[Shino’s PoV]

Thump. Someone knocked on the door of my room.

“It’s okay.”

Gaah. It’s Himari-chan.

“What’s wrong, Himari-chan?”

“There’s something I wanted to talk about.”

There is only one thing Himari-chan wants to talk to me about: love.

“You’re talking about a classmate who’s been on your mind a lot lately, right?”

“Yes……. No you got it wrong! I want to talk about Yagami.”

She is really a stupid sister.

I know Himari has become the manager of the track and field team. It’s obvious that the classmate she is interested in these days = Senpai. The attitude and expression of the students when they are being taught by their senpais is also a testament to this.

“…… I see. So, what’s wrong with Senpai?”

“I think the person Yagami likes is Sakurako, but what does Shino think? He also said that he is targeting her…….”

Heh, Senpai likes Sakurako-chan…….

But I think it’s Himari-chan that Senpai likes.

I heard from Yoshida-senpai that he declared in front of the whole class that he liked Himari-chan.

You can’t do that unless you have very strong feelings for someone. There is no doubt that Himari is the most loved girl in the class.

But it’s kind of annoying, so let’s not talk about it.

“I think so too. He allowed Sakurako-chan to kiss him many times, and I don’t think there’s any room for other women to take advantage of him, you know?”

“I-is that so …… But you know what? Today, I was hugged by Yagami and he said, “I care about you!” That’s what he told me! What do you think of that?”

Huh? Seriously? He hugged Himari-chan? What’s that? Seriously, that pisses me off…….?

“Is that for real? It’s a joke, isn’t it? You know, you have a twisted side.”

“A-ahaha …… I know, …… well, I do really care about Yagami! Then!”

After Himari-chan left the room, I sighed.

I’m really a woman with a bad personality. I’m sure Senpai can see through me. I guess that’s why I lost to Himari-chan. She’s a pure and good girl.

“I’m getting frustrated.……!

I open the door briskly and head for the refrigerator.

When I’m frustrated, I need a sugar.

I grab the last of the butternut squash pudding.

I like this cheap pudding best than expensive pudding. Let’s butch up the plate.

“–Hey, Shino, that’s mine?”

A Senpai who was sitting at a game console called “Black Iron Samurai” called out to me.

That huge game machine was the only family property that was safe in Senpai’s house.

And to my surprise, there are two of them. An acquaintance of Senpai sent him another one.

His sister is sitting on the other one.

They seem to be playing well together. They are very different from us.

“Wait, no, no, no! A man eating pudding is really creepy! I’m so sorry!”

Why can’t I be as straightforward as Sakurako-chan and Himari-chan?

At times like this, why can’t I just be cute and say, “Don’t say that, give it to me!”

“It’s okay for me to eat pudding.…… I mean, seriously, Shino, don’t eat it. I’ve been beaten up in a game and I’m really irritated. I need to replenish my brain with sugar right now.”

I had no idea that Senpai was also looking for sugar……

However, Senpai is really cold to me. I was really irritated.

“If it had been Himari-chan instead of me, you would have given it away, right!?”

“YES!” [Said in English]

HA?! I don’t care if you’re lying, you’re supposed to say “NO!”

And why are you answering in English?

“That’s enough! I don’t want to see your creepy face, so I’m going back to my room!”

“Hey, Shino…”

I ignored Senpai and went back to my room, blisteringly angry.

Then, in a fit of intense self-loathing, I crawled into my bed.

Haa…… what am I doing ……? It’s no wonder people don’t like this hysterical and annoying woman.……

I’m starting to feel a little blue, which is not good. I’m going to take a pill.

At that time, there was a quiet knock on the door.

“What is it?”

“It’s me. –Shino, can I come in?”

Eh, Senpai?! What are you doing?!

I hurriedly get up and adjust the bed.

“C-Come in.”

The door opened and Senpai came in.

He has a plate in his hand with a buttingy pudding on it.

“…… Shino, do you want some?”

I couldn’t help but blurt out.

I was kind of amused …… and happy that he had brought it to me.

“Wait, no, no, no! You definitely like me, don’t you, senpai? I can’t believe you came into a girl’s room like that, it’s really creepy! But I’m very happy that you gave me pudding!”

“Fufun, you should be more honest about it.”

I thought I had done it again, but the Senpai smiled at me. This person is still kind.

Is it because I’m spoiled by it that I’m behaving like this? I would never say something like this to anyone else. ……

“Damn it…… It’s here……”

The Senpai mumbled with a bitter look on his face. –What’s going on here?

The Senpai scooped the pudding with a spoon. –Eh? No way?

“Look, Shino, …… ah!”

EEH!? You’re lying, right? I didn’t expect a Senpai to give me the ahhhn!

What should I do? I’m so nervous!

“Hahaha! Wait, no, no! Seriously, Senpai, you’re creepy! You should know your character better!”

I’ve done it again……

I’m really starting to hate myself. When did I become such an unattractive woman?

I think it’s because my father constrained my life.……

“Shut up. Just open your mouth.”

“Oh……. Yes…….”

The cold eyes and tone of voice made me cringe.

This kind of Senpai is really not fair.……!

He’s usually very gentle, but sometimes he suddenly turns into an orator. That’s what happened with the wall-slam the other day.

I’m very vulnerable to things like this.

“Open it more. Show me the inside of your mouth.”

N-no …….

Senpai forced me to open my mouth. He also peeked inside my mouth.

It’s as if he’s looking at something he shouldn’t. It’s very embarrassing. ……

“So here goes.”

The Senpai put a spoon in my mouth.

Somehow, it’s very lewd … Am I the only one who feels that way? If so, I may be a naughty woman …

“Is it good, Shino?”

“Yes …….”

I nodded my head in agreement.

Aaaaah, what should I do ……! I’m probably red in the face right now. It’s too embarrassing.

To be honest, I can’t taste the pudding at all.

“Senpai ……, I’m so embarrassed, I’ll just eat the rest myself …….”

“No, no. I have to make you eat it all with ahhn.

Why? You are talking as if someone is ordering you to do so.

But if Senpai tells me that, I can’t disobey him anymore.

I have to obey him.

“I’m sorry, Shino.”

“No, it’s okay. …… Then, ahh.”

I open my mouth myself.

The pudding is placed on my tongue. The pudding is sweeter than ever today.

“Look me in the eye while you eat it.”

……Eh? Why ……?

Even though I thought so, I couldn’t help but look into Senpai’s eyes.

Oh, this …… might be a little …….

I feel like I’m being dominated …

“I’m really sorry, Shino.”

“Don’t worry……”

After that, Senpai continued to make me eat the pudding while repeating strange demands.

“All right, it’s done. I’m sorry for everything, Shino.”

“It’s fine……please come back again, okay?”

Good. I was finally able to be honest.

Maybe it was because I had been embarrassed for so long.

Could it be that senpai performed such a perverted act in an attempt to correct me into an honest woman?


I watched Senapi left the room with a subtle expression on his face, and I lay down on the bed.

“Fuu~…..Today I ran up the stairs of adulthood all at once…….”

I put my hand on my chest.

My heart is still beating fast.

That’s when I suddenly realized.

“…… Ah, I think I’ve surpassed Himari-chan.”

I smirked as I looked at the ceiling.

Secrets of the Yagami siblings and the three Rurikawa sisters (5) Blood type

Soma: AB

Tsumugi: AB

Sakurako: O

Himari: B

Shino: A