“What you said seven years ago changed me.”

When I asked how he ended up participating in the war, this answer came back.

Vin added.

“As you said, I overturned it at all, and no one tried to control me by force. So now it’s easy to do whatever I want without being conscious of anything.”

“……By any chance, you didn’t decide to participate in the war without permission just to overturn them, did you?”

“That’s right.”

Sitting leaning against the table in the office, Vin drew a mysterious smile.

Trying to shake off the unknown fear of him, I asked as if nothing had happened.

“So, why did you want to participate in the war so much that you, who had difficulty defying adults, immediately overturned their words?”

“You don’t know?”

Poof. The smile on Vin’s face disappeared.

He picked himself up from the desk in the office and slowly came to me.

I was about to step back without realizing it because of the unknown fear that had rose again , but his face suddenly came close.

He spat out from a distance close enough to reach my own face(?).

“I told you. I’ve been looking for you.”

“Why that……? Don’t tell me you spent seven years looking for me.”

“Why? Can’t I do that because of you?”

“It’s not that you can’t……. It’s weird.”

“It’s not ‘anyone else’, it’s my fiancée. If I don’t find you, will you come?”

Oh, come to think of it, I was engaged to Vin…….

Damn, boss and fiancé!

Also, unless I run away, we’d have to be together all 365 days a year.

“And I’m not the only one. Sith said it was because of you that he participated in the war.”

“What? What’s wrong with that person?”

“I don’t know.”

“……why did you try to find me?”

“Well, I forgot.”

What are you talking about.

It’s not easy to participate in a war, but you forgot why you’ve been looking for me?

What was Sith going to do when he found me again.

If I ask, he won’t give me a clear answer just like Vin…….

“Wasn’t it because someone told you to do it?”

“If adults had told me to do it, I wouldn’t have used the expression ‘overwhelmed’.”

“Then why on earth? Think about it. What you wanted to do and find me.”

“Actually, it’s just…….”

Vin’s eyes shifted sideways as he paused, accompanied by his slow voice.

He spat out. His face which he had brought close to me recoiled, like he was stranger to shame.

“I just missed you.”

Still not looking at me.

“The way you use your sword.”

Haaa…you scared me.

I thought he was so charming that I even changed my sexual preference.

I was embarrassed that I had been mistaken for a while, so I erased the back of my life that had passed through my head for a while.

Then he said as if nothing had happened.

“You mean you want to fight, don’t you? All right. You have to keep your word.”

“……Really?” Vin looked at me again, with a slightly flushed cheeks, perhaps with excitement.

…..Ugh. Damn it. Cute!

How can a person be so cute even after they grow up?

Maybe it’s because he’s my bias1, but since I was young and now, his face is so to my taste…….

Come to think of it, the character “Vin Ortega” was always as cute or sexy as he is now.

But somehow, it seems that some people have strangely from their original settings now.

“If you break our promise again, can I take it as a sign that I can tie you up forever?”

……this is exactly what it looks like.

He’s not a gong2, but what number of shous3 in the BL novel world will tie you up or lock you up.

If it really happened because of what I said, did I mess up a person?

“There, Vin. What are your plans for the future?”

I asked because I thought it would help me survive if I listened to Vin’s changed life plan.

Suddenly, I added to Vin, who looked puzzled on the reason I was asking why.

“The war is over, and you have found me and can fight me, so you’ve achieved your goal. Now you’re going to take a leave of absence, go into the mansion, and take a succession lesson, right?”

Please, please say you will!

You’ll disappear from my face if you do it , so do it at once!

“No? I have no intention of doing so.”

……so Vin’s life plan, that’s not it.

A plan to kill me.

“Why would I be trapped in a mansion when I have to confront you.”

“…Is that the only reason?”


“Then, what about the family? If you’re not here, who’s going to lead Ortega.”

“Don’t say the same thing as elders. I will now live as I please.”

Vin sighed as if he were sick of it.

No, it’s good to do whatever you want, but…….

What you want to do even when your abandoning your family is just Dalian!

In the original work, I thought about whether it was the right choice to turn his back on his family to marry the Crown Prince, and now I can’t believe I’ve changed so easily.

Suddenly I feel sorry for the prince.

Come to think of it, I was finally pushed out by Dalian and the like(?).

“Be prepared. You’ll have to confront me every day now.”

I have no choice but to stick together, but if I do it every day, the Crown Prince will hate it!

Does this guy have no consideration for his lover?

Feeling the sense of death again pass through my head, I asked Vin carefully.

“Well, it’s good to fight, but……. Are you all right?”


“His Highness.”

“What’s wrong with His Highness?”

“I think he won’t like it. His lover keeps hanging out with other people.”

At that moment, the temperature of the air seemed to change in an instant.

The same was true of Vin’s face.

His expression hardened to the point where it looked so ugly because it was frigid cold.

“Who cares.”

I think he said this when we first met.

There’s no way you don’t know how obsessed the Crown Prince is, but why is he like this?

Are you two not dating?

“I don’t know where and how you heard it, but it’s definitely not what you think. There’s nothing between us.”

Oh, my God. You really weren’t dating!

However, the Crown prince still seemed to be interested in Vin just by looking at him……?

Why is this guy treating his relationship with the Crown Prince as childish behavior?

“Then, what about your love? You don’t have love for the Crown Prince?”

“None. If there is no class4 in the world, I can even fight him with my fist.”

“……What abut the possibility of a change of heart?”

“Not at all. We’ve been together for seven years, and if we had love, we would have had it earlier.”

I could clearly feel how much dislike there was in the voice full of irritation.

What happens now.

Is there no excuse for the Crown prince to execute me because I’m not Vin’s lover?

That’s when I was thinking.

“Deputy head, I heard you called a new knight here separately.”

The Crown Prince slammed the door of the office open and stormed in.

Don’t let your murderous eyes fall on me.

……This sight changed my mind.

This man was a man who did whatever he wanted, whether he had an excuse or not.

Especially in Vin’s case.

“I came here wondering why you called her.”

Look, that’s a ridiculous excuse for someone who is the Crown prince to come for that.

It is not a crime to seduce one’s lover(?), but this is the Crown prince who will not be reasonable and even get me executed because my face looks unlucky.

“I just called him with the intention of asking her to spar.”

“Only for that reason……?”

“Is there a problem? Didn’t Your Highness go all the way here just because he was curious?”

It was an attitude that felt even hostile because it was cold. Can I do that to the Crown Prince?

No wonder I feel deja vu…….

I think my attitude was just like that when I treated myself5 before.

That thought made me realize it.

‘…What is the possibility of that change of heart?’

‘Not at all. We’ve been together for seven years, and if we had a heart, we would have had it earlier.’

That the affirmation I made earlier is true.

“There’s a problem. If the vice president in charge of education sparring with only one person, it can be misunderstood as favoritism.”

“Who cares. It’s not a misunderstanding in the first place.”


This time, the Crown Prince’s face hardened coldly.

Argh! Please don’t do this in front of the Crown Prince!

Can’t you hear my life slipping away?

“Well, Your Highness is right. There may be someone who makes such a ‘misunderstanding’, so it’s better to finish Dalian6 after doing it only once today.”

I defended the Crown Prince by emphasizing the word ‘misunderstanding’.

Of course, it didn’t do anything to calm the Prince’s anger.

“You don’t need it once. You can do Dalian with me.”

“How are you going to fight him if you can’t swing a sword at me?””

Oh… It’s been so long since the book(?) finished, but only the Crown Prince is still doing that.

I feel so sad.

In the original story, the two died and couldn’t live together, but how did this happen.

“……but not. Because Heather and I are the only ones who will fight.”

Huh? Why are you talking about it all of a sudden!

I was dumbfounded and stiff, but suddenly the Crown Prince grabbed my wrist and dragged me out.

And just before I left the office, I saw.

Vin, who reached out to hold me as I was being dragged, but couldn’t grab me.

As if something of his had been taken away, his eyes filled with unprecedented anger stared as if to kill the Crown Prince.

They were filled with a terrible chill.

T/n: My goodness. Extra chapter for extra luck for my math’s test




(the monarchy)

(i’m not really sure here, perhaps she’s referring to Rapel)
