Chapter 759 Whitebeard's Final Order!

Chapter 759 Whitebeard's Final Order!



Chapter's Events:


"Fire Fist and Strawhat, Kill them both!"

Meanwhile, both Ace and Luffy were together facing the combined attacks of the Marines against them.

"You've gotten stronger, Luffy!" said Ace.

"I'll be better than you someday, Ace!!" Luffy said confidently.

"Ice Block." Both Ace and Luffy heard a heavy voice, and then cold ice appeared near them.

"Admiral Aokiji!" The Marines felt happy.

"Wah! It's him!" Luffy felt a headache just thinking about dealing with this man.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

"Well, I'm still covering for you at the moment."

"Get back, Luffy!" Ace took the initiative to face Aokiji.

"Pheasant Beak!!!" A stream of ice extended from Aokiji's hand towards the two, ready to freeze them to death.

"Kyoukaen!!!" But before that could happen, Ace summoned an equal amount of flames that blocked the ice path and canceled its cold power.

It looked like an epic battle of ice and fire.




At Marineford, the Marines reading the manga were already on the edge of their seats, enjoying the events of the war so much that they had forgotten whose side they were on and who they should be cheering for.

"What a battle! Ace versus Aokiji..."

"Go, Ace! Kick his butt!"

"Ice can't beat fire, right?"

"Haha! Neither, I think they're just holding each other back..."

"Man, Ace was tortured the whole time in prison, it's impossible he has any stamina left to face an Admiral?"

"That's what I think too... they should consider escaping instead of fighting battles that will end in defeat."

"Luffy especially can't fight anymore... the tension hormones will wear off soon and he won't be able to get up after that."

"Oh my God, I totally forgot about that until you mentioned it! That's really dangerous!"

"Oh damn! It looks like Admiral Akainu is determined to stop them from escaping!"

"Damn you, Admiral dog—"

"Shut up! Are you crazy? What are you saying as a Marine soldier?"

The soldier who got excited earlier felt his blood run cold after realizing his excessive enthusiasm. He quickly clammed up, looking around nervously to see if anyone else had noticed his outburst.

The other Marines, however, were just as engrossed in the manga, their eyes wide with anticipation as they continued to read the intense scenes unfolding in the story.


In the high Marine headquarters building where the Fleet Admiral's office was, Sakazuki was looking out the window at the expanse of the sea on the horizon, then his eyes fell back to the Marineford bay.

The Marineford plaza below perfectly matched the devastated battlefield in the manga, but they were in completely different states.

The real plaza was filled with the bustling activity of Marines going about their duties, unaware of the fictional carnage taking place in the pages of the manga.

"One war with one Yonko is enough to obliterate the Marine stronghold and turn it into ruins..." Sakazuki mused, his face a mask of determination and disdain.

"All pirates must really be destroyed... and the hunters too..." he continued, his voice a low growl. His mind raced with thoughts of vengeance and the need to cleanse the world of what he perceived as its greatest threats.

("Who ever heard of a pirate who doesn't want treasure? What exactly do you want?")


("Hey, Newgate!!")


"It's been a long journey... Let's finish it... Marines!!!" Whitebeard confirmed his determination to die here.


At the art store on Sphinx Island, Squardo couldn't hold back his tears any longer, he cried, and cried a lot this time.

The raw emotion of seeing his beloved Boss's final moments rendered him speechless, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret.

His tears fell on the last scene of the manga page where Whitebeard renewed his determination to stay behind and prevent anyone else from dying foolishly.

After Whitebeard finished reading this scene in the manga, he looked at his sons who gathered around him and gave him the most precious thing he had so far, most of them were crying like Squardo.

Their loyalty and love for their captain were evident in their tear-streaked faces, a testament to the bond they shared.

He wondered internally why his sons were crying... was it because they didn't want to live without him? Maybe. The thought tugged at his heart, making him reflect on the sacrifices he had made for them and the legacy he would leave behind.

At least this reality was not real, just for now, but perhaps seeing them in the manga made them feel as if they were actually living it.

The lines between fiction and reality blurred in their minds, the emotions they felt were raw and powerful.

He looked to the side and found Stussy, this charming woman who had always demanded him for herself, she was also crying sadly, no doubt her emotions were evident. Her usually composed demeanor was shattered, replaced by genuine sorrow and empathy.

"Gurarara! What a great life you lived, Whitebeard."

He would really be lying if he said that his counterpart's life and words did not affect him. The courage and conviction displayed by his manga self resonated deeply within him, stirring memories and feelings long buried.

The biggest impact was from this small scene in his memories, what pirate doesn't love treasure? He remembered it as if it was yesterday... at that time he was contemplating the sea and wishing for a family.

The longing for connection and belonging had driven him, shaping his journey and the family he had built.

"After getting what one desires... why would life matter after that? Dying with honor and meaning would be a very unique final wish."

"Well, I didn't imagine my last request would be any further than this anyway." He chuckled softly.

"It looks like they are going to win this war... right, my sons?"


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):


Chapter 742: A Loser from a Bygone Age?

Chapter 743: Whitebeard could have become king, but he didn't want to.

Chapter 744: Moments Before the Shock.



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