To be precise, it’s not that she doesn’t smile at me, but rather that she clearly doesn’t like me.

Whenever I try to talk to her, she makes a pained face.

In the worst cases, she even wraps herself in the futon and shuts me out.

This is really depressing.

“Good morning, Himari.”

Himari, who was playing with a children’s educational toy, stopped her hand and glared at me.

“Don’t stare at me so much. –Do you hate me?”

Himari nodded her head. I’m so depressed.

It’s a shame… Himari used to hate me at first too. I think we’re just back to square one.

“You’re such an idiot to forget everything even though you loved him so much. Himari-chan.”

“Oh, Shino. You’re here too?”

Himari is glaring at Shino.

She is probably angry that Himari was called an idiot.

“You liked him so much that you left nine hours before your date’s rendezvous time, right?

When Himari heard Shino’s story, she stared at me and then turned her head away.

“Fufu, I remember the first time he tutored you. –Hey Himari, he used to be your tutor, remember?”

Himari looked at me for a moment, then stared at Shino.

Is it true what she says? I guess I am checking to see if it’s true.

“It’s true. He taught you from the elementary school level, you know? It’s thanks to him that you got a perfect score on the test the other day.

To test her intelligence level, Himari underwent a variety of tests.

As a result, it was found that there were no problems with her math skills or knowledge.

“So let’s thank him properly. Himari-chan.”

Himari bowed her head to me.

It was the first positive reaction she had shown me. I’m glad.

“Great, great, great job. Here, let me give you this.”

Shino took out a bookstore bag from her bag and grabbed a picture book from inside, placing it on the side table.

Himari smiled and tried to pick up the book, but dropped it with a thud. She was still unable to use her arms and legs to her full potential.

“Himari, I’ll read it to you.”

“-Ah, Sensei

Sakurako-sensei also came.

She picked up the book, sat down next to Himari and read the story to her.

Himari could hardly do anything at the moment.

She can’t eat by herself, and she can’t use the toilet. She uses a wheelchair to get around.

I turned my gaze away from Himari and looked at the bookstore bag that Shino was carrying.

“Shino, did you buy any other books?”

“It’s a game magazine. It had a special feature on the Black Iron Samurai.”

“You’ve become quite the gamer. — Can I have a look at it?”

“Yes, here.”

I picked up the magazine and opened it to the page featuring the Black Iron Warrior.

“Oh, they’re introducing the Cookie Magicians, huh”

” Ah, let me see it too!”

Shino comes next to me and peeks at it.

And there is another shadow…….

“Oh. –Are you interested, Himari?”

She’s staring at the magazine I’m holding.

I put the magazine on the side table.

“You’re looking at it very seriously.”

“I’m sure she’s remembering what she wrote in her notes. ……! Isn’t that right, Himari-chan?”

Himari completely ignored Shino and read the information on [Cookie Magicians] as if she was devouring it.

Could it be that she really remembers as Shino says?

It is true that when Himari’s consciousness woke up, it was also when I mentioned the topic of the [Black Iron Samurai].

” Himari. There are two [Black Iron Samurai] cabinets in your house, you know. When you get out of the hospital, we’ll play together.”

Himari took one look at me, then quickly returned her attention to the magazine.

I wish she would have nodded.

” Ah, that’s right! I also brought this with me today!”

Shino placed the can box on the side table and opened the lid.

Himari looked inside with interest.

“This is Himari-chan’s treasure box. –Yes, first of all, this.”

Shino took out a stone and handed it to Himari.

“Oh, look, look, look.”

“Ufufu, It has a face on the back.”

Shino turned the stone over.

Illustration (By Mitemin)

When Himari saw the creepy smile, she smiled, showing her double teeth.

“You look happy! Then here’s the next one!”

Shino placed the note on the side table.

Himari followed the contents of the note with her eyes, starting from the top, and when she reached the bottom, she went back to the top. She repeated this over and over again.

“There are still a lot of things left to accomplish. Let’s try our best to do them all, okay?”

Himari nodded her head in agreement.

“Then let’s keep this in a safe place.”

Shino picked up the stone and tried to put it in the box.

“Uu …….”

“Oh, she’s mad.

“Shouldn’t you give her the stone?”

“I’ve never seen her this angry before. Here you go.”

Shino handed Himari the stone again.

Himari smiled.

“It must be very important. …… Himari-chan……

“Good for you, Yagami-kun. …… Himari, she hasn’t forgotten about you.

“Yes ……I’m really …… really, glad …….”

I couldn’t hold back the tears from welling up in my eyes.