Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi forgot his movements the moment he turned around, and Cheng Ping in front of him also froze like a mirror image.

Elbert looked left and right, and seemed to realize that he should explain himself at this time: "When you asked me out for a drink, I remembered that I should let you meet..."

He suddenly realized: "You just said that a friend is coming, did you mean Cheng Ping? Who is that?"

Just at this time, Ma Koukou bumped in with his pure deer makeup.

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Albert: "..."

Horse button: "..."

After three years, the four of them faced each other again, silently.

A dark wind blew through the tavern.

Albert was originally prepared to wait until Cheng Ping came in and leave with an excuse, leaving them a private space. As a result, unexpected events happened, and he completely lost his ability to respond, staring at Ma Kou Kou without making a sound.

Fearing that he would run away, Ma Koukou hurriedly packed up his half-baked English: "Wait a minute!" He took out his mobile phone, "I was afraid that I would forget the words, so I wrote them down in advance. Give me five minutes to read to you."

He cleared his throat and began to read the first line: "Dear Albert."

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi whispered to Cheng Ping, "Let's go out."

The tavern that Albert chose was really remote, most of the street outside was dark and dimly lit, and the sound of water leaking from some pipe was annoying.

Cheng Ping was the one who took the initiative to find him, but he didn't say a word at this time. Li Boxi waited for a while, then compromised to start the conversation: "Two days ago, I stopped by to see your movie road show. There was also a clip of the movie, it looked really good."

As the words fell, a bitter aftertaste appeared on the back of his tongue, because he sounded hypocritical.

Cheng Ping's answer was also quite rusty: "Thank you. Actually, I also went to see your art exhibition today. I'm too vulgar, I just think it looks good."

Li Boxi was taken aback: "When did it come, why didn't I see it?"

Cheng Ping: "I made a little disguise, afraid of meeting fans or something... You seemed to be busy talking to people at the time, so I didn't bother."

The bitterness became stronger, and Li Boxi's throat, which had quit smoking for a long time, suddenly felt itchy again. He reached into his pocket and took it back in vain.

Cheng Ping put his hands in his pockets and glanced at the night sky: "I never had a chance to ask, where did you go after you left the film crew three years ago?"

Li Boxi thought for a while: "I went to my father's art exhibition."

There was a lot of trouble about his resignation, maybe someone acquainted told his father. He walked into the airport with his suitcase, and was looking at the flight aimlessly, when he received a call from his father: "I'm holding an art exhibition in New York, do you want to come and see it?"

Li Boxi thought that it was indeed a long time since we saw each other, so he flew over.

His father's works are still the same, the color blocks are piled up in an incomprehensible way, and the title of the painting is named "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers".

His father: "At the beginning, I supported you to become a makeup artist to give you time to find artistic ideas. After searching for so long, it's almost the same? Anyway, I quit the circle, why don't you come back and paint."

Li Boxi didn't say anything.

His father: "You, you are too obsessed with the real and the fake. You can see that everything is fake, so you can't find what is real."

Li Boxi heard that this Zen machine seems to be the same thing, when he was savoring it, his father changed the subject: "I've been selling paintings for so many years, do you know what I'm selling?"

Li Boxi: "What?"

His father: "It's a story. Your story that you can't love is quite good. I think it can be used as a teacher."

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi: "At the time, I felt that I couldn't hang out with him, and people would be ruined. There was nothing left and right, so I started traveling and looking for things to paint. Later, I walked more and more sideways, wading through mountains and rivers. There were pines and wind on the top of the mountain, and the Milky Way in the desert. ...The problem I thought about changed. Looking back, the whole world I once thought was only a small area."

Cheng Ping said calmly, "Really."

Li Boxi looked at him, and took back some unspoken words.

For example: I have drawn many pictures of you.

He painted many Zhang Chengping, but never exhibited. One day, in a remote village, a little girl whom he tricked into acting as a model accidentally saw his painting and asked him, "Who is this?"

He said, "A friend."

Maybe it was because of his expression when he said this, or maybe it was because of the painting style, the little model said cautiously: "My condolences."

Li Boxi laughed out loud.

After that, he stopped painting Cheng Ping. Cheng Ping is still alive and well, but he no longer belongs to him. His nostalgic strokes revealed an unbearable state of mind.

"What about you?" Li Boxi asked, "How have you been these few years?"

Cheng Ping: "It's okay, I've been filming, and I seem to be making some progress."

This is definitely an overstatement. Assistant Yang sent all his new works to Li Boxi. Cheng Ping's level of improvement is like riding a bazooka, and he is already recognized as a new and powerful faction.

But Cheng Ping's face was expressionless: "There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. In the past few years, actor Zhang has been plagued by bad luck, did you take special care of him?"

Li Boxi almost forgot about this person: "Oh, so to speak, before I left, I was holding back a bit, lest he catch his breath and retaliate against you."

Cheng Ping looked at him.

The darkness gave people the illusion of being out of control. He turned his head and couldn't see Cheng Ping's now half-permanent smirk face. He could only see that face in front of his eyes. It was vicious, as if he was about to throw a punch, and he seemed about to pounce and bite. his lower lip.

Cheng Ping: "Li Boxi."

Li Boxi tried his best to get over the long and boring sound of water leaking, trying to hear if Cheng Ping's breath became short of breath.

The vague mobile phone vibrating sound suddenly sounded. Cheng Ping took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and looked down. The dim light from the screen illuminated Cheng Yingdi's calm face: the illusion was shattered.

Li Boxi took half a step back: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Ping: "Oh, it's my family, asking me when I'm going back to the hotel."

Li Boxi was surprised. The last time he asked, Cheng Ping was still in a state of basically no contact with his family.


Cheng Ping: "My younger brother has grown up a bit, and sometimes pesters me to ask questions, and the relationship has eased a bit. My parents...maybe they think I'm making them look good now."

He seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying the next sentence: "I'm still trying to help me with a blind date."

Li Boxi didn't know what to say.

He heard himself ask half-jokingly: "Blind date? With a man or a woman?"

Cheng Ping: "My parents are talking about it, of course it is a woman. It is said that the other party knows my orientation, but they don't care."

Li Boxi opened his mouth and closed it again.

He has heard too many stories along the way, and he has heard the essence of human feelings. Just because he knew Cheng Ping three years ago doesn't mean he's qualified to question the person in front of him.

The phone vibrates again. Cheng Ping hung up the phone again and said hastily, "I have to go back."

Li Boxi: "Okay, we'll meet again when we have time."

No appointment time, just a blank check for greetings.

Cheng Ping took a deep look at him, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just left.

Li Boxi looked at that figure from behind.

When they passed each other backstage at the show that year, he felt that Cheng Ping might hate himself, hating himself for forcing the choice for him. When we get together again tonight, Cheng Ping seems like even the hatred has faded away. Time washes away everything, heals everything, and takes everything away. He didn't know how he should feel about it.

Cheng Ping returned to the hotel, greeted his parents, and went into his room.

He dragged out the suitcase, sat down beside the suitcase, and pulled out a painting from the interlayer that hadn't been touched for a long time.

This painting was handed over to him by Ma Koukou after the production of Crane Umbrella was completed. The scene in the painting is the Louvre, and two figures from behind are holding hands in front of a certain oil painting.

There is also a line written on the back of the drawing paper: Don't go out, I will always be your believer.

He didn't know how he spent those few days, recalling it was a blank like amnesia.

However, according to Assistant Yang, he attended the wrap-up banquet step by step and went back to the country after finishing the formalities. Then I proposed to negotiate with the company to terminate the contract, to take back my account, and to issue my own statement.

He was gritting his teeth and chatting with his manager who was trying to persuade him, when Yingdi Lu called and wanted to clean him up.

Yingdi Lu knew everything, including what he planned to do.

Film Emperor Lu: "I'm not here to persuade you."

But Cheng Ping couldn't ignore this senior's thoughts, so he asked: "If it were you, what would you do? How can I accept what he got in exchange for sacrificing himself? But if I don't bear it, won't his sacrifice be justified?" Lost meaning? Did he calculate this point and force me to accept it? "

Film Emperor Lu looked at him tenderly: "I understand, you have all been wronged."

Cheng Ping burst into tears.

Cheng Ping: "Am I going to die like this? At least in my own life, I don't want to play someone else."

King Lu: "That depends on what you really want in your heart. Regardless of being yourself today, in the next few decades, will you be able to endure the pain of silence? With all due respect, before climbing to an irreplaceable position , you are just an assembly line product. Once you are replaced, you will never be able to wait for opportunities, and no one will appreciate it. Even if you see the character you like, you can only play it for the desk lamp at home... You will not love yourself, and you will become worthless Power lovers."

These words, the agent has said to him. But from Yingdi Lu, the feeling is completely different. Every word of Yingdi Lu seemed to be dug out from his own past, with an old air of coldness.

Film Emperor Lu looked at him, both sad and lenient: "At that time, will you regret today's choice?"

Cheng Ping was quite shocked.

Actor Lu: "I hope you really think clearly. At my age, I don't think anyone is more noble than anyone else. It's just a personal choice. You only live once, and I don't want to see you regret it."

Cheng Ping heard the whine of the paper, and realized that he squeezed the painting too hard.

He smoothed it down on the floor and put it back carefully.

Li Boxi took a shower, finished drinking, and was about to go to bed when he received Ma Koukou's voice.

He asked casually: "How are you talking?"

Ma Koukou: "I read three pages of English to him tearfully, and he forgave me. Now it can almost be said that we are back together."

"Then congratulations."

"But I want to escape again."

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi said angrily, "What's wrong with you?"

Ma Koukou cried: "I, I just came to apologize, and I didn't even ask for forgiveness. How could I have thought that he still has more love! Teacher Li, what can I do, Ma Koukou? To be honest, I am here Every day next to him dreams of being dumped by's so painful."

Li Boxi rolled his eyes: "Let me ask this, what do you think he likes about you?"

"do not know."

"If you don't know, think hard."

Ma Koukou hesitated and said: "Tianxian'er has never met a monster like me, and he was hooked for a while."

Li Boxi: "...Your self-positioning is quite clear, isn't it?"

Ma Koukou started crying again.

Li Boxi was upset, and impatiently said: "Then let me give you a suggestion, why don't you put away your evil spirit, put on a serious look and want to spend the rest of your life with him, and see if he will wake up. He Sober up, it’s not too late for you to go.”

Ma Koukou: "That makes sense, let me think about it. Then how are you and Brother Cheng?"

Li Boxi was silent for a few seconds: "After a few words, he left after he had something to do."

Ma Kou was in a hurry: "That's it? So what kind of rhythm are you guys doing now? Is it over?"

Li Boxi chuckled: "Hasn't it been three years?"

Ma Koukou resolutely said: "No, I don't accept it. I don't believe that he can let go so easily. You sacrificed so much for him, gave up your career and started working hard again. Your face has been tanned for the past three years!"

Li Boxi: "."

Li Boxi: "Did you get rough?"

Ma Koukou: "A little bit."

Li Boxi said slowly: "Because of this, I can't even use it as a bargaining chip."

Ma Koukou was inexplicable: "What's the mess, your mental cleanliness hasn't healed yet? I have to find a way to find out what Brother Cheng is saying."

"Don't. Now that he is a film king, why bother to disturb people's peace?"

Horse button: "?"

Ma Koukou suddenly asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Li Boxi: "I'm not afraid."

Ma Kou Kou laughed, like a monster who came to disturb the Buddha's mind before he ascended to heaven, and asked again in a whisper: "What are you afraid of?"

Li Boxi was speechless, and asked him instead: "Then what are you afraid of?"

Horse button: "..."

Ma Koukou: "Excuse me, goodbye."

in a few days.

When the former captain was live broadcasting as usual, he suddenly saw a bullet screen: "Li Boxi is broadcasting live next door."

This resurrected name successfully changed his expression.

The former captain stepped on Cheng Ping's foot in the public opinion war when he received the promise from actor Zhang to "wash his reputation and earn a wave of popularity". Unexpectedly, Li Boxi made a showy backhand maneuver, pulling Cheng Ping's bloodline back which was in danger.

As soon as Li Boxi's video was released, nothing happened to the former captain. All the people who eat melons have long forgotten him.

His wishful thinking fell through, and after retiring, he could only rely on his half-dead popularity to conduct live broadcasts, while at the same time he had to watch Cheng Pingyuan take off.

Not only that, but he seemed to have been permanently debuffed. First, he was bruised and swollen by an overlord contract, and then his girlfriend was robbed. He went to get drunk to vent, and when he was drunk, he yelled obscenities at the bartender, so he was recorded in a video and posted on the Internet, and his reputation became worse and worse.

Afterwards, he looked at Zhang Yingdi's fate, and he had some recollections, maybe he was also on someone's watch list.

He had always believed that this "someone" was Cheng Ping, but after someone mentioned it later, he thought it might be Li Boxi.

The former captain is now broken and broken, relying on the attention of bloggers to maintain the popularity of the live broadcast room every day. The barrage mentioned Li Boxi for fear that the world would not be chaotic, so he guessed what the water friend wanted to see.

The former captain muttered, "Let's say hello", picked up his mobile phone, boarded the trumpet, and clicked into Li Boxi's live broadcast room with the camera.

Li Boxi is painting. Looking at the introduction of the live broadcast, it seems that he lived temporarily in a certain village during his travels and wanted to do something for the local people, so he opened a public welfare live broadcast, painting portraits of children in the village, and all proceeds from the auction were donated afterwards.

He bowed his head to draw and couldn't read the barrage, so there was a host sitting next to him, who was responsible for picking some questions from the barrage and reading them out for him to answer.

The water friends on the former captain's side saw that there was an interactive session, and began to encourage the anchor to participate.

The former captain smiled and said: "Don't you just want to watch this?" He took out his mobile phone and typed a line of barrage and sent it: "Describe the details of your harassment of Cheng Ping at the beginning?"

Oh! Water friends are excited.

The former captain swiped several posts in a row, and finally caught the host's attention. The host's face changed, and he just said, "The housing management will deal with it."

Li Boxi heard it and asked, "What's wrong?"

The host didn't answer.

At this time, the water friends brought in by the former captain had already disturbed the pool of spring water, swiping the screen, and directed the entire barrage direction to this matter, and they were all arguing as far as the eye could see.

The host was caught off guard, and he didn't dare to disturb Li Boxi, so he was in a state of distress.

At this moment, a line of oversized local tyrant gold fonts hung on the top of the screen: "The valued user 'likes to eat any apple' entered the live broadcast room."

Cheng Ping: "..."

He had been spying on the screen at home until now, and he couldn't stand it, so he decided to log in and start spraying, but he completely forgot how much money he charged three years ago.

He was startled when he was called out in large characters on the top. After thinking about it, no one knew him anyway, Li Boxi, the only one who could recognize this id, was in peace, and he wouldn't be so bored to watch the replay of the live broadcast afterwards.

So he made up his mind, and simply spent another sum of money to buy new special effects, let go of himself and killed all directions, spraying the whole audience with only gold characters.

It is also considered that his eyes are good, and he caught a barrage that was squeezed to the bottom: "XXX did it."

This XXX is the black name of the former captain.

Cheng Ping was stunned for a moment, and had some guesses in his heart. He turned to the former captain's live broadcast room, and just happened to see the former captain holding up his mobile phone and yelling: "Who is this local tyrant, so boring, Li Baixi's brainless fan? Fantasy being harassed?"

Cheng Ping sneered and squeezed his knuckles.

Tyrant Jin: [It's your grandfather. 】

The water friend of the former captain hastily reminded: [The local tyrant Jin is here! 】

"What?" The former captain put down his phone and looked at the screen.

At this time, Jin, the local tyrant, had already turned his eyes red, and started the blasting project.

The former team leader didn't know about it, and only thought that it was a gimmick to "spray with the local tyrant Jin". Since he started broadcasting, he has never been afraid of anyone in the scolding war.

Unexpectedly, after just a few words, I was shocked to meet an expert. In terms of hand speed, firepower, and awareness of evading system-blocked words, the opponent is first-class, and with the bonus of super-large fonts, he beats him repeatedly. Moreover, the yin and yang became angry and poked at his pain points every sentence.

The former captain was secretly startled, and wanted to imply that it was too late for the house manager to seal him off. Seeing his face getting more and more gloomy, the other water friends cheered loudly after watching the excitement: "Red face, red face!"

Cheng Ping was slapping the keyboard with his fingers like flying, when a message popped up on his phone.

Li Boxi sent a message: "?"

The keyboard sounds suddenly stopped.

Cheng Pingman thought that Li Boxi would not be bored enough to watch the replay, but he did not expect that the host would passionately review the show after the live broadcast, and tell Li Boxi vividly.

Li Boxi suddenly clicked on the replay when he heard the part about local tyrant gold.

In the former captain's live broadcast room, the local tyrant Jin's swiping of the screen came to an abrupt end.

The opponent suddenly walked away when the firepower was fully fired, leaving the former captain stumbling towards the void to make amends.

Li Boxi waited for a long time, and then sent another one: "?"

The phone screen turns on and off. Cheng Ping buried his face under the pillow to pretend to be an ostrich.

Apart from embarrassment, he was still a little annoyed, directed at himself and at Li Boxi's relentless question mark.

He didn't know what the other party wanted to hear from him now.

That day in the restaurant, my answer to Lu Yingdi?

At my parents' house that day, my answer to the blind date incident?

After such a long time, after the other party has been revived and reborn, what kind of gesture will he say—

Is it ridiculous? When you are traveling through mountains and rivers, all I can do for you is to be a troll by typing on the keyboard.

You anticipated it all, you anticipated that from the day you left, there would be no equality between us.

Even so, despite this, I still look forward to your broad heart, under the Milky Way, in the pines and winds, to keep a corner of my place.