“You’ve fallen so far, Kito. ……”

How dare he take his ex-girlfriend hostage and join forces with the same delinquents who beat him up just to get revenge on me……

“You’re going to die, you bastard! Yagami, you’re the only one I’ll never forgive. ……! I’ll have you stuffed in a drum with concrete and drowned in the sea!”

Kito waved his knife at me with a buzzing motion.

“Shogo, what are we going to do about this guy? Do we kill him here?”

“No, I’ll take him somewhere private. –Oh, Yagami! Shut up and get tied up! You’ll know if you disobey me!”

“Nnnnnggg ……!”

Kito put a knife to Himari’s neck.

There is no other choice but to follow him here.

He even hangs out with those delinquents. I don’t know what he’s going to do now. He could really stab Himari.

“All right, ……, get in the car with the rest. In the black wagon.”

The delinquents surround me.

“O-ra atsu”

“Ugh. ……”

After being punched once in the stomach, they tied my arms with rope and put me in the van.

“Mmm! Mmmmmmm!

“It’s okay, Himari. …… Don’t worry. ……”

While trying to reassure the tearful Himari, I observed her condition.

She was bound hand and foot, so it would be impossible for her to escape unless she could at least unbind her feet.

In order to do that, I have to unbind myself first, but it’s difficult because the delinquents keep their eyes on me.

“Yagami, I’m going to torture Himari right in front of your eyes. …… I’ll make sure to record it.”

“Mmm ……!”

Kito and the delinquent pointed their phones at us and smirked.

“…… For the first time in my life. I’ve ever wanted to kill someone.”

“Don’t give me that crap!”

I was punched in the face by Kito.

As expected, being hit unprotected is very painful.

“…… Sorry about that, Kito and the four delinquents. …… By the way, where’s this car headed?”

“The Misumi Pier. That’s where our warehouse is.”

” As expected of a young man!”

The delinquents whistle, “Hyu!”

After a short drive, the car pulled into a warehouse.

“Gray walls, green roof, …… black ink, it says Kito’s Pier Warehouse. …… Are you sure it’s yours?”

“Ou, isn’t it amazing? That means I can hurt you without anyone getting in my way! Hahahahaha!”

I was forced to get out of the car, I was made to sit on a chair and Himari was made to lie on the floor.

“What are you going to do, Shogo?”

“Well, let’s start by torturing Himari until Yagami cries and begs us to stop.”

“That sounds great!  I need to clear my head first!”

“Mmmm ……!”

They start to put their hands on Himari’s clothes.

“Hey Yagami! Watch it!”

They smile like assholes.

I want to kill them right now.

Kito removed the duct tape that was covering Himari’s mouth as hard as he could.

“Noooooo! Yagami, help me!”

“Look, she’s calling for help. Say something to her. Gyahahaha!”

“Himari, I’ll get you out of this!”

The delinquents are laughing loudly

“He is being tied up and you’re saying, ‘help me!’ Are you drunk or something?”



The delinquent kicked me in the stomach.

All right, posture me more. Hit me.

“You guys don’t have the guts to fight me, so you can only do it in such a cowardly way. Haha! That’s fucking bullshit!”

“Shut the fuck up, asshole!”

“Please, stop!”

The delinquent punched me in the face again.

Kito and the others all came close to me. Yeah, that’s it.

“I’m not going to let you get away with this, Yagami. …… If I get serious, I’ll kill you in seconds! I’m going to give you a taste of hell, that’s why I’m doing this annoying thing. You should know that, you lowlife. ……!”

“You’re right. You’re really afraid of me, aren’t you? I know you are, Kito. I know you’re a small-minded asshole at heart.”

“Don’t fuck with me! Die, you bastard!”

“Stop it, Shogo!”

He hit me several times. I’m going to be a mess tomorrow morning. ……

“Change of plans. I’ll start with Yagami first.”

“Okay. This guy is a bit annoying —So, what are you going to do?”

“He’s on the track team. Shall I break his legs?”

“Oh, good idea!”

“Stop it! Yagami’s going to the prefectural tournament! You can do whatever you want with me, but don’t touch Yagami!”

The delinquents laughed and giggled.

” I love it! I’m so impressed!”

“There really are stupid women who say things like this.”

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

One of the delinquents came dragging an iron pipe.

“There it is.”

“Oh, nice, nice.”

“Well, let’s get to it.”

“Shogo, do you want to play?”

“U-Uun… ……”

I smirk.

“You don’t have the guts to break someone’s legs.”

“What the hell …… you bastard ……! Give it to me!”

Kito took the iron pipe.

“I’m begging you! I’ll do whatever it takes, so please stop!”

“Yes, yes. That’s enough.”

” If you don’t resist, you’ll lose consciousness! Hahahahaha!”

I heard the faint sound of a small exhaust engine, drowned out by Himari’s cries.

“Fuu, Fuu, I’ll …… do it, I’ll …… do it!”

Kito swung the iron pipe over my head.

“I’ll do it. …… I’ll do it. ……”

“How many times do you have to say, ‘I’ll do it,’ you gutless bastard? If I were you, I’d swing down without saying a word, okay?”

“You’re the lowest of the low caste, don’t you dare talk to me like that. ……”

Kito put a lot of pressure on his hands.

–Oh, he’s gonna do it.

But it seems he was a little late in making up his mind.


The shutters of the warehouse were breached and a moped rammed into it.

“You scummmmmmmmmmmmm! Kill them alllllllllllllll!”


The moped hit one of the delinquents and stopped right in front of me.

He managed to make it ……!

Why on earth did he come to help me?

That’s because before I was put on the wagon, I had taken some action.