The next day, Monday morning, Sakurako-sensei apologized to me, saying, “I don’t know what happened, but I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t remember what she had done, but it seemed like she apologized because her sisters had told her to.

I just replied, “As a man, I’ll take responsibility.”

I sent the wondering teacher off, finished my morning chores with Tsumugi, and headed to school.

I changed into my jacket that read “Doping Consommé Bastard” and “Phony Runner” and went into the classroom to take a seat.

A few moments later, Shogo Kito, aka Chicken Bastard, showed up.

“Oh, you finally came out…….”

He was probably afraid of being pursued by Himari.

Since the incident, Kito has been absent. He didn’t even answer the phone, he was such a pathetic guy.

Kito looked around the classroom and turned his gaze towards Himari.

Himari, on the other hand, glanced at Kito and immediately started playing with her phone again.

Normally, when she sees him, she immediately greets him in a loud voice.

Kito awkwardly walked over to Himari.


Kito spoke to Himari, but she tsked and ignored him.


“Don’t you have something to say first?”

Maybe that Kito guy hasn’t apologized yet? Then she won’t be talking to you.

“Well, it was inevitable, right?”

“What? I was almost kidnapped!”

“It’s good that you’re okay. Let’s let bygones be bygones. –Okay?”

Oi, oi …… You’re not supposed to say that.……

Does this guy really have a 60+ deviation score?

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Batchen! Kito’s cheek was pulled up.

A tear rolled down Himari’s cheek.

“What the hell? What are you doing, you bitch?”

Kito grabbed Himari by the collar.

“Hey, Shogo! Stop it!”

“Kito-kun! Stop it!”

A classmate stopped Kito.

“I’m not talking to men like you anymore!”

“What the hell……! Who the hell do you think you are?”

Kito pushes Himari down on the desk.

“Stop it, Kito!”

“Shut the fuck up! I’ll kill you!”

“Damn it…..”

The boys tried to stop Kito, but he was so powerful that they backed away.

“I’ll get the teacher!”

One of the girls ran out of the classroom.

“Hey Himari, apologize to …… me!”

“Why do I have to apologize? Uen!”

Himari started to cry.

“Hey boys! Somebody help her!”

The girls scream with tears in their eyes. –But no one is able to step forward. Everyone is afraid of Kito.

Well, then, I’ll take this place — and then, this came out!

{1 [“Pfft! Don’t touch my Himari!”] (Stand in front of Himari) }

{2 [“Soma-kun, the messenger of love and peace, will inject the heart of love and peace into you!] (Press your crotch against both of them and break up the fight.) }

{3 [“Leave it to me.”] (Stop Kito with all your might.) }

Yeah, damn it! The first and second were so creepy that I could only choose the least rough way out!

I was originally going to help Himari, but why the hell did you have to come out!

“Leave it to me”

I approached Kito while the whole class looked at me like “What?”

“Kito, let Himari go and apologize. In all likelihood, it was your fault.”

“Ha? Don’t be a trash Yagami and talk big.”

From this attitude, it seems that he doesn’t know that I beat up the delinquents.

In fact, he didn’t even seem to notice that we were in the parking lot.

Maybe he couldn’t see me very well because he was lying down and it was nighttime.

“Just let go.”

He was still grabbing Himari’s collar, so I grabbed Kito’s arm tightly.

“What’s your problem, that hurts!”

Kito punched me in the shoulder.

A punch with no backing at all. It doesn’t hurt or itch.

…… No, that was a lie. It’s a little painful.

“Are you okay, Himari?”

“Yes.…… Thank you.”

I pick Himari up in my arms.

“What? ”What’s that feeling? Hey, you, Yagami. Don’t act like you’re her boyfriend.…… Himari, why are you letting him touch you like an adult?”

“You’re annoying. Don’t be so jealous. It’s really creepy.”

Himari, stop saying unnecessary things!

“What the hell…… this slut!”

Kito grabbed Himari by the arm as she tried to hit him.

“What’s wrong with you, Kito?”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t tell me you’re in love with Himari? Gahhahaha!”

Hey, this kind of question…… Oh, I knew it.

{1 [“Yeah, you’re right.”] }

{2 [“That’s a silly question. It’s the only reason a man would put his body on the line.”] }

{3 [“Himari, I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”] }

“That’s a silly question. There is no other reason for a man to put his body on the line.”

Silence enveloped the classroom. Well, that’s true, isn’t it?

I thought we were fighting, and now suddenly I’m confessing my negative feelings. I guess my brain can’t keep up.

“Gahhahaha! Seriously? This is a classic! Do you think a worm like you will be taken seriously? –Right, Himari!”

Himari’s face was as red as a boiled rice cake.

Of course you would if you were forced to play with such shame in front of everyone.

I did a really bad thing. If you’re going to hold a grudge, hold it against Kito.

“…… Because Yagami is a million times better than a bastard like you. Can you please never talk to me again?”

“Yes, yes….. Hey Yagami, I’ll go ahead and say it. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. But you know what, she won’t let me do it at all. She refuses to even kiss—–“

My left hook went into Kito’s jaw.

He stops spewing out his shitty lines and collapses on the spot.



“Hey, Kito! Are you okay!”

A boy who is close to Kito shakes him.

“What are you guys doing!”


Murayama-sensei the life guidance teacher, and Sakurako came running into the classroom.

I accidentally hit him.…… This is going to be a problem.

Onigashira and I were taken to the student guidance office, where we were interviewed by the head teacher, Fujimoto-sensei, the life guidance teacher, Murayama-sensei, and our homeroom teacher, Sakurako-sensei.

After a lot of questions about why I hit Kito, I was told that the punishment would be announced later and I was released for the time being. However, it seemed that Kito’s interrogation would continue.

I bowed my head, stood up, and left the room.

“If you ask me, ‘Why did you hit him? I’ll just say because I was pissed off.”

Himari was standing in front of the student guidance office.

“I’m sorry, Yagami. It’s all my fault…….”

“No, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault. Lately, I’ve been using my hands more than my mouth……”

That’s right.

I’m a big fan of peace and quiet, but lately I’ve been breaking things up with violence. This is a very serious matter.

But I have to admit, I’m beginning to like it.

In these peaceful and civilized times, I find it exhilarating to dare to use the simple and primitive power of violence.

“I think it’s totally possible…….”

Himari’s ears turn red and she fidgets. –Cute. I guess she’s embarrassed because she’s not used to complimenting people.

“That’s nice of you to say.”

“Oh, you know, Yagami ……what you said in the classroom earlier was just a …… random thing you said, right?”

Yeah, that thing where I declared that I was in love with Himari. That was heartbreakingly cold.

It’s the kind of creepy that could destroy the trust I’ ve built up with a single blow, even though Himari has come to listen to my lessons.

Now the choices…… Oh, it doesn’t come to mind. Thank God. That clears up the misunderstanding.

“Yeah, I said it on the spur of the moment. I’m sorry.”

“Ah …… yes …… you’re right. It’s Sakurako that Yagami likes.……”

Himari shudders.

It’s true that Sakurako-sensei is my favorite of the three sisters, but that’s because the other two are just too weird.

It’s not that I don’t LOVE her, but …….

“Yagami, thank you for saving me…..!”

Himari suddenly smiled and ran towards the classroom.

It looked like a somewhat painful smile, but was it my imagination?

At lunchtime, Kito was called out again, and when he came back to the classroom, he immediately took his bag and left.

At that time, he glared at me as hard as he could.

“I heard he is suspended for a week. That’s a bummer.”

She suddenly spoke to me from behind. I turned around as quickly as I could.

“Oh, Shino. Did you come all the way here to tell me that?”

“Yes.…… Actually, Senpai was supposed to be suspended too. Sakurako-chan asked father to rescind Senpai’s punishment?”

So you’re saying he put pressure on the school?

Rurikawa Dad has that much power, doesn’t he? I’ll have to make sure I don’t put him in a bad mood.

“Sakurako didn’t want you to bow to my father. Please be grateful, just kidding…… Thank you for saving Himari-chan.”

Shino bows her head.

Her so normal and straightforward attitude upset me.

“Oh, oh ……, don’t worry about it.”

“I am usually like this. Don’t worry about it.”

Shino chuckled and walked away.

I see. That’s why you’ve been so quiet in front of everyone.

She is a catty, venal person, but she also has a sincere side, as she does now.

Unlike Himari, she is a complicated woman and I don’t know how to evaluate her.

One thing is for sure, she is in a good position and capable of knowing the games that were being played behind the scenes. That is…….

“Let’s never make her as an enemy…….”

I muttered to myself.