It was my first day at school after the regional qualifying round.

As I took out my jacket from the shoe box, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the prank notes on it.

One read, “Your piss smells like doping consommé soup!”

This was the usual.

The other one, however, was not.

“Good luck at the prefectural tournament.”

I was surprised. It wasn’t a swear word against me, but a message of support.

I changed into my jacket and entered the classroom.

–Huh? There was no vase of flowers.

I pulled out a chair, but nothing seemed to be set up.

I pulled out a drawer. There was an unopened bottle of Calorie Friend in there. Could it be a gift?

There were some bad words written on the desk, such as “violent backwoodsman” and “hypocritical volunteer emperor,” but there were also words like “Aim for first place in the prefectural tournament! and “So cool! Chuki!” and other positive things about me.

Well, I appreciate it, but I wish they would just say it in general, instead of writing it on my desk. ……

I sat quietly and waited for the morning meeting to start.

Then I overheard some of my classmates talking.

“Shogo’s transferred to another school ……”

“Well, he can’t stay after what he did…….”

That’s right, Shogo Kito was supposed to be back today.

But that didn’t happen.

If it was that bad, I wouldn’t mind it at all, but he wasn’t, was he? He’s a sensitive guy.

Later, Sakurako-sensei told me officially that Kito had transferred to another school.

After the first period, it was recess time.

A few boys came up to me.

“Yagami, you’d better watch your back.”

“Shogo’s got a big grudge against you.”

“I see…….. thanks for the advice.

I guess he thinks it’s my fault that he had to change schools.

In other words, he has no remorse at all. He really is a little kid to no end.

It was after school.

Today was a day off from club activities, so I went to the driving school to complete the enrollment procedures.

I had no idea that I would have to get a motorcycle license, which I have no interest in at all. …….

“Oh! Boss is now second year!!”

A wild voice echoed through the land. …… No way!

I turned my head to look back.

“Villainous senpai?!”

“Hahahaha! I never thought you’d be interested in motorcycles!”

“I didn’t expect you to be interested in motorcycles either!”

I could only imagine him riding without a license, as a matter of course.

“I’m going to graduate soon! Then I’ll buy one of these!”

The villainous senpai showed me a motorcycle catalog.

It was an orange-based foreign motorcycle. It had a nice design that tickled my middle-aged heart.

“Heh, modern bikes are pretty cool, right”

My image of motorcycles was that of the old bikers riding lame bikes, so I was very surprised by this.

To be honest, it kind of grabbed my heart.

“Let’s go! Good luck, Boss! When you get your license, you can tour with me!”

I definitely don’t want to! But …….

{1 [“Yes! Let’s definitely go!”] (Tour with the villainous Senpai) }.

{2 [“No, thank you!”] (Beat up the villainous Senpai) }

The second one is a complete death sentence.

Touring with Kyokugakuin Senpai has been decided.

“Yes! Let’s definitely go!”

“Hahaha! Good attitude and reply! Let’s exchange contact information!”

I don’t want to! But ——– here’s the thing.

“Well then, Soma!”

I was suddenly called by name.

By the way, the name of my Senpai is Mayuki. What a beautiful and adorable name. It doesn’t suit him as much as it does to me.

As soon as he tapped me strongly on the shoulder, he rode away on his “Monchichi” MT moped.

The sight of that huge body riding a small motorcycle was cute, like a circus bear.

I also got on my bicycle and left the driving school. Today I only had to go through the registration process.

The school is located in a remote area where there are only warehouses and material yards, so there are hardly any people around. It must be very eerie at night.


I heard the sound of a rumbling engine from behind me.

At breakneck speed, a black wagon pulls into the street.

It would be a good idea to stay away from those idiots. I moved to the edge of the roadside strip.

–But the wagon pulls to the edge, too.

“Oi,oi ……!”

Are you drunk driving? I’m going to get hit!

I jumped off the bike and dove into the ditch.


A wagon hit my mom’s bike.

Then the brakes came on and the van stopped.

“What are you doing, you idiot!!!!”

I almost died. I was really angry and shouted at him as hard as I could.

The door of the wagon opened and four men came down.

That’s when I guessed. They must be Kito’s friends.

“You guys……!”

I was surprised when I saw their faces.

“Hey, long time no see. It’s been a long time. You did a good job back then. ……”

The men smirked at me as they tapped their hands with their batons.

Yes, these are the same delinquents who mugged me…….!

The other three guys also had wooden swords and knives in their hands, so the situation was pretty bad.

I immediately started running and took out my phone.

“Wait, Yagami! Do you care what happens to Himari!?”

What the heck ……?

I stopped and looked back at the wagon.

“Put your phone away! Don’t report this to the cops! Or else …… you know ……?”

Inside the wagon was Himari with her mouth covered with duct tape and tears streaming down her face, and Kito with an ugly smile on his face.

He flashed the knife in his right hand.

{1 (Obey Kito and put your phone away (you can’t call the police))}

{2 (Don’t worry about Himari, take them down.)}

DAMN YOU……! For giving me an option that gives those bad guys an advantage.……!

I suppressed the urge to yell, tapped my phone, and put it in my pocket.