We walked into the establishment as it opened.

“What can I get for you?”

“One bowl of parfait and two iced teas.”

The waitress went to tell the kitchen about the order.

“Do you come here often?”

“Sometimes. I come here with Sayaka and Reina. The katsudon is delicious.”

Katsudon…….. I’d like to try it ,but it’s hard to have a parfait at the same time. I’ll have to wait until another time.

After waiting for a while, my order arrived.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Here’s your domburi parfait.”

“Yes! It’s here!

“Uwoh …… seriously ……”

The domburi parfait was even better than I had imagined.

It was so piled high that I could get enough calories for several days with just one parfait.

“Come on! I’m going to eat it! You’re going to eat it too, right?”

” All right.”

Himari grabbed a spoon and started gobbling it up.

I started to eat from the other side as well.

Ten minutes later.

“Himari, I’m done. ……”

“No! You have to finish it, no matter what!”

Another ten minutes later.

“I’m starting to feel sick. …… You look like you’re in pain, too. Take it easy.”

“Ugh ……, no ……, I’m going to finish it!”

Another 10 minutes later.

I had already given up, and only Himari continued to eat, looking like she was about to throw up.

What on earth is driving Himari to this point……?

Maybe she’s been thoroughly trained to never leave food behind.

“Himari, don’t do that again. Even starving children in Africa don’t eat when they’re full. There’s no need to feel guilty about it.”

“Upu. ……”

I heard laughter from the other side of the room.

“[Ufu] But….!”

“Look at that face. It’s so funny. ……”

“I wonder if they believe that rumor. ……?

“I’ve never seen a girl really try. That parfait is tough even for four people.”

I understood somehow. It’s rumored that if you finish the parfait, something good will happen to you.

I don’t know what it is, but Himari is pushing herself for it.

“I can’t help it. I’ll cooperate with you. ……”

I picked up the spoon again and started eating the parfait.

Ten minutes later.

“Yes! All done!”


Soma Yagami, you showed your man.

At any rate, I don’t want to eat anything else today.

“Awesome, ……! That couple ate up everything ……!”

“That’s great. ……! I hope they are happy. ……”

We took a break for about an hour and then left the restaurant.

“Ugh …… I’m still in pain …….”

Himari rubbed her stomach. Her belly was flabby.

I put my ear to Himari’s belly and said, “Oh, she’s moving. She’s a healthy girl,” I said, teasing her. She’s going to be mad about this!

“I’m totally fine now that I know it’s a baby in there. Thanks, Yagami.”

Himari smiles at me. Cute.

I honestly like this weirdly honest part of her.

” Hey Yagami! Please give me something as a present!”

“Ha? You just had a bowl of parfait, didn’t you?”

Is this girl no better than a chicken? How can she forget before she’s even taken three steps?

“That’s not it! I want something tangible!”

The donguri parfait cost 3,000 yen. What more do you want me to buy? How selfish and brazen of her.

{ 1 (Give Himari a present.)

{2 [“Here’s my present for you!”] (Slap Himari.)

It seems like any present is fine. Okay then.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Eh, really? I’m so happy! A necklace? Ring? What is it?”

There was no way I could give her something so expensive.

I picked up a nice looking stone that had fallen nearby, drew a smile on it with an oil-based pen, and handed it to Himari.

“……Ha? What’s this?”

“It’s a present.”

“Don’t be silly! It’s just a rock!”

“No, it’s not just a rock. It has a smile on it.”

Himari turned the stone over.

The stone (Legit)

“Gross! What’s with the smile? It’s so creepy!”

“I drew this with a prayer that you will always have that cute smile. Please take good care of it.”

“Really? ……? Then I’ll take it gratefully. …… Thank you.”

Himari puts away the mere stone in her bag.

Thank God this girl is a top-class idiot. It was a success in avoiding unnecessary expenses.

“——So, now that we’re done here, shall we go?”

“Eh? You’re leaving already ……?”

Hmm? Is there something more?

{1 [“Well, let’s do some ecchi stuff!”] (Have sex with Himari.)

{2 (Go home.)

What a delicacy way to invite someone out…….

I wonder who is thinking of this option? I’d like to be replaced by someone with more common sense.

” Yeah, …… I’ve got a bit of a stomach ache, …… and I need to lie down.” [TL: He ignored the choices btw]

” I see. …… But we got to go for a walk in the park. I was happy! And I even got a rock! Thanks for today, Yagami!”

Even the most insensitive of us noticed. I noticed that Himari looked sad for a moment.

Even the most insensitive of us noticed. I noticed that Himari looked sad for a moment.

For Himari, who is a playful person, this was probably not enough fun at all.

As a reward, she wanted to stay with me a little longer. And I don’t mind being with this guy.

“Himari……, do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?”

As expected, I was nervous.

This is the first time in my life that I have asked a woman out for fun. I’m pretty sure I’ll be devastated if she refuses.

“Yes! Let’s go!”

Himari showed a big smile on her face.

I was so happy that I couldn’t help smiling too.

So we decided to meet in front of the evil god statue again tomorrow afternoon.

[Himari’s PoV]

I’m so happy! I can’t believe Yagami asked me out on a date!

When I got home, I immediately started to pick out an outfit to wear tomorrow.

“Hmmm ……, which outfit would suit my black hair?”

I knew it was the right decision to go with black hair.

If I had kept my blonde hair, he might not have asked me out on a date tomorrow. Yagami’s sister, nice!

“She told me it looks good on me. …… ehehe……

In front of the mirror, I stroke my black hair.

I’m done with blonde hair forever! I’m going to be a black haired maiden!

I know I’ll look like Sakurako, but it’s not like I’m in an anime, so it won’t bother me!

“The walk in the park was fun too. ……ehehe……”

It was kind of like an adult date, and it was really nice.

The men I’ve dated have been all about karaoke, arcade games, and bowling, so it felt really fresh.

“Our hands touched each other in our pockets, and ……! We’re such a loving couple!”

Embarrassed, he nuzzled his face into the belly of the jumbo frog (stuffed animal) and shuffled my feet.

“Oh ……, but I regret that I spoke ill of Sakurako and Shino. ……”

I was in a bit of a hurry and let it slip out. I’ll be careful tomorrow.

“……… Now that we’ve finished the doburi parfait, I’m sure we will marry, right?”

I had heard from Reina that couples who finish the domburi parfait always get married.

That’s why I was so determined to eat it, but honestly, I was on the verge of throwing up.

If it weren’t for Yagami’s efforts in the second half, I wouldn’t have been able to finish it.

“…… I wonder if Yagami knew about the rumor?”

At first, Yagami was reluctant to eat.

But as soon as I was about to give up, he started to eat more and more. He must have felt the same way I did.

The reason why he didn’t eat much until halfway through was because he was trying to give me the parfait. Yeah, I’m sure of it!

“No! So that pregnancy joke wasn’t really a joke, was it?”

Maybe he was saying, “We’re going to be together, and you’re going to be like this in a year.” That’s what it means. Yeah, I’m sure of it! Kya!

“Maybe tomorrow, tomorrow…….Kya! What should I do? I’ll have to wear my prettiest pants!”

I opened the second drawer from the top of the chest of drawers and checked the contents.

“– uh, …… this is stained …… this one is stained …… then this is ……? Stained! Why are my pants all stained?

I slammed the stained pants on the floor and ran out to the city to buy clean pants.

A few hours later.

I returned to my room, coughing and groaning. I carried a large shopping bag with me.

“I’ve bought not only pants, but a whole set of clothes to match my black hair! I can’t wait to show them to Yagami!”

Excited, I changed into the clothes I had bought.

“Oh no! I’m really cute! What should I do? What if I want to go show it to Yagami right now?! But I want to save it for tomorrow. ……!”

I felt uncomfortable and repeatedly stood up and sat down from my chair.

And then night came.

“It’s only 12 hours until the meeting time. …… Oh no. I’m so excited I can’t sleep.”

I lay in bed with my new clothes on, but my eyes were glazed over.

I’m so excited about tomorrow’s date that I can’t stop thinking about what we’re going to do.

Three hours passed as I sat and slept on the bed.

“‘Can I go now? Another nine hours or so would be fine, right?”

I went outside and skipped down the dark streets of the city, aiming for the statue of the evil god.