
Translated by Flo

Edited by Flo

“Mi?” The little black cat who finally finished chewing on a leaf tilted its head, and immediately noticed something strange on the ground.

This area is under his control, and he can immediately notice if there is any trouble in the area.

The kitten’s wet little nose moved, and with its short legs, it jumped up and gnawed off a few buds.

These catnip buds didn’t have any other smell besides smelling, they didn’t taste as good as Ye Jingxing gave him before, but they still lured cats.

After eating Ye Jingxing’s catnip, Shen Qiyao could clearly feel that the spiritual power in his body was gradually rising, and the confinement of the seal on him was relieved a lot.

Even though it was like a drop in the bucket in terms of his spiritual power in his prime, something was better than nothing. He had been here for too long, and it was time to come out and see the world and activities.

Ye Jingxing, who was a little confused at first, was awakened by the movement of the kitten, staring at the catnip who was spoiled by him on the ground.

Ye Jingxing turned his hand and grabbed the back of the kitten’s neck and lifted him up, “Don’t eat it, cub.”

Shen Miaomiao’s four claws stomped weakly in the air, and the whole cat stiffened into a cat bar.

The back of the neck is the dead center of all animals.

No one dared to carry him like that even when he was the most vulnerable cub.

This Ye Jingxing challenged his lower limit time and time again.

Immediately, Ye Jingxing picked out a few more pieces of sweet catnip, threw a large one on the ground, put the kitten in his hand on top, and stuffed two more catnips into his arms before the kitten was fried. .

“Be nice.” His tone was like coaxing a child.


Happiness came too suddenly.

Shen Miaomiao wagged his little tail happily, pursed his ears slightly back, and took a bite of the catnip in his arms.

A kitten needs to be able to bend and stretch.

Ye Jingxing rubbed the cat’s head helplessly: “It’s the last two pieces. Don’t be greedy, eating too much is bad for your health.”

Although the catnip he grows is somewhat different from ordinary catnip, it is definitely not too much for kittens to eat too much.

“Mi.” Perfunctory.

After settling the cat, Ye Jingxing tried other places and found that only his catnip could grow here, and it did not wither even if he left it alone for a long time.

He is not only able to control catnip. After all, it is a wood-type single spiritual root that is rare for thousands of years. Although I don’t know why it can’t be cultivated smoothly, there is no problem with simply ripening ordinary plants.

It’s just that other plants are not as easy as mint, and it takes a lot of spiritual power. He only cultivates three levels of qi… 

The spiritual power can’t wait to break it apart and use it, how can it be easily used on ripening plants?

—— Except when you want to eat strawberries, of course.

But strawberry seeds are completely unable to take root and germinate here.

It would be possible if he was still in Beijing.

The reason for his lack of spiritual power cannot be ruled out. After all, he almost exhausted his spiritual power just now to send a message to Xiao He.

Ye Jingxing sat back under the catnip umbrella again, intending to wait for his spiritual power to fully recover before trying again.

However… he prefers that there is indeed no place for plants to grow here.

Except for his catnip.

In this way, the reason why he was sent here becomes clear.

As for his father’s “big ticket” before he left…

Do you really plan to let him plant catnip here? ?

This project is also too big.

“Mi.” The little black kitten, who had finished destroying the mint, crawled beside him with his short legs, clinging to him.

No wrestling this time.

When Ye Jingxing opened a cattery with his friends before, he also met a lot of kittens. A kitten at this age is the most clingy, and it is easy for him to think of you as his mother.

The little briquette probably thought of him as a mother.

Ye Jingxing was so soft-hearted that he gently picked up the cat with one hand and tucked it into the placket.

Shen Qiyao wasn’t a real little black cat, so he naturally he didn’t regard Ye Jingxing as a so-called mother cat. He clings to Ye Jingxing simply because it was very comfortable to be by his side, this person was like a walking catnip.

And it was Ye Jingxing’s power that awakened him, this human must have some background.

Staring at the small kitten with a chubby belly, Ye Jingxing suddenly felt a little hungry.

When Xiao San woke up in a daze, he found that Ye Jing Xing was staring at him resentfully.

Ye Jingxing: “You finally woke up.”

“What’s wrong with you…” Xiao San shrank back subconsciously, but his back bumped into the sturdy catnip leaf stalk.

Ye Jingxing: “I’m hungry.”

Xiao San: “…Cat meat is not tasty, I heard it’s sour, and it’s also hard.”

After speaking, he suddenly remembered something.

This person only has three levels of qi training, what is he afraid of???

He could kill him with one paw.

“Is there anything to eat here?” Ye Jingxing then asked.

Xiao San got up and moved a bit, the dizziness after being drunk has disappeared, and now he feels very refreshed.     

“I’m the only one alive here. It’s full of corpses and… some ‘live’ corpses. If you don’t eat anything, don’t go in. People will die. Many people and demons have already died.”

I still remember, I just didn’t expect that I would be drunk by a few pieces of wine-flavored catnip…

But this Ye Jingxing didn’t seem to have any bad intentions, and he was not bad.

At least his catnip is delicious.

“But if you keep going south, you will reach the town of human beings. You can go there and buy some food.” Xiao San continued.

“How long will it take?” Ye Jingxing asked.

“If you leave now…you should be able to go back and forth before it gets dark.” Xiao San looked up at the sky, squinted and sat back under the umbrella.

It’s already afternoon, the sun is shining brightly, and its roasting heat makes people irritable. Fortunately, there is a catnip umbrella.

Ye Jingxing nodded thoughtfully, reached out and poked the little black cat that was sleeping on his lap to wake up.

“Mi?” The kitten squinted his eyes and remained on his stomach for a long time without moving.

Ye Jingxing poked the cat’s head again and dented the fur on the top of his head, “Don’t fall asleep, let’s go to the human realm to buy some delicious food.”

The kitten woke up completely, turned over on Ye Jingxing’s lap, stretched out with all four feet up, and tucked its small tail between its claws. It seemed to be sleeping very comfortably.

Ye Jingxing’s body smelled so good, even sleeping beside him was very sweet.

“It’s so hot… Are you really planning to go there? There is a no-flight formation here. If you want to get there, you can only rely on walking.” 

Xiao San took the interaction between one person and one cat in his eyes, and only regarded them as a master-servant relationship.    

“I suggest you go after sunset. It’s not as hot as it is now. There is almost nothing alive here. The road to the human realm is safe, so don’t worry about anything.”

Although it can be quite fatal.

Ye Jingxing didn’t like running around outside when it was dark, but compared to the poisonous sun, Ye Jingxing still chose to listen to Xiao San’s words: “Then…let’s wait until the sun goes down.”

Shen Qiyao was woken up by Ye Jingxing, Losing his interest in continuing to sleep, he gently jumped to the ground and took a few bites of the catnip buds that Ye Jingxing had planted earlier, and he had to spoil it with his claws after eating.

“Cub.” Ye Jingxing called him somewhat helplessly.


Shen Qiyao never admitted that he was doing damage, but attributed it to the nature of beasts.

It’s normal for kittens to just like to chew. 

Xiao San also found the catnip growing in the sand, picked one up, and the beast pupils stood up slightly.

The roots of the catnip sprouts are not yet very developed and look very fragile, but they are clearly trying to grow downwards, and each root is full of… life.

Yes, a life.

A life out of place with this deadly town.

In this dead place, he hadn’t seen life for a long time, so long that he almost felt that he was no different from those corpses.

In fact, he hadn’t spoken to a living creature for a long time.

“Why did they survive? Who are you?” Xiao San had to re-examine Ye Jingxing.

In the past, many cultivators from the demon race came here to sow seeds and cut seedlings, but they all failed without exception. Why did this young man succeed? Who is he?

Ye Jingxing lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and briefly explained his identity and the experience he had come out to experience.

Anyway, the joke of the Ye family’s direct son is not a secret. It’s just that these cat demons are a little isolated from the world, so they don’t know that.

Both cats listened very carefully.

After listening to this, Xiao San touched his chin thoughtfully: “So…you are a waste?

Ye Jingxing: …

Can cat meat be delicious?

“But you are wood-type single spirit! Don’t you think it’s strange that you can’t cultivate smoothly? Maybe there’s some unspeakable secret? I see that most of the stories in those books are in this way. “



“You think too much,” Ye Jingxing said lightly, “I think it’s a lot more than you. When I was a child, I imagined that I was a hidden power of a single spiritual root, but my power was sealed, and one day I could fly directly from Qi practicing to Mahayana.”

“It turns out that if the time I spent reading literature was spent on reading honorable books, I might be a champion now, instead of going all the way to this shabby place to grow mint.”

Xiao San nodded and felt reasonable: “Indeed”

Ye Jingxing stood up and said, “It seems that my abilities can only be used here. What is it like in the dead city? Can I go in?”

“No,” Xiao San denied categorically, “There are…man-eating monsters are very scary, you will definitely die if you go in.”

“Then why are you doing nothing?” Ye Jing Xing had been puzzled by this question for a long time.

Xiao San scratched his head, “I don’t know, maybe they don’t like to eat cat meat?”

Of course not for this reason.

“Then why didn’t you leave?” Ye Jingxing asked again.

Xiao San looked away and said vaguely, “This is my home, I will not leave.”

Ye Jingxing did not ask any further questions.

“Meow.” Suddenly, the figure of the little black cat who had ruined the mint buds flashed and ran straight towards the dead city.

Although the chassis is so low, the four short legs run very fast.

“Cub…” Before Ye Jingxing could react, the kitten disappeared.

Xiao San reacted much faster than Ye Jingxing, but he was unable to stop the kitten, “It’s over, this stupid cat will listen to me and really think that the contents in it don’t like to eat cats?? One is not enough to plug your teeth!”

“I’ll look inside, you wait outside, don’t come in!” Xiao San said as he ran in.

“You must find it!” Ye Jingxing could not but wait at the door.

He has self-awareness, and he can only drag his legs and die when he goes in.

I just had a cat, and I haven’t fed it yet…

He didn’t want it to just disappear.

But there was nothing he could do.

Ye Jingxing felt a little down, he couldn’t even protect himself, what would he do to protect his cat? The outside is much more dangerous than the capital.

He is estimated to be the most useless one in the crossing army.

Ye Jingxing waited at the door for a long time, but did not see Xiao San and the kitten come out, so he hurriedly turned around.

“Mi.” At this moment, a black cat meow suddenly sounded.

“Cub?” Ye Jingxing looked at the sound and found that the kitten was standing under the gate of the dead city, with its little fluffy tail slightly raised, and was slowly walking towards him.

“Where’s Xiao San? Have you seen him? He went in to look for you, you scared me to death.” Ye Jingxing crouched down and wanted to pick up the cat, but was avoided by the cat.

“Meow.” Kitten took two steps in the direction of Dead City, looking back at Ye Jingxing as he walked.

“You…do you want me to follow you?” Ye Jingxing was a little stunned.

He thought that the little black cat was just an ordinary little milk cat without intelligence, but now it seems that the kitten can understand what he said.

In other words… the kitten is a spirit beast.


Come along, the deity will take you in for a walk.

Ye Jingxing hesitated for a moment and followed.

When crossing the city gate, Ye Jingxing thought that he should be afraid, but he unexpectedly felt very at ease.

He couldn’t express this feeling, it was as if he secretly came home through the back door after a day of muddling outside. 

There was Uncle Chen waiting for him with a roast chicken in the door. There was only the irritant of not doing his job properly.

The dead city is exactly the same as what you see outside. Houses were empty and dusty, grey with no grass on the ground. There is no sign of life at all.

Ye Jingxing really wanted to call out Xiao San’s name, but he was afraid that the sound would attract something “scary”, so he did not dare to speak, but followed the kitten carefully.

The kitten seems to be very familiar with this place.

Passing through the street, one person and one cat came to a bridge. Under the bridge was a dry and cracked riverbed, and even some dead fish corpses had not had time to rot, as if they had just died not long ago.

“Mi.” Kitten jumped onto the bridge.

It was Ye Jingxing who woke up here.

Behind the bridge are several mountains, a trace of what was once a waterfall can be seen winding its way up to the unseen. The mountain is very high and penetrates straight into the sky. At first glance, it is completely bare, like the top of the head of the old private school.

The dead city seems to be that big. Ye Jingxing thought.

But it has become an existence that blocks the Three Realms.

“Cub, where are you taking me?” Ye Jingxing couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a hurried footstep echoed from far to near. Immediately, Xiao San’s collapsing voice sounded: “Why did you come in??!!”

Ye Jingxing felt a little guilty: “…The cub brought me in.”

Xiao San: …

He should have tied Ye Jingxing outside.

He should have thought that the pet is an idiot, and the owner must be no smarter.

The little black cat wagged its tail and rolled it soothingly on Ye Jingxing’s legs.

Everything in the dead city was surrendered to him, Ye Jingxing had absolutely no need to worry.

Xiao San returned to his anger, but he still quickly pulled his arm and hurriedly pulled him out, “Leave with me quickly, and they’ll be finished when they find you.”

“But here… I don’t seem to see anything.” Ye Jingxing said.

All the way in they were unobstructed.

Xiao San suddenly stopped when he heard the words, “Yes, it’s strange… You’ve already come here, why haven’t you died yet??”

“I’ve seen people thrown here a few times… Almost as soon as they came in, they were killed and eaten by that group of things, and they didn’t cross that alley as far away.”

If something unforgivable happens around here, The offender will be thrown here, saving the trouble of execution.

——Of course, none of the perpetrators were spared, and they were all eaten by the monsters here.

“What are those things?” Ye Jingxing asked.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s… a hungry ghost,” Xiao San said with fear, “a living person was torn in two by them, and after a few bites, they didn’t even spit out bones, and spiritual magic weapons were useless for them.”

Shen Qiyao shook his ears.

That’s not right, the scorpion here was nurtured by his spiritual power and inherited part of his power. Coupled with the restrictive effect of the ancient formation, the group of monks coming in is tantamount to dying.

He slept here for too long, although he was somewhat conscious and could manage everything that originally belonged here, but he couldn’t wake up or leave, and it was very boring.

Now, Ye Jingxing woke him up with a mint.

Although the spiritual power is still bound by the enchantment, and the body is still in the state of a cub, it will be a matter of time for recovery.

Now –

The little black kitten climbed up Ye Jingxing’s clothes, and was cut by Ye Jingxing halfway and shoved directly into the placket of his clothes.

Now he’s with this guy who smells so delicious.

I’ll wait until you are fat, then eat and wipe.

He’s not a good monster.


The author has something to say:

eat ♂ dry ♂ wipe ♂ clean

QAQ He is a little zombie. Just a little zombie!