When the four delinquents got out of the wagon, I immediately took out my phone.

On the screen was the contact information of the senior delinquent I had just exchanged contact information with, and I was ready to make a call with one touch.

“Put the phone away! Don’t report me to the cops! Or else …… you know ……?”

{1 (Follow Kito’s order and put your phone away (do not report to the police.))}

I thought about calling the police to prepare for disaster, but it might make the situation even worse.

I had no choice but to give up on calling the police.

Moreover, with Himari as a hostage, I couldn’t resist.

In other words, the help of a third party was essential.

I pinned my hopes on the villainous senpai, touched the call button, and put my phone in my pocket.

The only options I had were to put the phone away and not to call the police. No disaster will be triggered because the person is not told not to make the call itself.

“All right, ……, get in the car with the rest. In the black wagon.”

“…… Sorry about that, Kito and the four delinquents. …… By the way, where’s this car headed?”

“The Misumi Pier. That’s where my warehouse is.”

“Gray walls, green roof, …… black ink, it says Kito’s Pier Warehouse. …… Are you sure it’s yours?”

I assumed that my senpai was listening to me, and I gave him the information so that the police could rush over immediately.

But I never thought that my Senpai would be the one to come running to me. ……! I’m sorry for getting you involved in something so dangerous.

“Wait for me, Soma! I’m going to kill all of them right now!”

“Senpai! I’ll fight too! Get the rope!”

“Hahaha! Well said, Soma! That’s what I’m talking about, man! –Hmph!”

Senpai sliced through my rope with his hand knife. That’s awesome …….

“What the hell? Who is this big guy?”

“Shit……! That guy is really dangerous!”

Kito is trembling.

“I’m the chief of Moukigejisu High School! Mayuki, the villain! I’m a righteous man who beats scum like you to death!”

The Villain!? Is there a villain in a preparatory school !?”

“Shit, seriously ……, I’ve heard of this name ……, the Villain.”

“Yeah, he’s one of the top five gang leaders in the Kanto region. ……”

Seriously, ……? I knew he was a great guy, but I didn’t know he was that great. ……

“Shogo, we’re in trouble if we don’t get serious. Please give me that.”


Kito took out one of the pistols from his back and handed it to the leader of the delinquents.

Oi, seriously, ……? He’s totally ready to kill me!

“Yosh! This will definitely win us! “

“Hahaha! You can’t kill me with a peashooter like that!”

“Don’t be so tough, just die.”


The leader of the delinquents didn’t hesitate to fire at the villainous senpai who ran into him.

Hit! –But the senior didn’t stop.


The leader was punched in the face and slammed against the wall.


The leader collapsed to the floor in a heap.

“Senpai! Are you okay?!”

“Ou! Caught it on my shoulder!”

I see. He caught it with the thick part of his muscles.

In addition, by plunging in with half his body, he avoided a direct hit to the vital point.

This is a really scary high school student who can fight like this …….


The delinquents are completely frightened. This is our chance!

“Well, let’s go, Soma!”


Senpai and I knock out the remaining two delinquents with punches.

The only one left is Kito.

“H-Help me! I give up!”

Kito threw away his knife and raised his hands.

“No. I will never forgive you.”

“Please forgive me! I’ll never do this again!”

I silently approached Kito.


“I know. Please let me settle this.”

“I see. Let’s see what you’re made of, Boss!”

I move even closer to Kito.

I was almost within punching distance of him.

“Heh……heheh ……, you’re not going to hurt me when I’m not resisting, right ……? well, oi ……?”

“I’m really unprovoked.”

I take another step forward.

“—–Damn it! You’re dead!”

Kito tried to pull his pistol out of his shoulder holster, but before he could, my straight hit him in the jaw.

He fell to the ground.

“That was a great quick shot! You are a true man!”

“Senior villain. Thank you so much for risking your life to help me!”

I bowed my head deeply.

A true man is the villainous Senpai. I’ve put Himari in danger. In fact, I’m a disqualified man.

“I’m going to untie the rope now, Himari.”

“Yagami ……, I knew you would save me. ……”

“Umu! Love ……, no love ……!”

I felt a bit embarrassed and couldn’t untie the rope properly.

In the meantime, the siren of a police car could be heard.

“It looks like they’ve finally arrived! It was a good thing I went in after all!”

Himari’s rope was untied.

“Thank you, Yagami ……!”

Himari hugged me.

“Police! Put your hands in the air!”

The police stormed into the warehouse.

Still, Himari didn’t let me go.

“Himari, we have to put our hands up.”

“No! I’m not letting go!”

We defied the power of the state and hugged each other under the lights of the police.

After that, Kito was sent to a reformatory and the delinquents were sent to prison for other crimes.

Kito’s father was also arrested after it was discovered that the gun he was carrying was smuggled in by his father.

It seems that Kito, who is a bit of a delinquent, has been tormented by the real bad boys in the reformatory.

When his mother came to visit him, he said, “Please, just get me out of here! I’m begging you, get me the hell out of here!” He cried out over and over again.