After finishing my training, I left Rough Life Boxing Gym with Old Man Zama.

“Uncle, thank you for your hard work!”

“Good work, Yagami-kun!”

I leave the old man and head for a certain high-rise tower.

The first day at the gym went off without a hitch. It was finally over.

I had planned to quit on the first day, but as soon as I was about to tell the president that I wanted to quit, the following choices popped up.

{ 1 「I love this gym! I want to continue for the rest of my life!」 (You can’t leave until you get permission from the president) }

{ 2 「I’m gonna beat you up, then I’ll be the new president from now on!」 (Fight him for the title of President) }

Naturally, I chose 1, and now I’m not allowed to leave. The president was overjoyed.

And whenever I try to cut corners i n practice—

{ 1 「President! Look how hard I’m practicing!」(Show off to the President) }

{ 1 「Oh shit! Quick, bring me a potty!」 (Shit your pants) }

I had to train as hard as I could. At my age, I can’t afford to shit my pants! All the exercise made me sweat like a waterfall, disgusting. It really sucks.

The president, Arakure-san, said, “It’s been a long time since we had someone with guts! Ha-ha!” 

“You can do it!”

…Well. Being encouraged isn’t a bad feeling.

It was probably just lip service to keep me from dropping out of the club right away, but who wouldn’t be happy to be praised? I’m a cynical person, but I’m at least honest about that.

I press the intercom of the apartment of the Rurikawas.

A cute, petite woman with bob-cut black hair comes out.

This sleepy-looking is my homeroom teacher, Sakurako Rurikawa. 25 years old, single, and advisor of the track and field club.

A low-key, quiet woman. The opposite of her younger sister, Himari Rurikawa, and honestly, I don’t mind her.

“Come on in, Himari is waiting for you in the living room.”

“Excuse me…”

I follow Sakurako-sensei into the living room.

A blond twin-tailed girl is sitting on the couch and staring at me. She is 16 years old and a fellow sophomore at school. If I hadn’t become a tutor, I would have never had the chance to talk to her.

“I’ll stay with you today.”

“Thank you for your help.”

Thanks Sakurako-sensei. If it weren’t for her presence, Himari would have soon left already. I can’t get paid for my job if I don’t do it.

” You’re really a creep! You’re disgusting! Go home!

–It’s here. The choices are here

{ 1 「You’re cute again today, Himari.」 (Pat Himari’s head) }

{ 2 「Be quiet.」 (Grab her and kiss her) }

{ 3 「Shut up, you ugly bitch.」 (Scratch her face) }

What do you think? Should I go with number 3? 

The safest choice is number 1 but number 3 is really tempting right now. All other choices other than 1 will lead to a police report, not to mention being fired from my job.

In the end, there’s only one choice.

“You’re cute again today, Himari.” I pat her head.

“Hey! You’re being disgusting again. What the hell is wrong with you?” 

If I wasn’t cursed, I would have never called you cute.

“Yagami-kun, what are you doing? Don’t be silly.”

{ 1 「Shut up.」 (Kiss Sakurako-sensei) }

{ 2 「Don’t be jealous.」 (Pat Sakurako-sensei’s head.) }

Seriously, I wanna cry. It’s like mistaking yourself for a handsome playboy. All of these are too painful for a background character like me.

“Don’t be jealous.” I am being forced to pat sensei’s head.

I pat Sakurako-sensei’s head.

“Mu! I’m not jealous!”

The teacher’s face turns bright red and her cheeks puff up. –Cute

“Seriously, you’re disgusting! Hey Sakurako! You should fire this guy right now!”

“It’s impossible. Yagami-kun is the most hated person in the class, or even in the school. He has a high tolerance for abusive language. He’s the only one who can take care of Himari.”

No, I just got hurt like a normal person. ……

“What’s this! If it was with a good looking guy like Ichijo, I wouldn’t swear at him! In the first place, why are you talking to me? Aren’t you older than me?!”

Seiya Ichijo. He is the ace of the soccer team, and is a fresh, handsome guy at the top of his caste. He’s also smart and a very nice guy.

“The third-year students are busy with exams. Yagami-kun is the only one who meets the requirements of good grades, free time, and strength to fight back. Give it up.”

Sensei ……can’t you be a little more thoughtful about the way you say things……?

“Hey Sakurako, he’s definitely a pervert! He’s going to do something really nasty to me!”

I’m not interested in a vulgar woman like you.

If that’s the case, I think the back of the tree is more erotic.

“Don’t worry. Yagami-kun isn’t interested in Himari. He’s probably more excited about the back of a tree.”

She saw right through me!?

“T-That’s right. I’m not a pervert, and I like innocent and quiet women. I’m not interested in bitches like you, and I’m not at all interested in back of a tree. Rest assured.

“Who are you calling a bitch? I’ll kill you for real! …… hmm? A quiet woman ……? Could it be ……?”

Himari glanced at the teacher.

“This guy is definitely after Sakurako! That’s why he took a job as a tutor! Isn’t that right?”

Himari glared at me.

Huh? There’s no way. It’s because of the curse.

I do think the sensei is a lovely person.

But I don’t look at her that way. I’m not interested in the nonsense of love at all.

—–Is what I would like to say…….

{ 1 「No, you’re the one I’m after.」}

{ 2 「That’s right. I’m aiming for Sakurako-sensei」}

As you can see…….

It looks like I have to choose one of the two.

What do I do? Ignore them with a penalty?

But then the image of my parents and sister falling down the stairs and getting hit by a truck and falling apart came to my mind.

“That’s right. I’m aiming for the teacher.”

The teacher is a mature woman. It is possible that she will take it as a joke.

I have to put my hope in that.

“Nn…… really……?”

“Eh, are you serious ……?”

{ 1 「Yeah, I’m the type to like being bossed around by a quietwoman.」(Tip Sakurako-sensei’s chin) }

{ 2 「She’s cute, do you have a problem with that?」(Pull Sakurako-sensei into a hug) }

Why are they both a bit oracular…..

Please the choices are more in line with my character. ……

“She’s cute. Do you have a problem with that?”


I hugged the teacher’s shoulder.

A good scent drifted into the air.


Himari’s eyes are darting.

It’s no wonder she’s so confused. My actions were too abrupt.

“Let go of me……it’s embarrassing…….”

“Ah, excuse me, Sensei”

When I let go of her hand, Sensei ran into her room with a red face.

“Ah. Sensei!? I thought you were going to accompany me!”

I knocked on the teacher’s door, but there was no response.

Oh no, I’ve completely pissed her off. It’s not good to be hated by the homeroom teacher. I have to apologize to her later.

“You’re …… kind of amazing, aren’t you ……?”

Himari is being pressured by my crazy state. I think I can teach her well now.

In order to show Sakurako-sensei that I’m sincere, I’ll have to do a good tutoring job first.

“…… Well. Now, please open your textbook to page 45.”

“Oh, yeah…….”

In this way, my favorability rating with Sakurako-sensei became the worst, but I was able to finish Himari’s lesson without any problems.