“Yes, good luck!”

“Keep your knees tight.”

“That’s it, that’s it.”

Himari is practicing moving to a wheelchair with Shino’s assistance.

In fact, it would be better if I did it, since it requires more strength in case of emergency.

However, she doesn’t like to be assisted by me, so I can only support her.

“Yes, you did your best.”

“Good job!”

“Good job, Himari.”


She is now safely in her wheelchair.

She’s starting to speak more and more. That’s a good sign. I can’t wait to hear her loud voice.

“Well, let’s go back to bed this time.”

Shino tried to get Himari to stand up.

This is the most dangerous moment. I moved closer to her so that I could help her at any time.


Himari loses her balance and starts to fall.

I rushed to support her.

“—–I’m sorry, Himari. But it’s better than falling, right?”


She’ s still mad at me. Are you telling me not to touch her?

I put Himari in the wheelchair for a moment.

“Mou, Himari! You can’t look at him like that after he helped you!”

“Thank you, right, Himari?


“Hahaha! She’s so mad!”

“Why does she only get mad at Senpai? She doesn’t get angry at all when a male physical therapist touches her.”

“Isn’t it because I’m creepy?”

” Yagami-kun is not creepy. Maybe she’s just embarrassed. She’s not always so straightforward.”

It would be nice if that were the case, but it’s probably not.

The three Rurikawa sisters have a characteristic that when they are embarrassed, their faces immediately turn red.

I mean, by the way she looks at me, it’s obvious that she hates me.

“What’s wrong with me, Himari? Is it my face?”

Himari shook her head.

“My personality?” “My voice?” I asked her many questions, but she said they were all wrong.

“Then what is it?”

Himari groaned for a while, “Uh ……,” then pointed to her chest and made a “b” with her hand.

“No breasts? Himari’s?”

Himari nodded yes to Sensei.

“uun, I have no idea ……”

“Ah, ah.”

Himari gestured for me to take the toddler’s book.

I took the book from the shelf and handed it to Himari.


Himari opened the book herself and pointed to the face of someone who was sad and crying.

“‘Are you sad? When Yagami-kun is around?”


Himari nodded her head.

I see. …… Do you get sad when I’m around you ……

That is why she avoids me.

“Would it be better if I …… didn’t come?”

Himari buzzed and shook her head vigorously.

“Mou! Himari-chan!”

“N…..It might be a good stimulus for Himari, you know?”

“But, is it okay……”

On the other hand, what if my presence is slowing down Himari’s recovery?

Hey, maybe I should take this seriously, huh?

Shino seemed to have guessed something when she saw my expression.

She clapped her hands.

“That’s right! We can take her for a walk, she’s in a wheelchair.”

“I like that. Let’s go.”

We went outdoors for a walk in the courtyard.

It’s the height of summer vacation. It’s hot …….

“Ah, ah.”

Himari is chasing butterflies with her eyes.

“You know, you’re really knowledgeable about poisonous spiders, right? Do you like insects?”

She ignores my question and continues to chase the butterfly.

” …… I don’t think that’s it. This girl has a peculiar knowledge. She knows a lot about certain things.”

“Oh yeah, she doesn’t know the capital of the United States, but she can name all the governors of Oklahoma.”

What’s that. She’s really weird.

I looked at Himari and saw that she had stopped chasing butterflies and was staring at a child playing with a portable game console in the shade of a tree.

“Are you interested in games?”


Apparently so.

Himari used to be completely uninterested in games. I wondered if her interests had changed.

“Then, let’s go a little closer.”

We got as close as we could to look at the screen.

“—-oh, Isn’t this a mobile version of “The Black Iron Warrior”?

Me, Tsumugi, and Shino have them too.

But I never knew that such a child was playing it. The future looks promising.


“Oh, you want to play it?”

“Uu! Unh!

Looks like it.

” Well, I’ll get you some.”

“Wait, Yagami. I’ve got an idea.”

We went back to the hospital room.

” Listen Himari? I’ll buy it for you if you allow Yagami-kun to help you.


I see. …… You’re using this as a bargaining chip? As expected of a Sensei. Relentless use of adult dirtiness.

Himari’s really pissed off, though. Isn’t that bad?

“What are you going to do, Himari? I don’t care either way.”

“Uh, …….”

After thinking for a while, Himari shook her head as if she had given up.

“You did it, Sakurako-chan!”

“Well, I’m counting on you., Yagami-kun.”

“Thank you very much. –Let’s move to the bed. Himari.”

I lend a hand to Himari and make her stand up.

Then I let her sit on the bed, being careful not to lose her balance.

“Good job, Himari.”


Himari got angry and crawled under the covers.

She’s shutting me out.

“Shall we go buy some, Yagami-kun?”


“Wait here, okay?

I took Sensei and headed for the bike parking lot.

“…… You know how jealous I am, right? The truth is, I don’t want Soma to help Himari.

“Sensei, …….”

“But I really want Himari to get better. So I tried my best to be like an older sister. –Am I good?

“Yes, very much.”

“Ahaha, I’m glad. –I’m sure Shino feels the same way. We’ve got a complicated relationship, haven’t we?”


I wonder if this is what youth is all about. ……

I put Sensei in the back and we headed to the game store.