Early the next morning, I was yawning and picking up trash around the school with tongs in my right hand and a trash bag in my left.

“That Yagami guy is really here…….”

“What’s with that guy? What’s the point……?”

Kitahara and Komatsu were whispering to each other.

The truth is, I don’t want to do any cleanup work either.

I walked away from the bitches and went to a place where no one seemed to be.

Then I saw a blonde twin-tailed girl crouched down, standing out in a weird way.


“Ah …… Yagami……”

Himari’s been a little down since yesterday.

Her studies were not going so well.

“What’s wrong? It is unusual for you to be separated from Kitahara and the others.”

“Oh, yeah. ……”

Her expression was gloomy. Something must have happened.

It’s not good if it affects her studies. I need to take immediate action.

“Did you have a problem with them?”

“Yeah, well, …….”

Himari looked uncomfortable.

Should I force myself not to ask? But hey, …….

‘…… will tell me?”

“Well, …… you know, …… those girls say very bad things about Yagami, ……”

It happens all the time. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

“They also told me that I should keep my distance from Yagami. …… I was a little pissed off, so ……”

Nn? You mean Himari is standing by my side? Thank you for that.

“I see I’m used to people saying bad things about me, so don’t worry about it.”

Himari’s expression remained dark. There’s something more.

“Hey Yagami…… Yagami, Sayaka told you to keep your distance from me, right?”

“Yeah. Yesterday morning, on the bicycle parking lot, she told me.'”

“And you said ……, “I understand,” right?”

“That’s right.”

“…… U-uh-uhn!”

Himari began to cry and cry.

“O-oi, Himari. …… What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.…… I’m sorry for crying out of nowhere…….”

Himari sniffed, wiped her eyes with her sleeve, and left for another place.

“What’s wrong with you, Himari ……”

“Go after her now and give her a big hug! And say, “I care about her!” That’s why!”

She shouted at me from behind, and I turned around.

“Oh, you’re the one from ……!?”

“Shou, I’m the old lady who asked you where the post office was, but was refused on the grounds because you were sick!”

Sorry old lady! I really thought I was hallucinating at the time!

“Come on, let’s go!”

{1 (Obey the old lady, chase Himari and hug her.) }

{2 (Ignore Himari. Instead, hug the old lady.) }

Do I have to hug either of them ……

Both run the risk of being reported, but the old lady’s is probably less likely to do so.

I’ll take the easy way out here.

“Old lady! I care about you so much!”

I hugged the old lady.

“Wauuuu! What are you doing? You’re supposed to be hugging the blonde girl, not me! My …… body is already on fire. ……”

Now the choice is clear–and there it is again.

{1 (Chase Himari and hug her.) }

{2 (Ignore Himari. Kiss the old lady.) }

My behavior towards the old lady is escalating!

If I keep choosing 2, it looks like I’m finally going to be forced to have sex with the old lady!

Then I’ll have no choice but to do it!

If I apologize right away, she won’t report me!

I rushed to Himari’s side. –There she is!



I hugged Himari.

“Kya ……”

“Himari, I care about you ……!”

“Eh? Eh? Awa…….Awawawa”

Himari’s face turned red, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Oh no. This feeling, I feel like I’m about to be shouted “This person is a pervert!”

“I’m sorry, I’ll let you go now.”

I let go of Himari’s hand.

“Ah, …….”

Himari showed a disappointed expression.

Did she think that I couldn’t be prosecuted for something like this?

“Himari, I’m really sorry. Can you please keep this a secret? (In the sense of reporting it to the police or consulting with a lawyer.)”

“Uh, yeah, …….”

Ha~ I’m safe.

That old lady made me cross a very dangerous bridge.

I picked up the cigarette butt with a pair of tongs, leaving Himari in a daze.

“Shinagawa, he is absent today with a cold.

“That bastard ran away!”

Komatsu snapped at the report from Kitahara.

Shinagawa, a child of excellent health, had never been absent before. It must have been a temporary illness.

Thus, the grooming check was conducted by the four of us, myself, Himari, and Kitahara, led by Komatsu, a member of the public morals committee.

We lined up in front of the school gate and started checking the students as they came to school.

“Good morning …… you first year! Scrunchie is against school rules!”

“I-I’m sorry!”

Kitahara ripped off the first year girl’s Scrunchie and confiscated it.

“‘Yeesh! –What color underwear are you wearing, first year?”


“No! Too sexy! Take it off here!”


Komatsu tries to take off the pants of a first year girl.

It’s no good. They’re …… sniping at their juniors with enthusiasm.

Himari, by the way, has been mute and absent-minded for a long time, and there is no point in her being there.

At that moment, a hard-looking girl from the third year came over.

Pierced ears, mini-skirts, sandals, ……, even a quick glance shows that there are nearly two orders of magnitude of violations of school rules.

“Hey, sophomores.”

“Good morning. ……”

Kitahara and Komatsu both looked down and greeted each other in small voices.

“You guys have totally different attitudes between first and third years. ……”

“What? I’m not a goddamn god Yagami!”

“Then you do it!”

{1 [“Let’s do it!] (Do rigorous grooming check)}

{2 [“You’re the one violating the rules!”] (Tear off Kitahara and Komatsu’s clothes.)}

Damn, I dug a grave with what I did.

Two is …… no good. …… I’m going to juvenile detention.

“Oou, Let’s do it”

“Damn, aren’t you gonna freak out soon anyway?”

“Don’t you dare run away! If you run, I’ll kill you.”

However, the next student who came to the door was an unbelievable guy.

He was over 190, had a mohawk in his hair, and the sleeves of his uniform were ripped open, revealing his strong arms.

Why would a progressive school like ours have a guy like this from Fist of North!

“Oh, that’s villainous Senpai ……! Seriously, that’s scary.”

“There’s a rumor that if you make eye contact with him, he’ll rape you. …… Keep your eyes down. ……”

“There’s no way! But when you look at him, you can’t help but think, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Oi! You two-year-olds, The House of Evil is on his way! Get out of the way!”

The villainous senpai walked up to me.

I’m going to go!

“Ah, villainous Senpai . The mohawk is against school rules.

“What the hell is ……?

He glared at me.

“HIIIIIIIII What are you doing, Yagami ……!”

“You’re going to be killed. ……! You’ll get us killed.……!”

While Kitahara and Komatsu shivered, I took out my student notebook from my breast pocket.

“Here, look at this page. It says ‘No Mohawks’ here.”

“Oh, …… that’s true. …… I didn’t know that until now. …… So, I should do this, right? –Funtsu!”

The senior member of the villainous house cut down the mohawk with his hand knife and became a monk. Amazing …….

“Yes, that’s fine. Also, sleeveless is no good, so please repair it later.”

“Oh, yeah! I’ll just sew on some bear fur that I killed with my bare hands! Gahahahaha!”

The senior went to the school building with his clogs clanking.

By the way, clogs are allowed in our school.

“Thank God you’re more understanding than I thought.”

“Seriously, Yagami…… you’re awesome…….”

“I think I know how Himari feels now…….”

After that, I gave the third-year students a thorough lesson in order to keep the discipline in check.

After school, I went to the library and headed to the first floor entrance with Yuuki Hoshi.

“Oh come on, you’re kidding ……?”

There were dozens of cardboard boxes piled up there.

All of these are packed with books.

Our high school has a dolly, but no elevator.

We had to carry them to the library on the third floor. I had to carry it back and forth.

“It’s a hopeless amount. I look forward to Yagami-kun.”

They say to expect it. …… I mean, why is it only me and Hoshi?

“Hoshi, what about the rest of the book committee?”

“As soon as he saw this amount, he ran away, saying, ‘I suddenly remembered my business!”

You’ve got to be kidding! My school’s committee has no sense of responsibility!

“Yagami! I’m here to help!”

A smiling Himari arrived with Kitahara and Komatsu.

“You guys are going to help us?”

“I guess”

“He helped me this morning.”

They seemed to have some sense of duty.

“All right, let’s do it!”


I went up the stairs by myself, while the two girls carried the box up the stairs.

In the meantime, Himari was talking with Kitahara and Komatsu in a friendly manner.

When I dropped the box off at the library, I spoke softly to Himari.

“It looks like you’ve made up.”

“Yes! Sayaka and Reina both agreed that Yagami is a great guy!”

Himari shows a big smile.

Oh, really? I never thought that those two would say that to me.

To be honest, I didn’t really care what the guys in my class thought of me, but it’s nice when they say so.

In that sense, my volunteer work today was not pointless.

I got a little excited and rushed down the stairs.

“Oh! You’re the second year in the morning!”

“Diabolical House Senior! You’ve already finished it!”

A senior with bear fur sewn on his sleeves was standing in front of a cardboard box.

“What do you think? How do you like that? –What are you doing here, Boss?”

“I’m carrying this cardboard to the library.”

“Oh! Hard work is a man’s specialty! I’ll help you!”

“Thank you very much!”

The Diabolical House Senior carried four cardboard boxes at once. This was a great help.

So we were able to borrow his help, and we succeeded in carrying all the cardboard boxes safely.

Author’s note:

Secrets of the Yagami siblings and the three Rurikawa sisters④ Hobbies

Soma: Playing games, reading, bird watching, air guns

Tsumugi: Playing games, cooking, raising Daphnia magna, growing shiitake mushrooms

Sakurako: Drinking, Resba [TL:Resba is an abbreviation of “Lesbattle,” which is internet slang for an argument on a social networking]

Himari: Nail art, fashion research, eating sweets

Shino: Making sweets Washing windows with a high-pressure washe