Translator: Soafp

I was in an endless, blank space.

Well, …… I guess …… I’m dead. …….

I wandered aimlessly in the white space.

How much time has passed?

When I was beginning to feel uneasy about whether I would remain like this for the rest of my life, she appeared.

“‘……, we meet again, huh”

“Hahahaha! Really!”

“Is this the afterlife?”

“Well, I guess so.”

So it is. This place looks boring.

“You’re amazing. You saved Himari.”

“…… Well.”

Thank goodness. Himari seems to be safe.

Then I have no regrets.

” I’m not just talking about the hotel, you know. You saved her when she was attacked by delinquents, kidnapped by Kito and the others, when she was in a vegetative state, and when she was taken hostage. It really should be impossible, you know?”

“….What the hell?”

“She’s a child in chains of misfortune. She was cursed to have a bad ending no matter what she did. –But you defeated every single one of them and finally broke the chains completely.”

In other words, without me, Himari would have met a tragic end. ……

Furthermore, I broke the curse that she had been under.

“Why can I do that?”

“You had a talent for shaping your destiny, and your talent blossomed when you overcame the curse of forced youth choices.”

I see. …… Finally, I understand the purpose of this fortune teller.

“…… So you’re cursing me in order to save Himari?”

“That’s what I mean. In order to free her from the curse, I gave you a test in order to bring out your true power. I’ve caused you a lot of trouble, haven’t I? Sorry.”

The fortuneteller bowed her head.

“No, it’s okay. …… I should rather thank you.”

She shakes her head meditatively, as if to say, “No need to thank me.”

“It’s amazing, though? Overcoming the power of God. You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.”

“Haha, the strongest man …… Come to think of it, ‘become the strongest man who can overcome the curse’ was the condition for unlocking this [forced youth option], right?”

The fortune teller smiles.

“That’s right! Your curse has also been lifted!”

“Even if it’s lifted after death… ……”

“Hahaha! …… Use your power for the good of others.”

“…… Eh? What?”

“I’m going to use all my powers to bring you back to life.”

“Really!? That’s great!”

I was delighted, but when I saw the fortune teller’s dark expression, I knew something was up.

No, I rather owe you an apology. …… The curse has already been lifted, but the disaster awaits you for ignoring the options. I can’t do anything about it because resuscitation will use up all my power.”

“I see. ……”

What kind of disaster is it?

I hope there won’t be another meteorite. ……

“I know it’s going to be very hard, but I believe that you ……, no, I believe that you guys will get through this. …… So this time, I’m really leaving you. –Make your own destiny.”

“Yeah, well–“

Before I could finish, there was a tremendous flash……!

“Sensei! Yagami-san is awake!”

“Okay! Check his vitals!”


…… Where am I?

Operating room? ICU?

Did I really come back to life? ……?

I wanted to check that out, but soon I started to feel sleepy.

Ah, my eyelids were heavy …….

The next time I woke up, my family and the three Rurikawa sisters were by my side.

I wanted to say something to them, but I was getting sleepy again.

When I woke up again, I was finally able to talk to everyone.

I had a hard time listening to them because they were all crying so hard.

Apparently, I had once gone into cardiopulmonary arrest.

If I hadn’t received the power of the fortune teller (or was it a goddess?) there, I would have died.

There seemed to be almost no aftereffects, and I was able to move my body freely.

I was told that if my wounds were in good condition and the tests showed no abnormalities, I would be able to leave the hospital soon. That was good.

“Yagami, I have a gift for you today.”

“Oh, what is it?”

Sensei put a paper bag on the side table.

I took out the contents of the bag. –It’s cookies and crepes.

“Himari-chan worked hard to make them.”

“Oh! Thank you, Himari!”

Himari looks embarrassed and fidgety.

“Then I will eat it right away”

I put one of the cookies in my mouth.

–Unnn! Not so good!

The cookies from Shino and Tsumugi are definitely better.

But the fact that she made them for me makes them the best cookies I’ve ever had.

“They’re really good.”


Himari smiles embarrassedly.

Senseio and Shino gushed, “Pfft.” They must know that these cookies are not very tasty.

They must have been forced to taste it many times.

“Well, let’s try the crepes!”

I don’t have any dietary restrictions, so why not?

I grabbed a crepe and took a bite. –oohh?”

“It’s almost as good as a store bought one!”


“Fufu, I helped a lot with the crepes, you know.”

“Don’t say that!”

Ah, I see. Baking the dough seems to be difficult.

There’s no way Himari, who couldn’t even crack an egg, could do it in such a short time.

“Thank you, Himari. I feel better now thanks to you.”

“I’m glad. ……”

Himari smiles. –cute.

bombom, there was a knock on the door.

“‘Oh, it’s the police again. ……”

” …… I’ll go check it out.”

Sensei heads for the door.

I’ve been interviewed by the police many times.

First it was the local police station. Next came the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, then the National Police Agency, and so on.

In short, it’s that big of a deal.

Every day the newspaper has a front page article. There are daily features in the news.

It was a crime committed by a well-known radical organization.

One innocent person had died.

It was set at the Grand Mall Hotel Observatory, a dating spot for lovers.

A large number of civilians were taken hostage.

And ……, a single high school student solved the case before the police could intervene.

All of these factors have made this a big topic of conversation.

The identity of the high school student will not be revealed at all.

According to the detective, there are strict press restrictions in place.

The remnants of the extremist organization may target me and my family.

Sensei led me to two men in suits.

They were different from the previous ones.

Somehow, it feels more like …… Hattori-senpai than a detective.

“…… Would you prefer that it’s just me?”

“Thank you for your concern. I would appreciate it if you would.”

I signaled Sensei with my eyes.

Sensei nodded silently and left the hospital room with Shino and Himari.

“You’re not a detective, are you?”

“As expected. Did you recognize me by my presence?

“Yes. –May I ask your name?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

That was all I needed to know.

They are from an organization that cannot be made public.

I understand. Then may I ask what you want?”

“Soma Yagami -san. I would like you to undergo special training in America.”

–I see. I’m a person who likes peace.

“I’m a man who likes to be at peace. I don’t want anything to do with that kind of world.”

“I know. But you can’t say no.”

I twitch. –What are you trying to do, blackmail me?

“What do you mean?”

“Press restrictions have been put in place, but the remnants of the extremist organization will eventually find out about you, Yagami-san.”

I’m sure they will.

There are dozens of people who’ve seen my face, and there’s surveillance camera footage of me.

If they really wanted to, they could easily find me.

“That’s where we can be of help. We can protect Yagami-san’s family and the people of the Rurigawa family.”

“In other words, you want me to join your organization to protect them?”

For us, “protecting” includes taking preemptive action against threats. This is the only thing that I would like to correct. The rest can be taken as Yagami-san says……”

In other words, anyone who threatens the security of the nation will be eliminated before they can cause an incident.

I was surprised that there was such an aggressive organization in this peaceful country.

“I see. I understand what you are saying. But why are you recruiting me into this organization?”

“You don’t seem to be aware of your own abilities, Yagami-san. You have a special talent. I would like you to use that power for the safety of the nation.”

“You think I’m the only one who can do that?”

“Yes. There are only a very few people in Japan who have that kind of talent. And all of them are working on this mission.”

“That’s amazing. Can I ask you one question? Why did you join the organization?”

At first I refused. –But the officer in charge at the time told me, “You’re unpatriotic for trying to corrupt such talent!” I was so angry.”

The man scratches his head and smiles.

…… That’s music to my ears. Can I come back to …… Japan?”

“It’s hard to say. After two years of training in the United States, You will be assigned to a unit somewhere. I have no idea what will happen after that, and there is a possibility that you may never set foot on Japanese soil again.”

That’s too painful.

Even though Himari has regained consciousness and the curse has been lifted, we can’t be together. If I’m not careful, I may never be able to see her again.

“…… Is this the curse?”


“Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. –When do you plan to leave for America?”

“End of December.”

That’s fast ……! Only a little more than a month away. ……!

“I know it’s not something you can make a decision on right away, so I’ll leave you to it for now. We’ll come back to you later.””

The two men bowed to me and quietly left.

“As expected ……, there is no sound of footsteps at all …….”

The two men bowed and left quietly.

“Is this another hearing?”

“No,……, it’s more like job placement.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

I stare at the girls with serious eyes.

The tension appeared on their faces.

“I’m thinking of going to America.”