Shino was questioned over and over again about how far she had gone with me.

Once they were sure that we were just holding hands, they finally let her go. Women are really scary.

After everyone had left, Himari and Shino started arguing in the living room.

“You’re after Ichijou, were you not! Why are you dating Yagami!”

“I’ve told you many times! It’s just a practice date!”

“Don’t lie to me! You said you didn’t ride the Ferris wheel with Ichijou! When did you change your mind about Yagami?!”

“You got it wrong, no, no! I don’t know why I would like a creepy guy like him! Only Himari-chan is like that!”

“Ha!? There’s no way I’m going to fall in love with such a shady character!”

“Baka baka! I know you joined the track team because of Senpai!”

“Baka Baka! That’s not true! I joined the track team for my grades! Are you really that stupid that you can’t understand that?”

“Baka Baka! It doesn’t matter if you’re an idiot or not, Himari-chan. The fact that my classmate I’ve been eyeing lately is a senior is also obvious!”

“Ha!? Shi~no’s poop is stinky~!♪ It’s so oily from eating so much meat!♪ Eat your vegetables too~! ♪”

“Hahahaha! Just because you can’t say anything back makes you look so pathetic! You’re too stupid! And your pants are always too dirty! Wipe your crotch properly! Heimēn!!”

“Kiii! Don’t you dare rap back at me! I’ll kill you!”

“Just because you can’t win with your mouth doesn’t mean you can’t be violent, monkey! Your head’s a junkie! Your face is Jackie!”

“Who’s Jackie? Die! PIG!”

The two of them roll around on the floor as Himari jumps on Shino.

Oh, ……, that’s so powerful… no, no, no! This is not the time to be impressed!

“Stop it! You guys!”

“Stop it, Himari, Shino.”

Sensei and I pull them off.

“Fu! Fu!” I spoke to the teacher, keeping Himari in a feather-lock as she let out a rough snort.

” Sensei…… I should leave this house, right? I got a million dollars in reward money and I’m thinking of renting a cheap apartment.”

I’m sorry that the three sisters are not getting along because of me.

It’s going to be a very difficult life, but I guess it can’t be helped.

“N…….Don’t worry, these two are always like this.”

“That’s right, Yagami! We’re really good friends! –right, Shino!?”

“Y-yes! We were just joking around! Every sister does that!”

Is that so? Maybe that’s how it is with women.

“Is that so…… that’s fine then. ……”

Shino clapped her hands.

“Then, as a sign of reconciliation, why don’t we all play [Black Iron Samurai] together!”

“Oou, I like that.”

“That’s a great idea, Shino-sama!”

Shino was completely hooked on the game and began to play it at home frequently.

I guess she plans to use this opportunity to spread the word to Sensei and Himari. Nice idea.

“Well, that’s okay. ……”

“Sorry. I’ll pass.”

“Ah—– Sakurako-chan. ……

Sakurako-chan went to her room.

Well, this is the reaction of the average woman. There are not many women who would want to play such a core game.

Himari, who agreed to play, was different.

I wondered if she could play games.

The gorillas still seem to be better ……

Contrary to my expectations, Himari easily learned the controls and set up the plane.

” Ta-da! What do you think of my machine?!”


The super-heavy fuselage is equipped with heavy Gatling guns on both arms, missile pods on both shoulders, and an interlocking missile launcher on the back.

One missile is fired from each shoulder, but in conjunction with that, the back unit fires six smaller missiles at a time.

It’s a bullet- and missile-scattering machine. It’s quite romantic.

We repeatedly played against each other, trying to train Himari.

After a few rounds, I realized something.

–Himari’s not just throwing around a bunch of bullets!

Himari was driving the enemy into the effective range of her Gatling with her missiles.

If you can’t calculate the enemy’s movement and the trajectory of the missile, this kind of trick is impossible.

” Himari ……, are you trying to do that?”

“Eh? What?”

It seems that this is not the case.

She instinctively understands how to fight. She is undoubtedly a genius.

Seeing as how Shino was the same way, I wonder if the three Rurikawa sisters have a talent for games. Maybe Sakurako-sensei would be good at it if I let her try.

“Our next opponent…… Amazing! They are the number one in the world!”


I gawked at the screen.

I’m pretty sure it’s …… the #1 ranked team in the world and the team that beat us up the other day, the Cookie Magicians!

“Tsumugi! Stand by!”

“Roger that”

Tsumugi returns to her room and starts up Terminal 4.

[The Black Iron Warrior] is a multi-platform game that can be played on arcade machines and PT4.

“Okay, Himari! We’re gonna beat them up!”

“Eh?! I just started, there’s no way I can do it”

“Yes, you can! Believe in yourself! Soma Yagami, Prividienii (meaning “ghost”. Super cool, right?) ready!”

“Hahaha! Senpai, you’re totally in! It’s really creepy!”

“Tsumugi Yagami, Aschenbredel (German name for Cinderella). Perfect for the lovely Tsumugi!) ready!”

I can hear Tsumugi’s shout from the room.

“Eh? Do I have to say that too? Himari Rurikawa , Kaiserschnitt (I named it after a cool word I heard somewhere), Coming out!”

“Hahahahaha! Himari-chan, that means “Caesarean section”!


The living room of the Rurikawa family was filled with laughter.

Thus began the 3 vs. 3 death match between [God Eight Breath] and [Cookie Magicians].

There are four members of the Cookie Magicians, but this time the number one ace, who is more skilled than the leader, is missing. This is our chance.

The left wing is a medium-weight “Master Snipel” with a two-handed sniper rifle.

Like me, he’s a fierce sniper who fights from close range to long range with only his sniper rifle.

On the right wing is “Gachigachikun,” a heavyweight tank with a two-handed shield.

His only attack is with cannons on each shoulder, but he handles them extremely well and is quite a threat.

And at the center of the group is the leader, the ultra-lightweight Kirschblutte.

His only weapon is an oversized anti-ship sword. He is a true man among men.

“Himari! Don’t let him get in your pocket! If he gets too close, it’s over!”


The leader jumped in, backed up by the right and left flanks.

We try to concentrate our attack on him, but the sniper on the right wing does a good job of checking us.

“Aah, mou!”

Himari attacked first, trying to clear the sniper, but the tank blocked her.

In the meantime, the leader was closing in on Tsumugi.


“Pien! Brotherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”

Boom! Tsumugi’s plane, the Aschenbredel, was badly damaged. The cockpit was cut in half, killing her instantly.

“Tsumugi…… your death will not be in vain…….”

I cut my sword with the leader.

One! Two! If it’s just the handling of the sword, we are evenly matched.

But the sniper on the right wing will probably get in the way, so we’ll lose at this point.

Three! Four! The fight is still evenly matched.

Hmm? What happened to the enemy sniper?

“Take this, take this, take this! I hope you’re dead!”

I looked over and saw that Himari was putting up a good fight against two of them.

The sniper is fleshing out the sniper while skillfully avoiding the tank.

“Nice work, Himari!”

“Himari-chan, you’re amazing!”

Five! Six ! I got a little distance from the leader.

At that moment, I fire my large caliber sniper rifle.


The leader’s right arm is blown off. Now he can only wield his sword with one hand. In other words, slashing.

This means that his slashing motion will be slowed down. Then he’s not my enemy.

Seven! Zang!

I cut off both of the leader’s legs.


I hurriedly left the scene.

I can’t fight anymore. He’ll hit the self-destruct switch.

I use my back camera to confirm the explosion of the leader’s Kirschblutte, and head for Himari’s cover.

–But the tank’s cannons hit Himari.

“Kyaaaahhh! Himari Rurikawa, we’re getting out of here!”

Himari smashed the transparent plastic plate and pressed the escape switch.

A cockpit capsule was ejected from the Kaiserschnitt.

I’ll take on two of them by myself. That’s a tough one ……, but I’ll have to give my best shot!


“Damn it!”

I lost. There was nothing special about me, I just lost.

Without being able to break through the stiff kun, the armor was being scavenged by the Master Snipel.

“Aaah, we lost. But this is so addictive.”


I’m glad to hear that. …… No, it was a mistake to let her do it before the midterm exam, no matter what I thought.


The door opened vigorously and Sakurako-sensei, her cheeks puffed out, came in front of the refrigerator. I wonder what’s wrong?


The teacher gulps down a bottle of Stronger alcohol.

Hey, are you okay…… Don’t fall asleep on the couch again, okay?

Afterwards, the drunken Sensei jumped on the couch and said, “Eeee! I’m so frustrated!” and flapped her legs. I don’t know what’s going on, but she’s really cute.

Author’s note:

Himari and Shino show glimpses of gamers.

The [Black Iron Samurai] that comes up every now and then is quite an important part of this story.

Boarding Machines

Soma’s machine: Prividienii (Ghost)


Left arm: Large caliber sniper rifle Right arm: Anti-ship sword

Tsumugi’s machine: Aschenbredel (Cinderella)

Medium weight class

Left arm: pile bunker Right arm: battle rifle

Left shoulder: shoulder shield Right shoulder: converging laser cannon

Back: Flare injection unit

Shino Machine: Liberte (Freedom)


Left arm: Large heavy armor shield Right arm: Heavy particle cannon

Waist: Mine injection unit

Back: Bit injection unit

Himari: Kaiserschnit (Caesarean section)

Heavy class

Left arm: Heavy Gatling gun Right arm: Heavy Gatling gun

Left shoulder: Missile pod Right shoulder: Missile pod

Back: Interlocking missile launcher

Leader machine: Kirschblutte

Ultralight class

Right arm (double-handed): oversized anti-ship sword

Left wing: Master sniper

Medium weight class

Left arm: sniper rifle Right arm: sniper rifle

Back: Flare injection unit

Right wing machine: Gachigachikun


Left arm: Large heavy armored shield Right arm: Large high power energy shield

Both shoulders: grenade cannons

Ace machine: ?????


Left arm: Shotgun Right arm: Shotgun

Left shoulder: Multi-armed rocket launcher Right shoulder: Multi-armed rocket launche