The next morning, I still had time to spare before my meeting with Himari, so I got on my bike and stopped by a bookstore in front of the station.

“But what a wonderful bike. I could say it’s an ace machine.”

Kito’s mother sent me a cross bike as an apology for the damage Kito and his friends had done to my beloved Tohyu’s mom bike.

I heard that it cost 50,000 yen, but in the bicycle industry, this is still a cheap bike. It’s really crazy.

I bought a copy of today’s novel, “Only My Poop Gets Transferred to Another World,” and got on my bike.

That’s when I saw a woman standing in front of a statue of an evil god and waving her hand at me.

“—-Hmm? Why is that woman waving at me? No way, she’s not waving at me, is she?”

I looked around, but I was the only one there.

That means she’s waving at me, but I don’t know that woman.

She is a beautiful girl with long black hair and a cute dress. To be honest, I like her.

It’s a little weird to be waved at by a girl I don’t know, but when it’s a beautiful girl, I don’t feel bad.

I nodded my head in satisfaction and started running towards home.

“Hey! Yagami! Where are you going!”

I panicked and stopped. Then I started pedaling my bike towards the lady.

No, that’s not possible,……, but this annoying voice …….

I could see the woman’s face clearly.

She has a lovely smile with her double teeth peeking out. There is no doubt about it.

“…… are you Himari?”

“That’s right? Didn’t you recognize me?”

The vulgar blonde hair that is Himari’s trademark has been replaced by shiny black hair. How could I know?

” Why did you change your hair to …… black, and what are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re already for the meeting?

“Y-yes, I’m! I can’t be late!”

“No, it’s only four hours before the meeting! That’s way too early!”

“I-Is that so? But it’s kind of uncomfortable, isn’t it?”

I had expected her to be late because of her personality, but she was completely the opposite.

But what to do? The store is not open yet at this time.

“Hey Himari, why don’t we go home for now?”

“What? If you need something, you can go and finish it. I’ll wait here for you.”

Really? I didn’t think this girl had this much patience.

It’s a shame to keep her waiting here for so long. Let’s go somewhere to kill time.

“So, do you want to go somewhere?”

“Un! Let’s do that!”

I left my bike at the parking lot and thought about where we should go.

What does Himari usually do for fun? Is it karaoke or something?

I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I have a rejection reaction to that kind of thing.

Hmmm, it’s still impossible for me to think about it.

After all, I’ve never played with a man or woman. I have no idea what I should do. I guess the right thing to do would be to ask Himari.

“Hey, Himari. Where do you want to go?”

“Hmm, I want to go where Yagami wants to go!”

Eh? Are you sure? I think Himari would be bored if I went anywhere.

“Then, why don’t we buy some bread and eat it in the park? I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”

“Yes, yes, that sounds great! Let’s do that!”

“Absolutely not! I thought she might say, but surprisingly, she agreed. This was a big help.

We went to a nearby bakery, bought some bread and drinks, and sat down on a bench in a nearby park.

“Hey, Yagami, do you have anything to say?”

Hmm? Himari’s in a bit of a mood.

Is the park not good for her after all?

” Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m not used to this kind of thing. Shall we go somewhere else?”

“No. I like it here. –That’s not I mean! When a girl comes dressed differently than usual, you have something to say! Mou! Don’t make me tell you everything!”

I finally understood what she meant.

I remember reading on the Internet that you should compliment a girl on everything anyway. I thought it was irrelevant to me, so I sealed it away in the bottom of my memory.

“Your dark hair and your outfit look great on you. I’m honestly surprised.”

“Ehehe ……”

Himari stroked her black hair, looking embarrassed.

“But why the sudden change to black hair again?”

“Eh? T-that’s……! It’s a change of pace! Yes, that’s right! I just needed a change of pace after the test!”

That makes sense. When you’re free from stress, you want to be crazy.

I even pretend to be a tribal Masai and fight a lion (stuffed animal) on the night of the test.

We finished our bread while chatting and laughing, and went for a stroll in the park.

“There’s a white-eye!”

“Eh? Where?

“On a branch over there.”

“Ah, you’re right! How great!”

It’s called bird-watching.

I can only imagine it’s an old couple’s game, but Himari seems to be enjoying it. Thank goodness.

I’m quite surprised myself, but I feel at ease when I’m with Himari.

Maybe it’s because she’s stupid and I don’t have to worry about her?

I never dreamed that I could feel comfortable with a woman I used to call a bitch. It was the discovery of the century.

“Ah ……, it’s still May, so it’s a bit cold ……, my hands are getting cold ……”

Himari glanced at me.

What? I don’t have any gloves either. That’s why I have my hands in my pockets?

“Put it in your pocket.”

“I don’t have any pockets on my dress.”

Are you sure there are no pockets in the dress?

“Well, you can put your hand in my pocket.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that. ……”

Himari’s cheeks turn red and she fearfully puts her hand in my pocket.

I pulled my own hand out of my pocket to get out of the way.

” Ah, Yagami. You can keep it there.

” My pockets are getting too tight, though?”

“No! Your hands will get cold!”

I put my hand back in my pocket.

Of course it touches Himari’s hand, but she doesn’t mind. I thought she would be more creeped out.

“It’s kind of like we’re on a …… date, isn’t it ……?”

“Yeah. That’s what I’ve been told.”

Himari laughs, “Ehehe.”

“Have you ever been on a date, Yagami?”

“I have, but only as a training ground. ……”

“Shino! But that’s a lie! I think she really likes you! You’re not being honest! It’s not like tsundere is popular in real life!

Are you serious? I don’t know about that …… feeling.

With zero experience in love, it’s impossible for me to discern.

“Yagami likes …… Shino ……?”

Himari peers into my face with a worried expression.

This is troubling.

{1 [“Yes, I like her.”]

{2 [“She is beyond disgusting, I even hate her. Ah, I want to kill her.”]

What’s with this 1 or 10 kind of choice?

I’m supposed to say something like, “I think she’s a cute junior.”

“Yeah, I like her.”

“……, as a junior?”

Good response. Nice Himari.

“Of course.”

” Right! Yeah, I’m glad! …… Let me tell you something! She’s got a great face, a great mind, big boobs, and she can do all the housework, but her poop stinks, so you’d better stop her!”

What kind of backbiting is that?

There are so many other things wrong with her. Personality and bad mouthing.

“I’ve used the bathroom after …… Shino, and it didn’t smell bad.”

“Stop sniffing it, you pervert! …… So, are you still …… after Sakurako?”

Not again! Give me a break! Women really like to talk about love!

{1 [“My scope is still focusing her.”]

{2 [“Of course I don’t want a woman who smells like she’s aging!”]

Are you trying to make an enemy of every woman over the age of 25 in the country?

However, the first one this time is quite tasteful. I want to keep using it.

“My scope is still focusing her”

“What? What does that mean?”

I guess Himari didn’t get it.

“Do you know what a scope is?”

“Yes, I do! ATM-09-ST Scortdog, right?”

This girl……! You’ve got me confused with an armored trooper from B**ms!

“How did you know that?”

“It’s common knowledge! Don’t make fun of me! …… listen, Yagami? Sakurako is the only one you should avoid! She’s a real pain in the ass!”

“Really? You and Shino seem to be more troublesome to me.”

“Kee! No matter how you look at it, I’m the easiest to deal with! I am a simpleton and an idiot?!”

Don’t tell me that yourself, …….

“You’re right. You’re a straight-up an idiot.”

“Squeak! I’m not an idiot!”

“Oi oi. You said so yourself.”

I laughed and enjoyed my walk with Himari.