The morning after I force-fed Shino pudding.

I woke up and went to the dining room as usual.

I was sure that Tsumugi was waiting for me again today, making a sausage and egg set meal.

“Good morning, senpai!”

Shino was transferring the omelet from the frying pan to the plate.

“Oh, good morning, Shino. …… I see you’re making breakfast today.”

“Yes! I was in the mood for that!”

Shino shows a big smile.

She seems to be in a pretty good mood. Even after what I did to her, she was still in a good mood….

Well, I don’t mind at all, because it helps me.

But I shouldn’t have been so stingy with the pudding.

If I had just given in quickly there, I wouldn’t have had to do that stupid task. Really, I am an asshole……!

“Shino-sama didn’t give up saying,”I’ll make breakfast today!””

Tsumugi, who is still seated, shows a frustrated expression.

Are you upset that your role has been taken away from you? They say you don’t need two women in the kitchen. Or did you simply prefer the sausage and egg set meal to the omelet?

“Good morning. ……”


Sakurako-sensei and Himari also took their seats.

Shino began to draw letters on each omelet with ketchup.

[Bad girl]



“Huh!? Don’t be a jerk!”


“Pien! You’ re terrible, Shino-sama!”



You’re so clever, writing “Yin” with ketchup!

I quickly used a spoon to smear the “oratorical yin”.

“I’m just kidding. –Yes, please eat.”

Shino drew a heart mark.

Yes, when I think of a plain omelet, I think of this, this, this. This is what my mother draws for me every time.

“Yes, thank you, Shino. –Now, let’s eat.”

Shino laughed, “Uh-huh.”

After school, I headed for the field.

I’m going to the 5,000-meter run for the national team selection test.

The members were almost the same as in the 1,500-meter race.

Three third-year students, including the head of the department, Sannomiya, and, of course, Kinomura.

“Senpai, please do your best!”

“Yagami! Show us your man!”

“If you lose, I’ll sue you!”

“Yagami, good luck!”

Shino, Kitahara, Komatsu, and even Hoshi from the book club had come to support me.

This was unthinkable for me a while ago.

“Don’t get carried away just because the girls are cheering you on, Yagami!”

“F-Fuun! They’re all ugly! I don’t envy you one bit!”

Kinomura and the other classmates spit out a discarded line and set off for the starting line.

“Yagami, give it your all today.”

{1 [“Yes!”] (Run 5,000 meters with all my might.) }

{2 [“I will show you my full power!] (Lariat to President Sannomiya.) }

“Yes! I’m going to borrow your chest!”

That’s the manager.

If we don’t finish in the top three this time, the road to the Inter High will be completely closed……

He is a true man. I no longer have any doubts.

“On your marks.”

As soon as I heard the signal to start, I ran at once.

Today, I am going to get ahead of myself. I’m not going to let anyone get behind me.

I ran at a high pace from the beginning.

“Whoa, whoa, are you for real!”

“Damn it!”

“Don’t freak out! Just keep running your pace!”

“First year, second years! Don’t be fooled by Yagami’s running!”

With those voices at my back, I enjoy the sight of no one else in front of me.

The view of first place feels really good.

I’m sure I’ll change my mind once I taste this.

Shouldn’t I be aiming for the top, and not just be satisfied with a mediocre ranking? I can’t help but feel that way.

“First place, Yagami-kun.”

“You did it! Yagami!”

I high-fived Himari after winning first place by a landslide.

“Kya! Senpai!”

I raised my hand as Shino and the others waved at me. I felt like a little star. Not bad.

I wonder how many times the guys in the athletic department have felt this way. No wonder they work so hard.

And I guess I was a snob after all. I’m so ashamed of myself.

I took the sport drink from Himari and walked off the course.

“…… Now, who’s in second and third place?

If possible, I’d like to see a third year win, but …….

“Second place, Ichigaya. –Third place, Kinomura.”

It’s exactly the same as the 1,500 meter run. That means …….

“Fourth place, President Sannomiya.”

This was the end of his inter high school career.

When the President goes off the course, he stands quietly away from us.

I can’t read anything from his expression, but I’m sure the shock was tremendous.

Ichigaya-senpai walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder.

I’m sure the president will be able to hold back his grief and show a strong smile.

I started to tear up.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Ichigaya! I’ve lost! I’m so frustrated! I’m so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!”

“I-it’s okay, it’s okay. ……”

The President cried out to Ichigaya-senpai, ranting and raving.–Eh?

“I shouldn’t have dressed up and told Yagami to get serious! I want to rewind timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

“That’s impossible.”

That’s so lame! I want my tears back!

This is how I became the representative of the two events.