
Translated by Flo

Edited by Flo

As for why Ye Jingxing and the little black cat were not killed after coming in for so long, Xiao San pondered for a long time.

Finally, Xiao San gave up thinking and walked around the dead city with one person and one cat, and accepted the fact that those things would not come to kill Ye Jingxing, and said, “You are the third person who came in and was not killed.

“Who are the other two?” Ye Jingxing asked.

Xiao San: “Your little black cat and I”

Ye Jingxing lowered his head and glanced at the kitten in the placket.

The three of them are quite related.

“However, I still recommend you not to stay here,” said Xiao San, “If I had a place to go, I wouldn’t stay here.”

Ye Jingxing shook his head, “I have no place to go.”

“You still have a home, right?”

“My mother died early, my father thought that my qualifications were too poor and didn’t like me since I was a child. Now that I’m an adult, I was kicked out of my family. I’m a waste again, and I might burp when I walk outside. ” Ye Jingxing said that he was about to cry.

“…Then stay here.” Xiao San was speechless as he said it.

“Can people live here?” Ye Jingxing asked again.

After hearing this, Xiao San ran a few steps forward, turned around and opened his arms towards Ye Jingxing, “You can live in any of these houses.”

Very arrogant.

Those who didn’t know thought that this street was opened by him.

There were not many houses in the dead city, they were all clustered together and evenly distributed on both sides of the road, Ye Jingxing counted them carefully, and there were eight symmetrical rooms.

It seems that people have lived here before, but I don’t know what happened, and it has become what it looks like today.

Thinking of the big demon sealed underneath… Ye Jingxing guessed it out of ten. Nine has something to do with it.

“But they’re all old, so I’ll choose one for a while at night,” Xiao San said. “See which one you like.”

Ye Jingxing walked to the house that was farthest from the city gate and closest to the river.

What attracted him was that the yard was the largest.

“Mi.” Shen Qiyao used Ye Jingxing’s clothes to sharpen his claws.

This is a good place. It is close to the water. When you catch a Jiaoyu in the future, and raise some fish, shrimp, crabs, etc., the small river will live, and it is comfortable to live in. You can play in the water in summer.

“Zai Zai also likes this room?” Ye Jingxing gently rubbed the cat’s head with his chin.

“Mi.” Shen Qiyao shook his ears and agreed.

“That’s it.” Ye Jingxing pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

The yard is very large and empty, and the few things left in it were wiped out by the sand and soil, and the prototype could not be seen at all.

“Try your catnip?” Xiao San followed behind.

Ye Jingxing nodded, sprinkled mint catnip all over the yard, and applied some of the poor spiritual power that he had just recovered. One person and two cats waited patiently.

After a while, a small green sprout appeared on the sand.

The color green is always eye-catching.

Xiao San’s cat pupils stood up slightly, and his voice was filled with light joy: “I haven’t seen so much green for a long time, you are amazing.”

In the past 20 years, this is the first time that Ye Jingxing has been praised for his amazingness, so much so that he There is always a sense of unreality.

The book-piercing army… still hasn’t missed him.

At least he can contribute to the afforestation of this continent’s desert area.

If his life can be named, he would like to take “The Cattery Boss Travels Through the Years as a Volunteer”.

Going around the new greenery, Ye Jingxing walked into the house for a walk, and found that the house was built with a kind of soil. 

He did not recognize this kind of soil. It was probably unique to this world. Even after all these years of weathering, it was still very strong. But some slag can live so it is not good for long-term living, it must be replaced or strengthened.

After all, it was built a long time ago and “can’t keep up with the current trend”.

Now the best building material is a kind of stone called “profound stone”, which is uniquely produced in the Demon Race, and is completely dark.

It is used to build a house that is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is not afraid of water or fire.

The only downside is that it is expensive.

With the one thousand taels of silver in Ye Jingxing’s pocket, it was not enough to build a cat litter.

I heard that the emperor’s bedroom is completely made of profound stones.

And the Ye family, as the first immortal cultivator family, only had the ancestral hall made of profound stones.

“I still have to go to the Human Realm.” Ye Jingxing sighed and glanced in the direction of the door, the looming green in the courtyard could be seen outside the door.

He needs to buy some simple things to stay humble.

This forced him to spend his nights alone… He was unable to leave his bed at all, and he had trouble falling asleep. Not even a stool, much less a bed, was present. All of the interior furniture was corroded and broke when touched.

“It’s too sunny, or else I can go back to the Human Realm now when it’s dark.” Xiao San also didn’t like staying in the empty room. Seeing that Ye Jingxing wanted to leave, he walked into the yard first.

Before Ye Jing walked to the door, he heard an exclamation from the courtyard, “It’s overcast!”

Ye Jingxing accelerated his steps and walked out.

The sun that had been scorching hot had disappeared at this time, and there were faint clouds hanging on the horizon, white and pure, and it didn’t look like it was going to rain.

“The climate here is always erratic,” Xiao San complained, “I walked outside well once. One second it was the sun, and the next second it rained suddenly and drenched me.”

“Meow.” Shen Qiyao squinted at him.

That’s because you pissed everywhere, dirty his ground, and rained some rain. He’s already very interesting, at least he didn’t make a thunderbolt, otherwise he could eat roast cat meat directly.

He can control the weather here, whether it’s sunny or rainy depends entirely on his mood, but most of the time he doesn’t intervene and still follows the climate of the mainland.

“Do you want to go to the human world with me?” Ye Jingxing planned to do it all the time and set off directly while the sky was overcast.

No matter how bad it is, he still has a mint umbrella, which can block the sun. If the sun comes out, you can put it on top.

He really doesn’t like to act outside at night. The night always gives people a sense of danger and unknown uncertainty. Now it’s best to get back before it gets dark.

Xiao San shook his head and glanced at his palm, “I won’t go, I feel like… I’m going to break through, I have to find a place to retreat, this bottleneck has been too long, it’s waiting for me to die.”

Ye Jingxing: “…”

Hehe, other people’s cultivation base breakthrough is like playing, he seems to be playing.


Sanhua ate Ye Jingxing’s catnip, and it was normal to break through the bottleneck.

Shen Qiyao arched in Ye Jingxing’s arms, his little tail wagging back and forth.

It’s so comfortable, this guy smells… so good.

Having been hungry for thousands of years, he wished he could eat Ye Jingxing in one bite and swallow it into his stomach.

Sensing the movement of the kitten in his arms, Ye Jingxing raised his hand and scratched his chin, and the next second his index finger entered the cat’s mouth. 

It’s just that the kitten is too small, the baby teeth have not grown well, and it doesn’t feel much when biting.

There are several reasons for the little milk cat to bite, it may be that it treats your hand as a toy, it may be that it is expressing love to you, and due to Ye Jingxing’s catnip physique, he can reasonably suspect the third reason – hunger.

“Cub is hungry?”

“Meow.” Shen Maomao licked Ye Jingxing’s fingers in this gesture.

It is also good to not eat and lick.


The kitten had barbs on its tongue, and it was numb when licking it.

Ye Jingxing touched the cat’s head lovingly, “I’ll go to the human world to buy you something to eat later.” He was probably starving.

Seeing this, Xiao San pointed Ye Jingxing in the direction of the human world, and it was just one way to the end. 

And when Ye Jingxing asked him if he wanted to bring something, he licked his lips and said, “If you want to eat fish, bring some live fish.”

Ye Jingxing nodded, thinking about buying some more pots and pans. He’s a human, not a demon, he needs to cook before he eats.


The author has something to say:

Shen Qiyao: I’ve been licking him, and I’ve been to the cat cafe for too long. QuQ The cat is so cute, I love petite cats.