Several Cats

Translated by Flo

Edited by Flo

In a short while, the man in black sat in the seat where the man just now sat, and the man stood behind him and carefully observed the emotional changes of the master. The suppression of the soul between monsters is not a joke.

Why is there another person…

Ye Jingxing felt extremely uncomfortable, but his hands were tied by ropes filled with spiritual energy, he couldn’t break free.

No matter how uncomfortable he was, he couldn’t vent, he could only endure the heat in his heart and dawdle gently.

Amidst the confusion, he heard the man in black sitting beside the bed speak: “What’s wrong with him?” 

The voice was cold.

“He…he was in love.” The man was not lying technically.

Are you in love? Maybe he just has bad taste… Anyway, this master didn’t ask him how he became affectionate with him.

Along the way, the man hurriedly sent a message to his subordinate kitten, asking them to come over quickly with an antidote. He usually does not have an antidote on him, only a reminder, it was a love medicine.

A heat?

Shen Qiyao frowned slightly.

Monsters have fur, affection, and time. (when courting) Do today’s human beings also have it?

Shen Qiyao has a very strong bloodline inheritance since he opened his eyes, and has never experienced the real heat period. The period was nothing to him, he just suppresses it with spiritual power and it was over.

He didn’t know how to help Ye Jingxing.

He was going to catch the human to befriend him. But now..

“Are you alright?” He only got a shallow gasp as a response.

Ye Jingxing was already somewhat confused, but he instinctively shrank back.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t do anything to you.” In the next second, something cold touched his cheek, and he was wrapped in a faint spiritual force.

So comfortable…

Instinct told him that he should use a weapon to escape, but this man’s spiritual power… was so gentle.

Seeing Ye Jingxing rubbing against his palm like a cat, Shen Qiyao narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open again, and a red-tailed kitten walked in cautiously, holding a jade bottle of good quality in its mouth, and its legs trembled uncontrollably.

Shen Qiyao could see that this cat was the man in red who had just stunned Ye Jingxing at the door, including this man who was also a cat demon.

It’s just that this man has a bloodline similar to his, and the red tail is just an ordinary cat demon.

“The medicine in the jade bottle can help relieve him.” The man explained.

The kitten immediately walked to Shen Qiyao’s side, raised his head slightly, and raised the jade bottle a little higher, revealing the movement of his fragile neck, and his tail tucked tightly around his legs, revealing his fear of Shen Qiyao.

Shen Qiyao reached out and took the bottle, and gave Ye Jingxing the medicinal pill to take.

It didn’t take long for the breathing of the person in his arms to gradually become stable, and he fell asleep on his arm. There should be nothing wrong.

Then Shen Qiyao untied the rope tied to the head of the bed for him, his hands were freed, and the two circles of red marks on his snow-white skin were particularly abrupt.

Shen Qiyao frowned slightly, gently stroked with his spiritual power, and the streak disappeared.

Humans during the Qi training period are very fragile, and the hands of these two kinds of mint cannot be destroyed.

Seeing this, the man said, “It will probably take a while before I wake up. Here, do you want to have a cup of tea in a different place, eldest brother?”

He provokes the master who has been sealed for so long, unable to live.

He had to inform those people about this matter as soon as possible, how it suddenly popped out after being sealed well, and raised a good-looking human servant.

This human servant… smells good.

If it weren’t for this master’s person, he really wanted to keep him.

Shen Qiyao’s golden eyes swept around the man, nodded and hugged Ye Jingxing by the waist.

When Ye Jingxing woke up again, he found himself in another room, this room was very cool, the floor was full of fluffy blankets, and he was lying on a slump covered with mats, covered with a soft quilt.

Ye Jingxing sighed a little – it was a hot day, and he finally entered the air-conditioned room.

The heat and discomfort on the body have disappeared, the clothes have been changed, and there is nothing unusual about the indescribable part.

It should be… nothing bad happened, right?

Who is that man in black? Where has he gone?

Where is he now?

“Mi.” Just when Ye Jingxing got up and wanted to get out of bed to check the situation, a soft cat meow caught his attention.

“Cub?” Ye Jingxing quickly followed the sound and found that the little black dumpling was lying on the edge of a grass ball.

The grass ball is made of bamboo strips, very delicate, the sharp parts are polished very smooth, there are still several deep or shallow cat claw marks left on it, and the looming small bell inside is very cute.

Gently moved by the little black cat’s paws, the grass ball rolled forward in a circle, making a crisp “ding bell” sound.

“Mi woo.” The cat was lost and found, and the physical discomfort disappeared.

Although Ye Jingxing couldn’t figure out the current situation, it was better than being locked in a small dark room by that big boss in women’s clothing.

Ye Jingxing got up and went over to pick up his kitten, checked it carefully, and was relieved after confirming that there was no wound on his body.

“Mi.” The little black cat rubbed on him obediently, and even stretched out its pink tongue to lick the skin between his neck.

The time has passed, and he has returned to the form of a small black cat.

The place where he accidentally bitten had already scabbed over, and Ye Jingxing did not find this small wound.

At this moment, another cat meow suddenly sounded: “Meow.”

Ye Jing Xing followed the sound and found that there was a few adult cats on the ground not far from them.

Several cats, commonly known as cow cats, are usually black and white. They are called several cats because the black and white on their faces are spliced ​​into several shapes.

Ye Jingxing had raised a small cow cat before. It was very beautiful. Because it was a pastoral cat, it had a good personality and physique. It was bought when he was very young.

Ye Jingxing stared at the little cow cat, and gently scratched the chin of the kitten in his arms.

“Mi.” Shen Miaomiao narrowed his eyes comfortably, his small tail was slightly rolled up and wrapped around Ye Jingxing’s wrist, noncommittal.

Several cats who witnessed everything: “…”

They seemed to have witnessed something they shouldn’t have seen.

Shouldn’t this grandpa kill this cat?


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