“……One more time.”

The Crown Prince has been defeated by me five times.

He couldn’t seem to admit that he lost to me, who was barely living a mercenary life at the bottom.

I am also not easily defeated.

No matter how much I am the inspiration for Mona White1, the world’s strongest, but even so, I can’t believe I defeated the gong2.

My skills are better now than when I was a Baek Mo-na.

She has improved her skills for seven years since then.

Therefore, if I compete with the current Rapel, in theory, I have a high probability of winning.

Her skills now are at least the same as mine seven years ago.

In this situation, there is no possibility that the Crown Prince, who is much worse than Mona White, will defeat me.

As it has already been for seven years.

“Again? It’s already the sixth time, Your Highness.”

“I know even if you don’t tell me. Don’t talk, just pick up the sword.”

“Oh, how long are you going to–“

Before I could fix my posture, I closed my mouth because of the prince who was attacking and applied strength to my hand which was holding a sword.

Taking advantage of my late defense, the Crown Prince’s sword came toward my most difficult position, my ankle.

But to me the whole sight was only slow.

Chaeng-! I could easily block the Crown Prince’s sword, so I let it fly at once.

In response, the sparring sword bounced through the soft floor and rolled.

The Crown Prince’s face is distorted.

“That’s ridiculous.”

He murmured a low note and picked up the sword again.

Before the same thing will be repeated again, I lowered my sword and said it quickly.

“Didn’t your highness say that earlier. ‘If you fight with only one person, you can be misunderstood.’ ?”

“So noisy. It’s none of your business.”

Seven years later, how can a person be so arrogant and self-righteous.

It seems like a child is insisting that he should only confront me because he doesn’t want to confront Vin, or that he doesn’t listen to people.

Did Bin stop at that time because he missed seven years ago when he gave his heart to him. “Are you going to do it until you win?””

“No. Do I look like a child who comes or plays in a fight I know I can’t beat?”

I thought the answer would be ‘yes’ , but this was unexpected.

And in the latter words, I really thought so, so I was a little shocked.

“I know I won’t defeat you at this point. All I’m doing is just…….”

The crown prince blurted out his words suddenly.

Then, I had no choice but to harden by the words that followed.

“It’s just that I want to continue to fight with you.”

This is because what Vin said earlier overlapped in my head.

….Did Vin or the crown prince get caught dead because they couldn’t fight?

How come everything you did to me seven years ago and now is just to spar.

I’m not really a dalian3 monster.

“……No, why do you want to compete with me after seven years of sparring with other talented people besides me?”

“Because it wasn’t funny.”


“When I do with other guys besides you.”

“……I thought you didn’t like me?”

“That’s right.”

From the hatred on his face, it was conveyed that he had to say it in words.

Why do you want to fight with me who hates me so much!

“Only seeing you in the world-“

It was a beginning like a sweet poem confessing love. But the end…….

“It really makes me want to cut your throat.”

All kinds of curses that exist in the world were just curse words written on them(?).

“That’s why it’s fun.”

The crown prince, who became the devil who conquered the world, smiled grimly.

I feel quite a lot of genuine emotions in that look…I don’t know if it’s okay to keep winning.

The crown prince is not a villain, but a “ball” to defeat the villain.



“What are you doing? Raise your sword. You must make me amused.”

You’re a terrible monster.

No matter how much I think about it, my sister must have set the wrong character as a gong that could have easily been the villain of the century.

If I could, I’d like to leave a comment like this.

‘I think you set the character wrong, writer. Even if it’s a ball, it’s so cheap. Please let him get hit by someone.’

Well, come to think of it, I could be that ‘someone’.

“Your Highness, let’s just–“


“Let’s throw the swords away and do it with our fists.”



Only you, the Crown Prince in this world, would make me want to hit you with all my heart.

The fistfight under the guise of Dalian continued for five rounds in a row because the crown prince did not let me go again.

Still, the Crown Prince’s fist has never touched me.

This is a well-anticipated result.

Unlike the Crown Prince, who only used a sword on the battlefield, I have been fighting with colleagues who have ignored me because I am a woman for years.

There is bound to be a much bigger difference in skills than swordsmanship.


Even for me, who lived as if I didn’t know what was the limit of my physical strength, was exhausted because 10 consecutive battles were too much.

Isn’t the prince crazy? I can’t believe you’re doing 10 personal battles before I even start formal training!

Even this would have had to be added if the Crown Prince wasn’t exhausted enough not to even hold a sword……. You’re crazy.

Still, it’s finally time to go home!

Holding on to a heart of excitement….the mansion…I did not return there but found a different building.

My new house, dormitory!

To get away from this family who treat me like I am mentally ill whenever they have the time, I applied as soon as the opportunity came.

In addition, there are very few women in the dormitory and Knights only in words, so it is virtually a living room alone.

What a sweet resting place!

“I hope every day is the day of the ascension ceremony. How nice it was without training.”

“You like that? We’re going to be trained by the Blue Dog from tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s right. Damn it….”

When I entered the dormitory building, I saw knights who had left work earlier after the ceremony.

I called them up.

“Excuse me, sir. I’m a new member of the team. Do you know where Flower 101 is?”


I was as polite as possible with the intention of ‘Let’s get along well as a colleague!’ but the fellow knight only spat out exclamations and did not answer my question.

I was wondering, so I was just looking at him, and wonderful words continued.

“What do you mean here… And she’s pretty…….”

….that’s what you’re saying for the first time?

No matter how rare a female knight is, how can he make such a remark in front of a person?

While I was dumbfounded and lost about what to say, the words of my fellow knight continued.

“I heard you came in as a special case. Do you know how to hold a sword? I can let you know if you don’t mind. Oh, my name is Nix Hayman.”


“Tell me if you have any difficulties. I’ll help you with anything. Whether you’re carrying a heavy load when you go shopping, or when you don’t have a partner to go to the party with you……. Everything is good. That’s my specialty. Oh, by the way, what’s your name?”

“Irillin Heather.”

As soon as he heard the name, he stopped to see if he was hearing wrong or something.

Although he was young, he seemed to have recalled the notoriety of Irillin.

Until now, I had only felt tired of people seeing Irillin evil, but now it didn’t feel so bad.

Rather, it gave me a strange feeling of pleasure.

“Why are you so stiff. Isn’t it a name, you don’t think I need your generous help?”

It was uttered with cold arsenic4.

I shot back non-stop at Nix , who was still stiff.

“Why should I get help from a guy who doesn’t even know if I joined as a special case or if I joined after a fair test in the wake of a trial? Do I look so incompetent?”


“And most of all, why don’t you have the least courtesy or manners as you try to seduce people?”

“……I don’t think you have any manners either.”

“Why should I be the only one when it doesn’t help me when it comes to people like you?””

“Oh… This is really cheeky to hear that……!”

Knicks raised his hand with the strength to hit me at any moment.

There are also uncivilized people here who tried to solve things with violence if they couldn’t win with words.

Quite naturally, I faced Nix without being scared at all because I had won when using violent means every time.

I was going to fight(?) to decide his skills with Dalian.

In response to my attitude, Nix stiffened his hand, which he had raised in embarrassment, without raising or lowering it further.

I didn’t even have the courage to hit him, so I was only going to scare him, but he seemed to be embarrassed by my reaction that was completely different from what he thought.

But just then.

“It’s not sparring but violence to raise your hand outside the coalition(fancy word for alliance). Didn’t you listen to it at the ceremony.”

Vin, who appeared from somewhere, spat out fiercely, clutching Nix’s wrist, which was just meant to scare him.

Then he pressed his grasped wrist against the wall, and whispered in the ear of Nix who was groaning .

“I guess you’re not afraid of tomorrow”

“Ah, sir……. I’m sorry.”

“Why would you use violence?”

“I didn’t really mean to hit her. But it’s disgusting to be rude even after joining as a special case, so I’m just trying to scare her a little…….”

“Does the Knights of the Empire seem to have nothing to do with it? Yo think I’ll let a crazy, incompetent person join as a special case. She’s is an official engineer who passed the test with a standard twice as high as yours. Don’t insult the Imperial Knights with your poor judgment.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry……. Now I understand.”

“Then you must have understood well that your future will be a thorny path as well.”


“What are you doing? If you understand, go away.”

Vin, who let go of his wrist roughly as if he were throwing it, pointed to the end of the hallway with his head.

Nix and his companions ran away as soon as they were aware of it.

“Are you hurt?”

As soon as they disappeared and there were only us left, Vin erased the shadow he had cast on his face and asked in a very friendly tone.

I felt that the air, which had been as cold as a glacier, melted at once as if it were spring.




(a sharp, biting, or hostile tone)