“Hey, you—! Help!”

Even though my second year of high school has just begun, it’s already the worst.

While I was walking down the streets at night after failing on the first day of my part-time tutoring job, I saw four delinquents mugging a man in his fifties who cried out for help when he spotted me.

“Please! Don’t leave!”

It wasn’t that difficult to save him. If I call the police and told the delinquents about it, they’d probably run away.

However, doing that might lead the delinquents to hold a grudge against me. Since it is unlikely that the old man would die, the best thing to do is to ignore him and leave.

Farewell, old man! Godspeed!

…It seems that I can’t just leave.

A scary option popped up.

{ 1 「I’m gonna help you now!」 Fight the delinquents }

{ 2   Call the police }

Believe it or not, I am cursed with [Forced Youth Option]. I’m forced to take actions that lead to Love and Youth.

Whenever options pop up, I must obey them. Disaster happens when I ignore them.

But how can saving this old man lead me to love and youth?

…No way, with an old man? Just imagining it makes me sick.

—Anyway, my option is of course 2. Definitely not 1. I’ve never been in a fight.

“…Okay. I’m calling the police”

I have no choice but to take out my phone as the four delinquents stared at me. They’ll remember my face. Damn it!

“You bastard! Are you a man?! Then, fight us!

The options popped up in my brain again.

{ 1 「I’m a true man!」(Give them a flying kick) }

{ 2 「Come at me, bro!」(Punch them) }

What the hell! They’re nearly the same!

It is possible to ignore these options and just call the police, but something bad will happen to me.

The other day, because I ignored the option of tutoring the bitch of our class, Rurikawa Himari, my father was laid off. Running away here might spell the doom of my family.

I’ve got no choice.

“I’m a true man!”

I was as brave as a warrior and gave them a flying kick.


I was easily beaten to a pulp and laid on the street in agony. There was no way that I, a lifetime member of the Going Home Club, could ever beat up delinquents. 

I stared up at the delinquents rifling through our wallets.

“Tsk, the old man only had 2,000 yen.”

“Woah, buy-one-get-one in Ichiya-san’s! Lucky!”

They took the money I just got from my part-time job. Me and the old man who got his glasses broken can only watch in silence. 

“Don’t tell the police, m’kay? You know what happens to those who snitch.” 

{ 1 「I understand.」 (Do not tell the police)}

{ 2 「Suck my ass, I’m definitely gonna tell ’em」(Pull down your pants) }

What will happen if I choose 2? I can only assume my life will end. Interesting, but my life can’t be restarted.

“I understand…” Now I can’t report the damage anymore. I’m gonna have to give up the 5,000 yen from my part-time. 

“Your understanding is appreciated. See you later!”

They laughed as they walked away.

“Uuuh…” I lost all my 5,000 yen in the worst way possible. Tears can’t stop falling from my eyes.

“It’s all my fault. I’m sorry.” The old man pats my shoulder.

No, it’s the delinquents who mugged him and the curse which forced me to fight. The old man wasn’t to blame for any of those.

“It’s not your fault. But in a situation like this, it’s better to report it immediately, right?”

“Sorry, I didn’t think of that. Come on, stand up.”

I stood up with the help of the old man. We walked through the streets, supporting each other’s shoulders.

“Well, uh- I’m Zama Sukio. You, kid?”

“Yagami, Souma Yagami .”

My father named me that because he wanted me to be a great man. However, I have betrayed my parents’ expectations. 

I aim for a life of stability and practicality, a life of peace and tranquility with minimal effort.

In other words, a civil servant who has nothing to do with love or marriage. That’s my ideal image.

As a student, all I have to do is concentrate on my studies to get into a good university. Club activities, student council, volunteer work— none of that has anything to do with me. All of them may give extracurricular points but it’s not a problem to study without them. 

I don’t communicate with my classmates outside of academic matters. Socializing with people is such a hassle. Fortunately, no one talks to me as they don’t like me at all.

The name, Souma, doesn’t fit me at all.

“Yagami-kun, look over there.”

I look in the direction Old Man Zama is pointing at. On the second floor of a building, a windowpane read [Rough Life Boxing Gym].

I hate sports.

It’s a treasure trove of youth, sweat, hot-bloodedness— all attributes I dislike. 

Among them, I especially dislike martial arts. In today’s society where the pen is mightier than the sword, only a fool with an IQ below 100 still relies on violence.

“Hey, Yagami-kun, let’s join the gym together. We’ll beat those delinquents up.” 

“What?” I’m not gonna box.

{ 1 「That sounds great!」 Join the gym }

{ 2 「I’m gonna be Mike Tyson reborn」 }

{ 3 「Forget that, let’s break into the gym and—」Beat everyone up }

Damn it, they show up at the worst time!

It’s not even a choice at all. The third option is a death ending, no matter how you look at it! There’s no way it leads to love and youth!

“I’m gonna be Mike Tyson reborn!”

“O- oh! I’m counting on you! Ha-ha!”

Thus, my boxing journey in Rough Life Boxing Gym with Old Man Zama began.