Facts have proved that Li Boxi still knows Actor Zhang quite well.

Cheng Ping's fans scolded Li Boxi all night.

The next day, the second wave of news came.

Cheng Ping's former team leader posted a long article full of tears, explaining how Cheng Ping harassed him at the beginning, and how he was deeply troubled as a straight man, and his grades were affected. In desperation, he had no choice but to persuade him. Retired, but was insulted by Cheng Ping's fans for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, someone posted a photo of Paris Street: "Two days ago, the two people in the background are Cheng Ping and Li Boxi, right? Didn't they say that Li Boxi harassed him unilaterally? How could they still hang out together in the street?" ?”

The fan who just scolded Li Boxi: "..."

Marketing account: "If someone insists on harassing someone, it can only be Cheng Ping harassing Li Boxi. After all, the previous record is there!"

On the set that day, Li Boxi and Cheng Ping kept a distance of more than three meters the whole time, and they didn't even make eye contact.

Ma Koukou bit his ear: "I'm sorry."

Li Boxi admitted: "I underestimated the extent of this sleight of hand. If they found someone to secretly film, then we may have been followed."

Ma Koukou: "Should have taken other pictures, and post them in wave after wave. Here's a clarification, and I'll post another one there."

Li Boxi has already thought about it carefully, they are usually quite cautious on the set, and they probably didn't leave any more intimate photos, at most they touched their faces while putting on makeup. But with a magnifying glass, the white can be called black, not to mention that they are not white in the first place.

Moreover, this wave of offensive can be called indiscriminate bombing, and it looks like a lot of money has been spent.

Under the long-prepared multi-party attack, Cheng Ping's team was beaten into a daze. The dry statement made in haste last night seemed so feeble now.

The guns of public opinion have been unified, all pointing at Cheng Ping. All the close interactions he had with fans in the past have been uncovered piece by piece and used as evidence of deception.

"There is no need to set up a straight man in the deep cabinet. The public is not a fool to be fooled by you. Let me say it first: even if you come out of the cabinet right now, I will not bless you."

"I used Li Boxi as a shield for the first time. This kind of insidious villain who stabs you behind the scenes with affection on the surface is so scary!"

The former captain may become the biggest winner, and his reputation, which fell along with his grades, bottomed out and rebounded overnight, and he even reaped a wave of regret: "If it weren't for Cheng Shen's cabinet to disturb the muddy water, maybe he could retire with a champion..."

The public opinion continued to ferment for two days, and the public relations of the two sides fought openly and secretly. Actor Zhang relied on his wealth and preemptive strikes, and never gave them a chance to stand up.

The flames of war continued to spread, and finally alarmed the production team that was about to wrap up in France. During lunch, the director chatted with Cheng Ping seemingly unintentionally, and asked him what happened to the "news that harassed the crew members".

Cheng Ping invoked all the vocabulary in his life and explained it to him stumbled.

The director couldn't understand Chinese, so it was impossible to investigate the details, so he could only smile and leave a sentence: "As long as it doesn't affect the film awards."

Cheng Ping: "."

In the past two days, except for shooting, Cheng Ping closed his eyes with his eyes closed, unable to tell what he was thinking.

In fact, in Li Boxi's opinion, he can still face the camera normally at this time, and he is already a first-class actor.

Li Boxi also consulted his friends in public relations in private. The other party helped him analyze it, and finally concluded: "This matter has relatively little impact on you. It is the best response to do nothing at this time, and wait for the limelight to pass."

Li Boxi: "What about Cheng Ping, is there any trick?"

The other party sighed: "Does it count as officially coming out of the closet? If he doesn't want to hang out in China from now on. Oh, there is one trick left, to blow up Zhang Yingdi, and divert your attention. You must have something that can explode Right—however, people should be sure that you can't use it."

Li Boxi paused: "Yes."

Over the years, he has been very tight-lipped, and he has never cared about people's right and wrong behind his back. He is deeply trusted in the entertainment industry, so he has come into contact with many other people's secrets directly or indirectly.

At this juncture, as long as Zhang Yingdi's scandal leaks out, the whole circle will know that he, Li Boxi, did it. In the industry of makeup artist, the biggest taboo is not being able to keep the privacy of customers.

A celebrity may not care whether he is straight or crooked, let alone his family background, but as long as he has done something like tearing up a client once, he will be unable to move forward in the circle in the future. The circle doesn't look at right or wrong, only interests.

Only now did he fully see Zhang Yingdi's plan: he had to choose between his career and Cheng Ping's career.

The friend finally sent a sentence: "Listen to my advice, a strong man cuts off his wrists, and cuts off when he does."

Li Boxi subconsciously looked towards the set.

Today is live-action shooting, Cheng Ping is holding a paper umbrella, walking towards the ferry at the port. The thin rain and mist are like a layer of tired smoke, wrapping people in darkness.

From his angle, he couldn't see Cheng Ping's face, only his lonesome back exposed under the edge of the umbrella, which was so straight, as if it would break if he was a little discouraged.

In his design draft, there is a picture of Hiroshi before he passed away. It is also a back view, with a sad arc from neck to waist. But looking at Cheng Ping at this moment, he felt that he had made a mistake in the drawing, and that Hong should be like this, and he would never break it.

It was a lone crane that could only fly high or fall.

In the afternoon, he received a message from Cheng Ping: "Come to my trailer to touch up your makeup."

It is reasonable to touch up makeup at this time, and it doesn't matter if it is photographed. Li Boxi knocked on the door of the trailer, only Cheng Ping was inside, and the curtains were closed tightly.

"Have you eaten yet?" Li Boxi sat next to him, and glanced at the untouched lunch on the table.

Cheng Ping smiled: "It took me two days to confirm that there are no camera monitors here before I dare to look for you."

Li Boxi sighed: "What is this called?"

These few days, Cheng Ping's makeup was done by Ma Kou Kou. Li Boxi raised his chin to observe the light: "Ma Kou Kou has made great progress."

Cheng Ping: "Yes, they are very similar."

Li Boxi said dissatisfied: "That can't be said to be very similar. If you look closely, you still feel itchy to change."

Cheng Ping smiled and said, "Then I'll unload it and let you regenerate it."

Cheng Ping's face was calm, and there was no trace of anger or anxiety. Li Boxi felt strange and asked him, "Has your manager come up with any countermeasures?"

Cheng Ping stopped removing his makeup.

An hour ago, he answered the manager's call: "What do you want to post this time? Don't ask me, I can't log into the account anyway."

"...No." The agent said in a tired tone, "I'm here to inform you that the company has given over to someone else the film that was previously decided. The company means to let you keep a low profile for a while before making other plans."

Cheng Ping understood.

Manager: "Xiao Cheng? Don't think too much..."

Cheng Ping: "In the past few days, I have really thought a lot. If I hadn't concealed my orientation from the beginning, maybe the public would not have such resistance."

The agent was also silent for a long time: "The company owes you."

Cheng Ping: "It can't be said that way. If I have a clear orientation like Li Boxi, the company will not train me at first."

The manager didn't refute, because what Cheng Ping said was the truth.

At this point, all complaints and accountability are meaningless. Cheng Ping said calmly: "A long time ago, you said that if I come to the day when I betray my relatives, the team will make another plan. Now is that day, do you have any ideas? I'm sure there will be no embarrassment here."

The agent was surprised: "It hasn't reached that point yet, it will only take a while, and we will slowly guide public opinion..."

"—to Li Boxi?"

The broker didn't speak.

"I've finished unloading it, you can melt it." Cheng Ping moved his face closer, as if asking for a kiss.

Li Boxi didn't kiss him, but gently touched his face: "What did the manager say? Don't hold back."

Cheng Ping stopped moving.

Cheng Ping: "I vetoed the agent's suggestion. Let's finish the movie first, and then... let's talk about the future."

He watched Li Boxi take out tools to apply his makeup, and whispered, "Slow down."

Li Boxi heard what he meant, and his mind went blank.

There is no future.

At that time, Cheng Ping said this: "I know you are still contacting the public relations, listing Li Boxi's scandals. I also know that this is not the company's intention, but you are helping me personally. Sister X, thank you, stop it .”

Agent: "The recording came from him."

Cheng Ping: "This matter is also a disaster for him. Don't drag him into the water, at least keep one."

The manager smiled wryly: "You really hit the south wall and don't look back."

Cheng Ping also laughed: "Don't you know that I am this kind of person?"

The manager compromised: "I'll give you one last piece of advice: Say goodbye to him well. Whether it's for yourself or for him, it's best not to have any more interactions in the future."

Li Boxi: "It's over."

Cheng Ping looked in the mirror: "It looks good."

He put down the mirror and kissed him again, this time Li Boxi caught it.

Li Boxi knew that he should think of a way at this moment, at least comfort him well. But very inopportunely, there is only one thought in his mind: Cheng Ping is really a born actor, those eyes, despair also have the beauty of despair.

He put his arms around Cheng Ping, patted Cheng Ping on his back: "Don't be afraid."

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Ping grabbed his collar and suddenly deepened the kiss.

While the lips and teeth were fighting without any rules, Cheng Ping bit his lower lip and pulled it hard. Both of them smelled blood, and suddenly became excited like a beast smelling blood.

The cold white crane turned into a burning fire.

Or maybe it was a wildfire, but because he needed a crane, he took shape to compromise. At this time, the seal was released, and they were unscrupulous, wanting to burn this trailer, this film set, and this bay to ashes.

He heard Cheng Ping's voice, but he wasn't sure if the other party spoke.

"Li Boxi, even if you meet thousands of muses in the future, every time you make a fortune, you will still think of me."

That night, when Tu Jian called, Li Boxi had already finished smoking half a pack of cigarettes while standing on the balcony.

Tu Jian: "Your uncle asked you if you need help."

Li Boxi said helplessly: "At his level, how can he understand such dirty things."

Tu Jian's tone was leisurely: "Public relations can't help, at least it can ensure that your little friend has a play to act in. Other places don't accept him, let your uncle accept him."

Li Boxi put down the cigarette: "He didn't want this kind of road. If he has fallen to this point, he might as well not be a fool."

"Stinky boy, how many people can't ask for an opportunity, you actually say that you have fallen."

Li Bai sneered.

Tu Jian: "So, what are you going to do, do you want to be brave once?"

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi sometimes wonders why this woman can always see through him in the first place since he obviously left his parents very early.

Tu Jian: "Sacrificing oneself for the sake of others is quite noble."

Li Boxi: "Don't. I'm allergic to Gao Shang."

Tu Jian laughed: "If you want me to say, this is the root of all your problems in this life."

"What's the source? Allergy to the noble?"

Tu Jian didn't answer, but instead said: "I watched the match between you and your junior brother. I said a long time ago that you are not without ideas about art, but you have too much."

Li Boxi lit another cigarette.

Tu Jian: "You put art in a supreme position, insisting that it float in the clouds without being stained with dust. Your mental cleanliness is so serious that you don't even let yourself go, but you forget that the human heart is originally in the mud. I know you despise me and your dad."

Li Boxi: "...No."

Tu Jian: "You think we can't figure out what we are doing, but I didn't want to figure it out. My love and hate, my creation, and my life choices all grow out of chaos, and will eventually Into the torrent of human destiny."

It was the first time Li Boxi heard her say this. He tasted: "Are you trying to persuade me to embrace mediocrity?"

Ms. Tu Jian said with a smile: "Children, it's almost your age. Mom tells you a cruel fact: Although you are very beautiful, you are still just a mortal body and cannot become a fairy. Only by accepting this can you draw a picture." Come, so that you can love someone well."

Li Boxi: "..."

Tu Jian: "Do you love him?"

At four o'clock in the morning, Ma Koukou was awakened by a low knock on the door. He climbed out of bed sleepily, opened the door staggeringly: "Honey..."

"Don't get me wrong, it's your father."

Horse button: "..."

Ma Koukou was so angry that he got up, and sat back on the bed: "Master, why are you looking for me at this time?"

Li Boxi said calmly, "I'll tell you something."

Ma Kou shuddered and came to his senses: "What?"

Only then did he see clearly that Li Boxi was dressed neatly, and even dragged a small suitcase.

Ma Koukou: "Isn't it just a few days before the finale? Where are you going?"

Li Boxi: "That's why I have to tell you." He began to ask one by one, where to put the modeling drawings, whose makeup needs special attention, which clothes have to be returned when they are used up...

Ma Koukou listened blankly, his sluggish thinking finally caught up with the rhythm, and interrupted: "Where are you going?"

Li Boxi only said: "I have already greeted the director. I will leave the rest to you, do it well. Xiao Yang will take care of other matters."

Ma Koukou stared at him all the way, his eye circles slowly turning red: "Then when will you come back?"

Li Boxi was stunned for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone softened a lot: "I'll leave it to you. After it's finished, pass this to Cheng Ping for me."

Li Boxi had already turned around and walked to the door, Ma Koukou's voice chased after him: "Is it worth it?"

But Li Boxi's footsteps did not stop.

For actor Zhang, this day is destined to be an unforgettable day in his life.

In the morning, everything was as usual. After talking about the project with others, he sat at home and swiped his phone leisurely, wanting to personally care about how Cheng Ping died.

Then at noon, without warning, he posted a headline: "If you want to talk about actors in the closet, you have to mention the famous actor Zhang..."

Attached is his and Xinhuan's hotel spending records.

Actor Zhang called his younger sister's cell phone: "Which public relations company did it? Tell them to get acquainted and withdraw immediately."

Public relations are clearly not sensible.

An hour later, the above article not only did not disappear, but also added some new content: the intimate photos of the actor Zhang and Xiaoliu.

Actor Zhang's name quickly hit the top of the hot search list, and someone immediately revealed his love history: he was divorced twice and had a son. During her marriage, she also had a close relationship with many male artists.

If Cheng Ping is only cheating female fans, then the nature of actor Zhang cheating marriage for many years is obviously much worse.

The image of a highly respected and dedicated veteran artist collapsed and became a powder. But that's just the prelude.

Throughout the afternoon, every hour, new revelations bloomed on time like festive fireworks, opening up new melon fields for the people who eat melons. Zhang Yingdi started from scratch in his life, and the tricks he used for his superiors, the quarrels he made with his peers, and even the bad debts owed by the company were all placed under the shadowless lamp for people to watch carefully.

Even all the starlets he sneaked into were turned out and beaten one by one.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he received the first call to discuss divestment.

At this time, the hot search bombing is still going on. Actor Zhang tried to spend money to settle the situation, but when real money was spent, public opinion rose instead. So he understood that the opponent hit more.

Actor Zhang first went to Cheng Ping's company, but the other party said he didn't know about it, and pointed him out.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhang Actor sent a message: "Xiao Li, keep a line in your life, so that we can meet again in the future. I didn't aim at you at first, you are a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but be careful that one day you will end up in the end .”

I haven't received a reply for a long time.

Actor Zhang typed another threatening word, but before he could send it out, the other party's reply came, only two words: "Hmm."

Actor Zhang: "..."

Actor Zhang: "????"

Actor Zhang still induced the intimidation.

Li Boxi replied three more words this time: "Look at Weibo."

Actor Zhang didn't know why, so he opened Weibo and found that Li Boxi had just posted a video.

In the picture, Li Boxi appeared in formal attire, without makeup, with a calm expression, and said to the camera: "I hereby solemnly apologize to Mr. Cheng Ping, an artist in the same group. During the cooperation, the other party showed goodwill and regarded me as a friend, but I I violated his trust, disregarded his wishes, used my position to pursue privately, and caused his reputation to be damaged due to mishandling. As a makeup artist, my actions have caused public distress, and hereby, I I am willing to take the blame and quit the makeup industry, and never return. Everyone is welcome to supervise."

He half bowed.

Actor Zhang is numb.

He didn't believe that there was such a ruthless person in the world, and he would rather die together than pull him off the horse.

But such a ruthless person really let him meet.

Actor Zhang has no intention of investigating to what extent this declaration of resignation has saved Cheng Ping's reputation.

Because all the noisy speeches finally merged into a wave, which was directed at him: "Someone has set an example, when will you take the blame and quit the circle?"

Where all the noisy sound waves can't reach, in the crew hotel, Cheng Ping is still holding his mobile phone alone.

"Du-doo-" the waiting sound coming out of it was slow and boring, like the heartbeat of a dying person.