As soon as the recording of the marketing account was released, the whole Internet was blown up. Celebrity gossip exists every day, but such explosive content is rare.

"Self-righteous" suddenly became a buzzword and began to spread virally.

Cheng Ping's fans tried to argue: "He is currently playing Crane Umbrella, such a role, it should be just discussing the script..."

Immediately, someone with good intentions began to analyze: "This recording is undeniable. First of all, Li Boxi didn't participate in the performance, right? With his dress and appearance, he almost wrote 'real gay' on his face, right? He said it himself Saying that I am 1 means that this dialogue has nothing to do with the movie. Known: Li Boxi is gay; Li Boxi knows that Cheng Ping is self-righteous, and wants him to be 0. Then what kind of situation are they in? Everyone can imagine the numbers discussed below."

Amidst the laughter of the melon-eating crowd, suggestive words such as "experience" and "hard work" in the recording were repeatedly swiped on the screen.

Someone said: "If fans insist on studying the script, 'studying the script' will definitely become a new meme this year."

The instigator's marketing account just added a sentence at this time: "Fans are welcome to continue to sophistry, I am here to ask for a hammer, and you are satisfied."


As soon as the melon field is opened, each family has to share. Soon other entertainment accounts found photos of Li Boxi and his ex-girlfriend—Li Boxi really didn't bother to cover up the relationship at that time. He is a makeup artist, and he never imagined that he would be where he is today.

On Cheng Ping's side, the screenshots of various speeches and early public relations drafts were dug out.

When he first entered the entertainment circle, he was outspoken, bold and reckless, so the company took advantage of the situation and set up a straight man of steel for him. Later, in order to avoid suspicion with Xiaosheng Lu, he himself showed that he could not avoid selling corruption.

All these piles turned into a slap in the face at this moment.

"Li Boxi is dressed like that, how stupid is the girl who is cheated by him? Cheng Ping is more insidious. Actually, I don't care if you two are straight or not, but it is you who cheated on your girlfriend and female fans. Isn't it right?"

On the way back to the hotel by car, Li Boxi hung up countless call requests from Ma Koukou.

Cheng Ping kept his head down and swiped his phone, his face getting more and more ugly.

Li Boxi wanted to say a few words, but couldn't speak.

The recording leaked from him, what can he say? He didn't even know how to face Cheng Ping.

Will Ma Koukou betray me?

Will Cheng Ping believe that Ma Koukou betrayed me?

In fact, there is a more terrifying question that he doesn't want to think about: Will Cheng Ping think that I have betrayed him?

Back at the hotel, Li Boxi said palely: "Let's go find out the situation first."

Cheng Ping nodded and followed behind him.

Li Boxi: "...Let's stop walking together, and call back on the phone."

Cheng Ping didn't seem to listen, turned around, and left like a wandering soul.

Li Boxi knocked on Ma Kou Kou's door, stepped in, and the room temperature dropped three degrees.

Both assistants are there. Ma Koukou was pale and his eyes were red.

At such a juncture, he couldn't act anymore, and held back his tears for a long time to Li Boxi, only to say: "I didn't do it."

Li Boxi sat down with a blank expression on his face, and sent a video invitation with his mobile phone.

The other end was quickly connected, and Cheng Ping in the screen had already returned to his room, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Only then did Li Boxi speak: "Ma Lihui."

Coco Ma, whose name was suddenly called out: "..."

Li Boxi: "Did the conversation that day just happen between the two of us?"

Ma Koukou didn't dare to look at Li Boxi, let alone Cheng Ping on his phone: "Yes."

Li Boxi: "Did we pick a corner and double check that there is no one around?"

Ma Koukou tremblingly: "...Yes."

Assistant Yang couldn't help but interjected: "Actually, the possibility of being eavesdropped cannot be ruled out. If the other party's recording equipment is good, even at a long distance..."

Li Boxi: "Even if someone really eavesdropped, how could that person know what we were going to talk about in advance, and even start the recording in advance?"

When he said the word "in advance", his mind moved, and a vague thought flashed through his mind, but it was difficult to grasp.

Ma Koukou was already crying: "I have nothing to say, I will leave tomorrow."

Assistant Yang: "Don't talk nonsense, I believe it's not you!"

Ma Koukou looked at her movedly: "Junior Sister."

Assistant Yang: "If it's really you, then you won't be able to leave."

Horse button: "..."

Li Baixi said coolly: "Whether you go or not doesn't help the matter. The only difference is that if it's really you, the film king must have other real hammers in his hands."

Cheng Ping finally said, "Actor Zhang? How do you know he is behind this wave?"

Li Boxi talked about his new love, and then said: "Besides, the current public opinion offensive seems to be the handiwork of Zhang Yingdi's public relations team."

At the moment when they were discussing, Cheng Ping's name was already on the trending searches.

Fans are still looking for various flaws: the recording is maliciously edited and spliced, the content is Li Baixi's one-sided words, and Cheng Ping has never claimed to be a straight man...

However, several marketing accounts that ignited this topic have transformed themselves into sociologists, discussing the issue of "whether celebrities have the right to disclose their orientation", and even fight on their own, starting left and right fights:

"This is the 21st century, why can't he come out?"

"No, no, no, political correctness also has to divide people. Since you are an artist, you have attracted so many female fans by deliberately selling people, so it is reasonable to be backlashed..."

The people who eat melons were successfully brought into rhythm, and based on the content of the recording, they began to enthusiastically output their opinions. In the midst of the noise, the weak refutations of the fans were ineffective, and Cheng Ping's hat in the deep cabinet was already firmly attached.

The air in the room was thick and suffocating.

As if he still felt that the atmosphere was not depressing enough, Li Boxi pointed out a fact: "When you don't know what the other party's backhand is, if you react rashly, it may be in their hands."

There was a muffled sound from the phone, Cheng Ping hammered something.

Cheng Ping: "Just call the police, isn't this an invasion of privacy?"

Ma Koukou's eyes lit up: "Can I call the police and clear my name?"

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi said calmly: "You can't investigate Zhang Yingdi even if you call the police. The other party must be prepared to take the place of the dead ghost. And if you call the police here, it means you have confirmed what the other party said. It's not worth the loss for your reputation."

Ma Koukou's gaze dimmed again.

But Li Boxi changed the subject: "Ma Lihui, did the conversation in this recording happen on your first day in the group?"

Ma Koukou: "...Master, don't call me that."

Li Boxi: "When we met that day, you seemed to have said that you were stopped by two strangers outside the set, and you were dragged around in the name of inspection—was that an exaggeration, or was it really dragged?"

Ma Koukou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face changed drastically: "It was really a struggle. And now that I think about it, I don't seem to have seen those two people again afterwards."

Assistant Yang suddenly had goosebumps: "Do you still have any impression of what they look like?"

Ma Koukou thought hard: "One of them has an Asian face, medium-length hair, and a mole here."

He pointed to his neck.

Assistant Yang turned pale with fright, and blurted out: "Isn't this the assistant director who was fired?"

Ma Koukou: "What assistant director?"

No one answered him.

Li Boxi and Cheng Ping looked at each other, and then asked, "What kind of clothes were you wearing that day?"

As soon as the words fell, Ma Koukou finally understood his assumption.

Ma Koukou immediately went to dig out his suitcase, and pulled out a suit of clothes from the bottom.

Without waiting for a reminder, he groped up and down, and finally his fingers rested on the waistband of his trousers.

All watched as he unhooked a trinket from the buckle that held his belt and spread his hands out in the light.

It's a tiny monitor that's dead.

Cheng Ping: "So, this wave is not Zhang Yingdi, but the assistant director?"

Li Baixi: "No, no matter how long the assistant director's hands are, he can't reach the country. What's more, the monitor is installed on Ma Koukou. The assistant director has never seen Ma Koukou during the production period, and he will not know that he is with him. our relationship."

Assistant Yang: "So the assistant director should have been bribed by Zhang Yingdi, and he had a grudge against you two, so he was shot for someone."

Li Boxi closed his eyes, his brain was running fast: "Ma Kou Kou, how many times have you worn this dress since then?"

The horse button was buttoned up and brought back to life: "I never wore it again. This suit is my special suit for flying, and it has been kept in the room since then. It is impossible to record anything about you. It may have recorded me and Albert Oh... oh, five, six, seven or eight times."

Li Boxi: "."

Assistant Yang rolled his eyes: "I don't think they need it."

Li Boxi pondered: "In this way, the other party's claim that there are other real hammers should be just a bluff. That recording alone can't turn the sky around, and there is a lot of room for maneuvering in the middle."

Cheng Ping: "For the matter of public relations, let me consult my agent."

He typed with his head down.

Hearing the knocking sound from the video, Assistant Yang's eyelids twitched, and whispered to Li Boxi: "His manager..."

Li Boxi nodded silently.

Assistant Yang raised his voice: "Brother Cheng, if she asks you—"

The voice stopped abruptly. Li Boxi held her down.

At the same time, Cheng Ping said: "My manager said he wanted to make a call, but this side hung up first."

The manager got straight to the point: "Let's just say that the recording was fake."

Cheng Ping was taken aback: "Li Boxi just broadcast live two days ago, and everyone can compare his voice."

Manager: "Then say that Li Boxi made up the whole story, we don't know about it. He is throwing dirty water on you behind his back, intending to harass you."

Cheng Ping was surprised: "Do you think I will agree?"

The manager sneered: "In the final analysis, was the recording really an accident? Why did he have to tell an assistant about it? Why was the key information just recorded? What if he just wanted to hype it?"

Cheng Ping listened harshly: "Li Boxi doesn't need to hype this up."

The manager became angry: "Then who knows? The reputation of being an honest makeup artist has a ceiling after all. He comes from a family of artists, and he eats unconventionalism..."

"He's not that kind of guy."

"Know people, know faces, but don't know hearts!"

Cheng Ping: "..."

He heard that the manager was also on the verge of breaking out, but he couldn't let this kind of thing go: "He didn't do the recording, someone put the monitor on."

He roughly said about Ma Kou Kou.

The broker fell silent.

The silence lasted for a long time, and just when Cheng Ping thought she would change her mind, her voice came out again: "So, the other party only has Li Boxi's recording, not yours?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Agent: "I will report the truth to the company. Every second counts in the PR battle, and we must act immediately."

Cheng Ping exploded: "So you still want to plant him? I don't agree!"

The manager suddenly looked weak and tired: "If possible, we don't want to offend Li Boxi. But this is the end of the matter, no matter how you clarify it from any other angle, this unclear reputation will always follow you. Li Boxi doesn't care, What about you? What about your team?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

The agent sighed: "To tell you the truth, this matter is beyond your control, and it is beyond my control. The company must maintain your public image. We will issue an official statement soon."

Cheng Ping: "What do you mean?"

But the agent has hung up the phone.

Cheng Ping's heart beat wildly, and when he opened Weibo, it was the login interface.

His password has been changed.

Cheng Ping called Li Boxi back with shaking hands, saying incoherently: "My company is crazy and I want to throw the blame on you!"

Li Boxi: "..."

To his surprise, Li Boxi reacted calmly, and even smiled: "It doesn't matter, in fact, that's what I meant by the maneuverable space just now. It seems that I went with them."

Cheng Ping: "???"

Li Boxi: "As she said, I am not an artist, and my reputation in this area is not that important to me. Keeping you is the first priority now. Besides, the recording is ultimately my fault, and I am willing to cooperate with you. PR."

Cheng Ping didn't speak for a long time.

Li Boxi: "Hello?"

Cheng Ping's voice also regained his composure: "You're lying."

Li Boxi: "."

Cheng Ping: "With the black history of harassing co-artists, your career as a makeup artist is over, right? You just think that your family's conditions are better, and I have no choice, so I would rather sacrifice myself, yes wrong?"

Li Boxi smiled wryly.

"The child has grown up and is hard to coax." He said softly, "but the last sentence is wrong. Of course I want to help you because I like you."

Cheng Ping almost shed tears.

He gritted his teeth, and said almost viciously: "Let me tell you, Li Boxi, I will not let this kind of thing happen. I don't regret falling in love, and I will never give you a chance to regret it. I will go find you now." Company talk."

Li Boxi did not know exactly what Cheng Ping had discussed with the company. All he knew was that this conversation should be fruitless.

Because 20 minutes later, the official account of Cheng Ping Studio issued a stamped statement.

They did not name them, but only said that "certain staff members" maliciously slandered the artist, causing damage to the artist's reputation, and they will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.

As soon as the statement came out, Cheng Ping's fans finally found the right target and poured out their anger on Li Boxi.

Li Boxi has never received such a spectacular baptism since his debut. All his social media accounts were filled with insults, and even the brands he cooperated with were angered. The fans were still puzzled, when someone suddenly mentioned that the voting channel for the competition between Li Boxi and his younger brother seemed to have not been closed yet.

As a result, a large number of fans and passers-by who joined in the fun rushed in, forcing the younger brother to swipe their tickets.

The result of this game ushered in a dramatic reversal in the last few hours. The number of votes for the younger brother skyrocketed, and they were about to overtake Li Boxi, but the channel was suddenly closed early.

The furious crowd was attacking the organizers, and the younger brother himself spoke out.

Junior brother: "I stopped the voting. This is a discussion among makeup artists. Please don't involve irrelevant factors and insult our works."

This move has attracted a lot of praise: he has backbone, principle, and is a real artist.

It was rare for the younger brother to be upright, and he felt quite a sense of tragedy in his heart. As a result, I received a group chat message, clicked into the makeup artist group, and found that colleagues were also praising him:

"Top public relations, learn a little bit!"

"Teacher Song is worthy of being Teacher Song. He is a master of chess. If you win, you will inevitably be said to be unarmed, but if you lose, you will be so righteous!"

"Turning a defeat into a glorious deed, high, really high. Teacher Song, teach us more in the future."

Junior brother: "..."

The younger brother couldn't argue with his mouth, and finally gave up on himself and smiled: "It must."

At this moment, social media can be described as a riot of demons.

Everyone was digging around, and in the end they even found out about one of Li Boxi's ex-girlfriends.

This ex-girlfriend was a tall, long-legged, well-known model. When a gossip reporter called her, she didn't know what happened.

The reporter briefly talked about today's breaking news, and asked eagerly: "When you were with Li Boxi, did you notice his true orientation?"

The ex-girlfriend was stunned: "Huh? He's dressed like that, does anyone really think he's straight?"

Reporter: "? But he..."

Ex-Girlfriend: "Can't He Be Bisexual?"

Reporter: "This..."

The reporter cheered up: "Then why did you break up? Is it because you found out that he cheated on you?"

Ex-girlfriend: "No, we broke up peacefully. Both parties are just enjoying the relationship, and no one wants to get married. What you said is cheating..."

She paused suddenly, because at this moment, her mobile phone received a message: "If someone interviews you, please ignore it, thank you."

The sender was Li Boxi who hadn't been contacted for ten thousand years.

The ex-girlfriend froze for a moment, forcibly stopped the conversation, and hurriedly ended the conversation.

Ma Koukou: "Master, why don't you let others speak for you?"

After Li Boxi sent the message, he said with a smile: "Haven't you seen it yet? Actor Zhang is aiming at this film. It doesn't make sense to take me down, it's just incidental. His goal from the beginning is Cheng Ping. Once I leave What will happen to Cheng Ping after cleaning himself up?"