Save the beauty

Translated by Flo

Edited by Flo

This delicacy restaurant is being forced to buy and sell again.”

“There is a lot of power behind it, who can beat him here? Of course it’s unscrupulous.”

“But without the owner, we can’t even drink water…”

“Don’t look at it. Now , be careful of getting caught.”

“I look like I am very safe.”

“Dog, you are doing something bad again.” Someone joked.

The young boy who was holding Ye Jingxing was holding the spirit stone in his hand, his eyes quickly glanced at the bearded man who was leaning against the wall not far away, and whispered, “I am doing a good deed.”

The bearded man had already followed Ye Jingxing all the way, and it was a pirate’s response.

If Ye Jingxing was not tricked into the delicacy, he would probably be caught on a pirate ship today, and it would be Ye Jingxing’s corpse that he would see in a few days.

This kind of good-looking, low-level cultivation, no money, no power and no power, in such a place where the three worlds meet.

It is easy to be kidnapped by people with bad intentions. If you encounter any quirks… you can only end up being tortured to death.

It is better to enter this delicacy restaurant, at least there is a backer, and there is a way out.

This world is like this, the weak eat the strong. There is no way to survive.

It’s not the first time he brought here the “desperate beauties” who were targeted by the pirates’ eyeliner. 

Most of these people didn’t follow at first, but later they all lived well. On the other hand, those who escaped halfway were almost all taken first and killed.

The crowd at the entrance of the small herdsman was in a hurry and hardly stopped.

Seeing this, the teenager also slipped into the depths of the crowd like a loach.

Not long after he left, the bearded man leaning against the wall suddenly straightened up and followed.

Finally, the teenager found that he was being followed. He swallowed hard and went around several alleys, but he still couldn’t get rid of the person who was following him.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to turn around and said with a mournful smile, “What’s the matter, eldest brother?”

The bearded man hung his eyes and said, “How many times did you ruin our good deeds?”

“Ah?” The young man deliberately pretended to be stupid. “After speaking, he handed the spirit stone that he just got to the man, “Look, there are a lot of tips for the delicacy, if the big brother doesn’t dislike it…”

“Take the owner of the restaurant to press me? You have seen the owner of the restaurant before. What?” 

The big bear sneered the cigarette in his mouth and snatched the spiritual stone bag from his hand. “Tell me, how many good things have been bad for us this year?”

“How dare I…” The little boy said as he stepped backwards, he was about to wait for an opportunity to escape, but the man grabbed his arm and dragged him into the alley, rubbing against the sand.

The crowd surrounded, but no one dared to help.

This bearded man is the pirate’s eyeliner. He took the pirate’s holy medicine. One can beat ten ordinary people. I don’t know how this child offended him.

This is the most backward and most chaotic place in the human world. It is not easy to save a life. How dare you meddle in your own business.


Inside the restaurant.

Long after, the little black dumpling suddenly moved his claws lightly, and the originally scattered golden eyes suddenly opened, as sharp as a sharp knife, the next second…

A grass ball wrapped in a bell rolled to him.

“The little black cat is awake.” A male voice sounded.

Shen Qiyao: “?”

Shen Qiyao found himself in a huge house with a circular grass under him, which was very cool. There were many beautiful women sitting in the house, holding bamboo strips, talking and laughing, weaving grass balls and some unformed bamboo products.

And the grass ball just now was thrown by one of them.

What’s the situation?

What about Ye Jingxing?

He could smell the catnip that smelled nicely on Ye Jingxing’s body, so he was definitely not very far from him.

“Mimi.” The person who threw his grass ball just now smiled and wanted to reach out to touch him, but Shen Qiyao easily avoided it.

All of his spiritual power suddenly recovered in one breath, it was estimated that it was due to Ye Jingxing’s blood, and he didn’t know how long it would last.

He had to find Ye Jingxing quickly.

He doesn’t know if he is in danger now.

The little black group quickly walked out of the door with short legs, not giving the people in the room a chance to react.

“Didn’t you say that kittens are very friendly?” The beauty who touched the cat withdrew her hand angrily.

“Maybe the little masters of the Hehuan Sect are not the same.” Another human said.

“I see…”

“Hurry up, Ah Jiang said that the master and teacher liked the last delivery much, and ordered some to go over to cool off the heat.”

After listening to this, the beauties couldn’t help but speed up their hands.

No one cares where the kittens go. After all, these cats are after their masters, and no one cares about the master’s whereabouts.

All of them are beauties who have wandered into this small and broken town. They have no power, no power, and low cultivation, but their appearance is considered to be top-notch. 

Fortunately, the owner of the museum takes care of them so that they will not be kidnapped by the pirates.

The owner of the pavilion is an elder of the Hehuan Sect, a cat demon with a high level of cultivation. He brought a group of cat owners to this place to open a “precious delicacy pavilion”.

Some of them entered the outer gate of the Hehuan Sect, practiced the exercises of the Hehuan Sect, and improved their cultivation with those who came down from the sea to visit the Hualou.

The other part is unwilling to do this business, so they stay in the museum to take care of the daily life of the owners of the Acacia cat, and by the way make up some cat toys and cat supplies for sale.

They had a good day too.

Ye Jingxing did not go into a coma for a long time, it seemed that these people just wanted to fascinate him and bring him into the hall to avoid the steps of fighting at the door.

He is now sitting on a bed in a small room with only one candle burning, and there are no windows, it is very closed.

It was like some legends. After taking you into the den of thieves and brainwashing you crazy, let you accept their thoughts and work for them.

When Ye Jingxing woke up, the woman in red who dazed him, oh no, the man in red was sniffing something around his neck, causing him to get goosebumps when he just woke up, and he retreated into the bed. a distance.

Seeing him wake up, the red-clothed woman moved a stool and sat beside the bed, ready to “brainwash” him.

The red-clothed woman’s big boss: “Do you have a spirit stone on your body?”

Ye Jingxing shook his head.

The red-clothed woman’s big boss said, “You are living in this place.”

Ye Jingxing nodded.

The red-clothed woman’s big boss: “You are helpless.”

Ye Jingxing thought for half a second and nodded.

During the period of brainwashing, Ye Jingxing perfunctorily opened the Cultivation Forum in the sea of ​​​​knowledge and wanted to send a message for help.

[Your spiritual power is insufficient, please pay attention to your body~ Practice well and work hard to soar! 】 

Ye Jingxing: “…”

Heaven is killing him.

The brainwashing continues: “Then this is the best place for you, some eat, some live, and some earn money, perform better. According to your appearance and body fragrance, the masters will definitely like it. “

Speaking, the red-clothed woman raised his hand and wanted to touch his cheek again.

Ye Jingxing subconsciously ducked back and did not let him succeed.

You can do brainwashing as you like, anyway, he won’t listen. How can he be so easily fooled by a young man with strong roots in the 21st century? He just won’t do anything.

Seeing his reaction, Hongyi didn’t care, smiled, turned around and poured him a glass of water.

“The Three Realms are very chaotic here. A good-looking person like you with low cultivation will be kidnapped within three days.”

Ye Jingxing took the water and did not drink it, but continued to stare at him vigilantly.

“After being kidnapped, they will either be concubines or be taken to the caravan at sea…to become a tool for those people to vent, desire, and desire, first, rape, and then kill.”

Ye Jingxing: “…”

The sound of “click” was the sound of Ye Jingxing ‘s three views bursting.

He has lived in the 21st century under the constraints of laws and regulations for more than 20 years, and he has been a waste master for 20 years under the care of Ye Fu. thing.

“Look at the back of your right hand.” The red-clothed woman approached him.

Ye Jingxing lowered his head and glanced at the words, only to realize that a circle pattern the size of a copper coin had been drawn on the back of his hand at some point.

“What is this?” Ye Jingxing frowned and rubbed the pattern on the back of his hand, and found that he couldn’t rub it off at all.

The red-clothed woman’s boss: “The pirate’s response is in the picture. If you didn’t get the ‘precious delicacies’ brought by the puppy, you would have been stunned by the pirate ship by now.”

“The time when he sent you over. The person who marked you will follow you all the way, and it is estimated that he is still waiting for you outside. If you go out, he will probably stun you, drug you, take you to the boat, and then…”

Ye Jingxing didn’t want to hear it. He changed the topic and asked, “Where’s my cat?”

“It’s fine, don’t worry.” The door suddenly opened as soon as the red-clothed woman’s voice fell.

The dazzling light caused Ye Jingxing to narrow his eyes subconsciously, but he heard the big man in red clothes say, “The pavilion owner?”

The pavilion owner? The owner of this small shop?

Ye Jing Xing blinked and found… one was dressed in a coquettish manner. Another was an angry man who walked in.



The man looked like an inner disciple of a beggar gang, with short curly hair that was shoulder-length in the middle, a faint stubble on his chin, and a pretty face, but his words and deeds were airy.

“Where did this beauty come from?” The man’s eyes were red on Ye Jingxing, walking around naked.

“The one who lived in this place.” The man nodded and made a step back gesture to the red-clothed woman. When the door opened, there were only two people left in the room.

The man sat down on the bed, leaned close to Ye Jingxing and sniffed, “You are so fragrant.”

Fragrance…what a fart.

Is he talking about the smell of catnip?

Ye Jing Xing stepped back to the corner like hiding from the plague, holding the glass of water that Hong Yi poured to him just now.

“Be my slave,” the man stretched out his hand to lift his chin, “your pleasure.”

What kind of middle-2nd remarks… Let’s play SM here.

Ye Jingxing poured the water in his hand without saying a word.

He couldn’t take it anymore, so he broke the jar.

If this person was provoked and attacked him, he would run away with a weapon.

It was just a little humiliating.

In order to escape from the small pavilion, he should have used a life-saving magic weapon or something… 

The man: “…” 

The man let go of the hand that touched Ye Jingxing’s chin, his face was full of water droplets, and his chest was wet, so he couldn’t see his face. He got up and said with a complicated smile, “So you like to play wild.”

“Then I’ll play with you.” The man took out a sturdy rope and tied Ye Jingxing’s wrist to the head of the bed.

Then he got up and poured a glass of water. In front of Ye Jingxing, he added some white powder to the water and forced him to pour half a glass. clothes.

Ye Jingxing was so choked that he coughed, and there were a few tears in the corners of his eyes, the whole eye sockets were red, and there was an obvious red mark where his hands were tied.

He looked very embarrassed.

The effect of the medicine was very strong, Ye Jingxing only felt unbearable heat all over his body.

The man didn’t continue to do anything to him, it seemed that he drugged him just to see him in a state of embarrassment.

“Would you like to double cultivation with me? You’re a weak human being only on the third level of Qi training.”

Ye Jingxing: “…”

He is a waste, but he is not a waste to the point of seeking cultivation with the Acacia Sect, not to mention that he is a straight man, reinforced concrete straight.

“I never force others, but…” The man looked stunned, and before he finished speaking, he quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the door, and put away the condescending expression on his face.

The next second the door was pushed open.

It is a man with black hair and golden eyes, wearing a black night suit, half of his handsome face is covered by a long collar, and under the slightly disordered bangs.

His golden eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was about to pull out a gouge in the next second, the sharp blade resting on your throat.

The door was closed with a bang, and the only remaining candle in the room shook violently, and a flame started to burn on the edge of the extinguished edge and continued to burn.

Shen Qiyao squinted and leaned against the door.

The room was silent for a moment, only Ye Jingxing’s breathing became heavier and heavier, and the eyes of both of them fell on Ye Jingxing.

The man pursed his lips, put on that cynical smile again, got up and flattered: “Would you like to come?”

Shen Qiyao: “…?”


The author has something to say:

To emphasize again, the growing protagonist relies on the cubs in the early stage, and then relies on his own.

QwQ Guess what kind of breed the owner is?