After school, I change into my uniform and head to the field.

What am I going to do? Practice for the track and field team, of course.

It’s been about ten days since I joined the club today, and I’ve been spending my time without any problems.

I thought I’d be treated strangely, since it’s rare for someone to join the club in their second year, but I guess Sakurako-sensei is doing a good job of talking things through with me.

However, I don’t intend to work hard in the club, not even a little.

If I try to quit or skip the club, I’ll be interrupted by options, so I have no choice but to participate in the club activities, but I’m cutting corners and focusing on my own training.

“Gather round!”

The heads of each department, boys and girls, are standing in front of the track.

I was in the middle of a light jog, but I sluggishly made my way over to them.

Then came the teacher and Himari in her jersey. –Oya? Why is Himari here?

“Sensei, we’re all here.”

The teacher nodded her head.

“We’ve got a new manager today.”

The teacher pats Himari on the back.

“I’m Rurikawa …… Himari…… It’s nice to meet you.”

It seems that she is not used to speaking in public at all.

The red-faced Himari finished her self-introduction in a much quieter voice than usual.

I clapped my hands, gushing lightly.

When she looked at me, she smiled and flashed her double fangs. –Oh, that’s a nice smile.

“Today, we’re going to decide who will participate in the Inter-High Regional Qualifiers in May.”

Inter High ……!

I’ve never been a fan of youth and sports, but I’ve heard of it. I’m sure it’s a big tournament.

“Sakurako, what’s Inter High?”

Himari asks a question with an idiotic look on her face. Nice!

“The Inter High. It’s like a national sports festival. It’s amazing if you win.”

“Kuu, is that so”

I see, it’s amazing. How great is it?

“Which is more impressive, the gold medal in calligraphy I won in elementary school or this?”

Oh, that’s a good comparison. Nice Himari!

“Well, it’s probably—“

“It’s the Inter High!!!!”

Without waiting for Sakurako-sensei’s reply, the head of the women’s department replied with considerable fury.

“In order to participate in the Inter High, you have to win the regional, prefectural and block tournaments. In other words, the participants must represent their respective regions! Just to participate in the Inter High is amazing!”

The head of the women’s department unleashed a tremendous amount of spirit, as if to intimidate Sakurako-sensei.

The teacher puffed out her cheeks with tears in her eyes.

“I know! That’s what I was going to say!”

Oh, the teacher got angry. You’re still as cute as ever.

The other members of the club seemed to think so too, and they all smiled.

In short, the Inter High is a tournament to decide the number one of the year. It’s just like the World Cup.

“I’m sorry about this! Please don’t get distracted then!”

The puffed up teacher glared at the pouting head girl, and Himari soothed her with a soothing “Calm down.”

Could it be that the teacher is as childish as Himari said?

“Then, I’ll start right away!”

The teacher, who was always so quiet, was in a rage.

It seems that her anger has not subsided yet. It’s really not mature.

Thus began the examination to select the representatives for the inter high school.

Apparently, only the top three students, regardless of grade, are allowed to compete.

I was asked to participate in two events, the 1,500 meter run and the 5,000 meter run.

A total of 6,500 meters. I was really tired. However, I was told that I couldn’t do two events on the same day, so the 5,000-meter run was two days later.

After the short-distance running and jumping, it was time for me to take my turn.

I hadn’t run for real since the endurance run in the sports test.

Of course, I’m going to cut some corners for this test.

There are two reasons for this.

One is that I don’t want to participate in the competition. To put it bluntly, it’s a waste of time.

I can lose several days just by participating. I have midterm exams coming up, after all. I want to spend as much time as possible on Himari’s exam preparation.

Secondly, I feel guilty.

I’ve beaten Kinomura, but I don’t think I can beat the aces of the third year.

But what if I do win?

They’ve been training hard for three years, pouring their passion into it.

It would be too cruel for me, who had only been with the team for ten days, to take away their spot.

It would be too cruel for me to deprive them of a spot.

As I was thinking about this, the head of the boys’ club tapped me on the shoulder.

“Yagami, you’ve never given it your all, have you? Don’t hesitate to give it your all. That’s how you should treat us.”

{1 [“I understand] (Give everything for the 1,500-meter run.) }

{2 [“I will go all out!] (Lariat all you strength with the president.) }

“President….. I understand!

I don’t like “sporty” or “hot-blooded,” but I do like this kind of heroism.

Then let’s give it our all! –or rather, I have to, because of the curse.

“Yagami, I’m not going to lose this time!”

“Well, good luck to you.”

I let Kinomura’s tangent slide.

There were 12 contestants, three of whom were third-year students.

If Kinomura and I finish in the top three, two of us will be representatives.

What will they do if their last Inter High participation is cuting corners?

If it were me, I’d probably leave the club immediately.

While I was haunted by such thoughts, the race was about to start. If it were a short-distance race, I would have been defeated.

Ichigaya, a senior in the third year, was in the lead, followed by the president and Kinomura.

I’m last place.

“Yagami! Good luck!”

Himari waved her hand loudly.

I didn’t know there was a girl who would cheer for me! I’m glad to hear it, even if it’s Himari. I don’t mind it so much anymore.

I raise my hand lightly to Himari and pick up the pace.

I knew how to pace myself from the sports test. Now I just need to figure out where to start.

“I’m last place but I’m going to try to catch up in the last minute.”

I like this race because it’s dramatic.

If I win brilliantly, maybe no one will call me a creep.

I stayed at the back of the pack.

One and a half laps to go. Ichigaya-senpai is still in the lead, and Kinomura is in second place.

This is where I make my move.


“Oi oi! Will he make it to the end?!

“Yagami-san, shit!”

The members of the club who was overtaken rolls their eyes.

“Damn it! Yagami!”

“We can’t lose!”

I jumped into the lead at once, but Ichigaya and Kinomura followed me.

Half a lap to go. The sprint begins.

I’m gaining ground on the rest.

–Are you sure about this, seniors? I’m about to destroy the three years who’ve been working so hard for. You’ve got to get past me.

I praying for real, hoping for victory for the seniors.

But there was no one to pass me.

Oh, come on, is that what your three years were like? Please, please, please win!

Don’t let me beat you…….!

I entered the finish line with a sorrowful heart.

“First place, Yagami-kun.”

“Kyaa Yagami, that was amazing!”

I felt a little relieved when I saw Himari jumping up and down.

“Second place, Ichigaya-kun. –Third place, Kinomura-kun.”

In the end, the ranking remained the same.

Does that mean the president can’t participate……

“Fourth place president Sangu”

The president continued to breathe painfully after finishing.

After a while, he calmed down and came over to me.


“Brilliant, Yagami! That’s it!”

“T-thank you…….”

I was struck by the president’s manly spirit, and I burst into tears.

I was so embarrassed by it that I quickly headed to a remote location.

“Yagami! Here, sport drink.”

“Oh, thank you!”

Himari handed me a sports bottle instead of a store-bought plastic one.

I pretended to wipe my face with a towel, wiped away my tears, and took it.

“—-Hmm, it has a light taste.”

It’s just the right consistency.

Sports drinks on the market are made thicker to make them taste better. In reality, this is the ideal level of thinness.

This is probably the type of sport drink that is made by dissolving a powder in water.

“Isn’t that better?”

“Yeah. –Hmm? Did Himari make this?”

“Yes! I did my research!”

“That’s great. You’re a good manager.”

Himari smiled and said, “Ehehe.” Cute.

Himari, who hates to study, did her own research.

Is that how much she cares about being the manager of the track and field team?

–No, I don’t think so.

She broke up with Shogo Kito, so she’s looking for the next guy.

But if that’s the case, I think there are more handsome guys in the tennis and basketball clubs.

“Hey, Himari. Doesn’t anyone ever tell you that you have strange taste in men?”

“So suddenly?! But how did you know? I was just told that a few minutes ago!”

I knew it.

I nodded my head in satisfaction and gulped down Himari’s special sports drink.

TL: Next chapter will be Himari’s PoV