Chapter 758 Freeing Ace!



Chapter's Events:


"He's falling!!!"

After Sengoku destroyed the execution platform with his immense power, Ace began to fall towards the ground.

"I'm making a key!! We'll get those handcuffs off in a second!!"

Mister 3 immediately used his wax ability to create a key.

"Got it!!!"

Luffy agreed, who was in his shrunken form after Gear Third had drained his strength.

Buggy's prisoners noticed Mister 3 near Ace and pointed at him in shock.

"Captain Buggy!! That's 3-bro!!!"

"Why!!?" Buggy was shocked.


Seeing this, the Marines decided to engulf the platform in cannon fire to ensure none of them escaped alive.

"Fire!!!" "Take out the whole platform!!!"


("Go save your brother!!")

This was the voice of the crying Mister 2, who said this to Luffy.

"If I told you the reason I'm here is to fulfill my lost comrade's final wish, would you laugh at me!!?"

By saying this, Mister 3 meant Mister 2.

"Of course not!!!"

Luffy vehemently denied it. Why would he laugh at him? Even if it wasn't to save Ace, he would never laugh at him.

Hearing that, Mister 3 threw the wax key, identical to the original key, to Luffy, who quickly caught it.

"Save your brother, Strawhat!!!"

Seeing this, Sengoku was shocked, "No!!"

In an instant, the shells destroyed everything around the platform, including the platform itself.

"Fire Fist is still defenseless, he won't survive!!"

The Marines felt they had succeeded in their goal.


But suddenly, one of them noticed something strange.

"Inside that inferno!! A tunnel of fire...!!!"

In the sky, a golden flame appeared, surrounding the cannon fire;

"You've always been this way, Luffy!!!"

"You never listen to me, and you do the stupidest things!!!"

The moment these words fell on their ears, they gasped in shock.

Marco couldn't comprehend that and shouted; "But Oyaji, why do you say that when the Whitebeard we know is still standing there like a mountain! That Whitebeard doesn't lose! He can't lose! Not to mention dying..."

He looked at Marco and smiled, saying; "When you have to secure your children's future, loss becomes less bitter, and death is the last of your worries, my son..."

"Listen, I bet that Whitebeard standing there in the middle of the Summit War will say this soon... 'Which ship can carry me to the new era?' Destroying Moby Dick already means my death, it doesn't take a wise mind or long thinking to come to this conclusion."

Hearing that, the pirates who were ahead in the chapters felt as if their very beings were shaking.


"Buwahahaha! The old man's sacrifice wasn't in vain!"

"The scoundrel grandson succeeded in saving his brother! This is wonderful!"

In the Sorbet Kingdom, Garp was very happy with this outcome.

"What an emotional scene... after all this effort... after all this persistence... Luffy finally succeeded...!!!"

"What a great journey it has been!"

Ivankov felt great satisfaction and happiness after seeing how Luffy finally saved Ace.

"That's right, this perseverance and determination should be taught." Crocodile added with a smile.

"Which teacher can teach their students this? I bet they'll learn it much better just through the manga... to be a man who doesn't give up... for your most dominant trait to be not giving up, this is something that can't really be taught but must be born with."

"My son will be born with it, he'll be born with the destiny to be above these seas, my son will be born on top."

From these words, all the listeners felt the great pride Dragon had towards Luffy in the manga after all he had seen so far.

This made Garp more determined once again.

"Alright then... today we'll search for Luffy's mother more seriously."


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):


Chapter 741: Whitebeard's Final Order!

Chapter 742: A Loser from a Bygone Age?

Chapter 743: Whitebeard could have become king, but he didn't want to.



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