Li Boxi's touring art exhibitions have been held in several countries for two months.

When he returned to China again, Ma Kou Kou finally fulfilled his promise, took him into the Michelin restaurant, and waved his hand: "Come on, open up."

Li Boxi: "...Looking at how proud you are, I guess the male **** is not intimidated by you."

Ma Koukou happily poked the lemon slice in the water glass with a straw: "Oh, what's going on. He is also very supportive when I cook..."

Li Boxi: "Okay, no one wants to hear it."

Ma Koukou turned a deaf ear: "...taught me English, learned Chinese with me, asked me when it would be convenient for me to visit his house, and said he wanted to meet my family..."

Li Boxi: "Shut up."

Ma Koukou sighed contentedly: "I used to feel that it was too uncomfortable to wait for him to fall in love. Now, I am willing to endure this process, but I hope to have it once."

Li Boxi raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you believe that he really loves you?"

"I believe it. True love is a powerful hallucination."


Seeing his expression, Ma Koukou said with a smile: "Don't worry, anyway, I won't let go voluntarily, as long as I can hang on."

Li Boxi still felt that there was something wrong with this, and it was inconvenient to continue the debate, so he could only let him go: "Then I wish you the best of luck."

Ma Koukou heard the clue: "Master, what are your plans next? Are you leaving again?"

Li Boxi: "Not yet, the art exhibition has just ended, and there are still some matters to be dealt with in the country. I have to attend Xiao Yang's wedding."

Ma Koukou: "And then?"

"Then," Li Boxi smiled, "then continue to cultivate immortals."

Ma Koukou's smile disappeared: "What about Cheng Ping? The local tyrant Jin who killed everyone in your live broadcast before, it's okay if others don't know who it is, you can't hide it from me."

Speaking of Tuhaojin, Li Boxi recalled his two question marks that did not receive a response on the night of the live broadcast.

His expression remained unchanged: "You worry about yourself."

Assistant Yang's wedding was held on a certain island.

Li Boxi knocked on the bride's hotel room door early in the morning.

By the time Ma Koukou slipped in to visit, the bridal makeup on Assistant Yang's face was half done. Ma Koukou was amazed: "Master, how long has it been since you touched a makeup brush? What if the car overturns?"

Li Boxi was cutting the false eyelashes one by one, without raising his head, he said, "Don't worry, I won't make it if you fall into the Mariana Trench."

Ma Koukou: "Xiao Yang has been a teacher for three years, why don't you let her transform herself."

Li Boxi put on the eyelashes one by one: "That's different, this is the bride's family sending the girl to marry. Do you want to stick the lower eyelashes?"

Assistant Yang kept his sitting posture and did not dare to blink: "That's right, Ma Lihui is incomprehensible. Let's put a few on the end of his eyes, mine is rather sparse."

Ma Koukou admired her bright eye makeup: "Yes, yes, the sword is not old."

The groom is a young man with a very literary temperament, and he is busy coordinating the wedding affairs. Ma Koukou looked around for a while, then asked in a low voice, "How did you know each other?"

"The crew. I followed Brother Cheng into a crew, and he was a cameraman."

When Li Boxi heard the key words, his movements slowed down for half a second, and he didn't say a word.

Assistant Yang smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, Brother Cheng might come to take a look, but he doesn't want to attract the attention of the crowd, so he should only appear for a few minutes."

Li Boxi: "What do you see me doing?"

Assistant Yang: "Nothing, just to tell you."

Li Boxi: "."

"Oh, that's the same as our family's Albert." Ma Kou Kou's eyes and eyebrows were full of joy, "I told him not to follow, but he said that everyone has cooperated in the Crane Umbrella Crew, and he wants to congratulate you... Oh, what if someone catches the two of us whispering."

Assistant Yang: "?"

Li Boxi: "Get out."

Albert really caused a commotion at the wedding scene.

He was the only one with blonde hair and blue eyes in the audience, so it was hard not to be the focus. Once the guests recognized who he was, they couldn't help but marvel at Assistant Yang's face.

Ma Koukou became anxious, and hugged him tightly, trying to block some of the peeking eyes. Fortunately, Albert's world-weary face coupled with his cold demeanor dissuaded all the strike-ups in advance.

Li Baixi's table was overcrowded, some came to sign autographs, some came to take a group photo, and some tried to inquire about gossip. Li Boxi smiled and came to block him, his eyes flicked over the crowd from time to time, but he found nothing.

Cheng Ping didn't sneak into the scene until the emcee on the stage began to read a string of words.

He already had a lot of experience in disguise. He changed his face with a nose brace and a fake beard, and sat in the back seat in a low-key manner without disturbing anyone.

The master of ceremonies stood in front of the radiant couple and read the oath: "Are you willing to take the bride as your wife and become one body with her before God..."

Li Boxi vaguely felt a gaze on his back.

" her, comfort her, respect her, protect her as you love yourself..."

Li Boxi turned around slowly.

"Whether she is sick or healthy, rich or poor, always be faithful to her until the end of this world?"

They looked at each other across the sea of ​​people without expression.

"I do!" the groom laughed.

The applause was thunderous, and the petals were flying in the rosy sunset.

At the end of the ceremony, Cheng Ping had disappeared.

As the night fell, the guests began to dine.

The island wedding buffet is arranged in the garden, with tables and chairs arranged in random order, and you can choose your seat at will. There is also a meandering path in the garden, with small flickering broken lights hanging around, for people to take a walk after dinner to digest.

Li Boxi found a small table at the edge of the venue, and as soon as he sat down, he heard Elbert ask, "Can I join?"

"Of course." Li Boxi knew that he only knew himself among the people present, so he showed concern for the community at the right time, "Where's Ma Kou Kou?"

"I'm going to get ice cream." Albert tried to sit in the shadow of the tree.

Li Boxi: "You don't often attend weddings, do you?"

Albert: "Well, just wanted to meet his friends."

Li Boxi was moved: "I never asked you, what about Ma Kou Kou attracted you?"

Albert: "...What about you? Why do you like Cheng Ping?"

Li Boxi looked at the plate and fell silent.

"Like Cheng Ping" has been going on for too long, and it has almost become a breathing instinct, so that he almost forgot the original karma.

In the end he said: "He was more real than anyone else."

Albert made a subtle expression: He looked at Li Boxi and raised his eyebrows.

Li Boxi: "Also braver than everyone else."

Albert raised his eyebrows even higher: "And you wonder why I like horse buttons?"

Li Boxi was stunned.

Elbert obviously didn't like to talk about himself, so he changed the subject after saying this sentence: "I hope what happened in the bar last time didn't bother you."

Li Boxi: "...No."

Elbert: "You weren't there when the Crane Umbrella presented the awards. Cheng Ping's condition was so bad that I couldn't ignore it, so I asked him where you were. He said he didn't know. I thought of Ma Koukou , and asked him, in your culture, is it a normal way to break up without saying goodbye. He said..."

Li Boxi raised his head slightly.

Elbert: "He said you didn't break up."

The sea breeze gently passed through the bushes, and the small broken lamps hanging on the branches swayed gently.

"I asked him why he didn't go to you, and he said he couldn't for the time being. What do you think he means?"

For a few seconds, Li Boxi did not respond. Then he felt someone tap his shoulder behind him.

Cheng Ping, who had disguised himself, went back and forth: "Let's talk."

The two of them followed the path into the depths of the garden, and found a bench behind a small unlit fountain. Cheng Ping took off the disguise on his face.

This place is far away from the wedding venue, the music and the noise of the crowd can be heard indistinctly, but the sound of the nearby waves is very clear.

Cheng Ping didn't speak for a moment. Li Boxi sat side by side with him, listening to the gentle sound of the waves for a while.

Li Boxi: "Eat dinner..."

Cheng Ping: "After you left, Yingdi Lu persuaded me."

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping's opening remark seemed to have suddenly returned to the straight-forward and indifferent appearance of the past: "He advised me that I can't have it both ways, and I have to make a good choice between you and the performance. You know how I answer?"

He replied: I want to choose the third way.

"If I can climb to your height, no one will care about my private life. I can be an upright actor and never let him worry about me."

Yingdi Lu was stunned for a moment, then said softly: "Then you must be very, very lucky, and at the same time be desperate enough."

Cheng Ping: "To tell you the truth, I've always been lucky. As for working hard, I've already made up my mind."

He started desperately.

During the time when he joined the group seamlessly, although Li Boxi had long gone, it seemed that he had never left his side. Tu Jian took the lead in introducing several high-end endorsements for him, and the big director has been paying attention to his progress in acting, and will send invitations if he has a suitable book.

However, the road is still longer than he imagined. Once he aimed at a powerful actor, he truly realized how much he still lacked. The wild words that were uttered in front of Yingdi Lu at the beginning seemed to have become unattainable dreams.

When his mental pressure was too great to release, he saw Li Boxi in the corridor backstage of the show.

"When I saw your expression, I knew you were here to say goodbye. But at that time... I didn't have the strength to face parting."

Cheng Ping looked at him and smiled: "I really want to grab you and shout at you: wait for me, don't abandon me so soon... But what qualifications do I have to ask you to wait? You are so far away, in Go your long way."

Li Boxi opened his mouth.

Cheng Ping looked directly at him: "Did you come to say goodbye that day?"

Li Boxi closed his mouth again.

Cheng Pingcheng's eyes suddenly brightened like a mirror, and all he reflected was his cowardly reflection.

He only heard himself say weakly, "No. Just looking at you."

Cheng Ping heaved a sigh of relief.

He started talking again, as if he wanted to pour out all the burden that had been squeezed in his chest for three years.

"The second my parents proposed a blind date, I refused. I said that being single is not shameful, and liking a man is not shameful. The shameful thing is that even I dare not face my true self, and dare not raise my head to love someone. "

Li Boxi couldn't stand it anymore.

The music faded, the cups and plates were messed up, and the guests began to leave the venue one after another. The lights reflected on the water surface of the fountain were shattered by the night wind and swayed weakly, like fireflies in late summer.

Cheng Ping beside him was still waiting for him to speak.

Li Boxi's lips and teeth suddenly became rusty.

In order not to keep the other party waiting, and to fill in the gap between them, he began to talk about his experiences in the past few years. Some adventures, some dangers, one or two close encounters with death.

He talked for a long time, until the lights of the banquet were extinguished one by one, the crowd dispersed, surrounded by darkness, and the galaxy poured down from above their heads.

"I met a lot of people."


“They all…in one way or another inspired me, and some of them were models, you could say they were muses.”

"I know, I can see it."

Li Boxi spoke more slowly, but also more gently: "But every time I make a stroke, I will always think of you."

Cheng Ping: "Li Boxi, have you noticed that we have talked so much to each other since we reunited, but we are actually just saying one sentence over and over again."


"It's saying: tell me you still love me."

Cheng Ping approached him, and let out a long sigh in the darkness: "I'm tired."

Li Boxi slowly tightened his arms, and put him firmly in his embrace: "I still love you."

"Yes, me too."

On the morning of the second day of the wedding, the guests who stayed in the hotel for one night checked out one after another. Assistant Yang and the groom sat in the dining room for breakfast, waving goodbye from time to time.

Someone patted her: "I'll go first."

Assistant Yang took a closer look and was stunned: "You haven't left yet?"

Cheng Ping wore sunglasses and a peaked cap, and said vaguely, "Stay one more night."

The groom greeted him and apologized with a smile: "When we are on our honeymoon, you have to find another makeup artist."

Cheng Ping: "It doesn't matter, now there is an extra exclusive backup."


If Assistant Yang felt something, he suddenly turned his head and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling glass.

A figure waited outside the hotel with his hands in his pockets, and nodded at her.

Cheng Ping trotted to meet him and walked away side by side.

【End of the full text】