live broadcast two days ago. You can just compare and see if this is his voice."