Translator: Soafp

Two weeks after I woke up, I was safely discharged from the hospital and returned to the Rurikawa residence.

When I told Sensei that I was going to the U.S, she was very much against it, crying like a baby.

She still has her cheeks puffed up and is pouting. She’s really cute.

Shino was also opposed to the idea at first, but after talking about it over and over again, she accepted my idea.

And Himari, on the other hand, went to …….

She was in a stupor, sitting in her room in a daze.

I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t respond at all.

This is not good. I went into Himari’s room.

“Himari, ……, shall we go to the park?”


I push Himari’s wheelchair into a bakery in front of the station. It’s the same bakery I went to the other day.

I bought the same bread and sat on the same bench I sat on that day.

“This is the park. Do you remember it?”

“No, ……, but I like it here.”

I smiled and pointed to a tree.

“There was a white-eye in that tree.”

“I see. ……”

“You shoved your hands in my pockets because your hands were cold.”

“Is that so……”

Himari is shivering and shaking.

It’s December now. It’s the time of year when it’s unbearable to sit still.

“I’m sorry, it is cold. Shall we go home now?”

“I want to stay a little longer.”

“All right. Okay, let’s do this.”

I moved Himari from the wheelchair to a bench and sat down next to her.

Then I hugged her to me as if I were wrapping her in my arms.

“It’s cold in the park in winter. Please bring me back in spring.”

There was a moment of silence.

“……..I’m sorry……. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”


I continue to hug Himari until she calms down.

A few minutes passed, and Himari’s sobs stopped.

“It’s so hard to be around you, Yagami-san. But it’s also hard when you’re gone. ……”


“I’ll do my best and I’ll be fine even if Yagami-san is around. Please stay with me.”

I hugged Himari tightly.

“I’ll do my best in cooking and teaching. So please don’t leave me here.”

” I really want to be with you ……, but I’m sorry Himari ……, I’m trying to protect you. Please understand …….”

I stroked her head to soothe her as she started to cry again.

This is a disaster.

If I don’t accept it, the people around me will suffer instead.

Worst of all, the terrorists could take their lives.

In order to protect everyone, I have to do this.

As Himari regained her composure, I transferred her to a wheelchair and returned to the Rurikawa residence.

“I’m home.”

“I’m homee.”

When I went to the living room, Sakurako-sensei was waiting for me, her cheeks puffed out and standing on her knees.

Shino was standing next to her, looking apologetic.

“What is it, Sensei?”

“Yagami-kun, no, Soma. Play against me!”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“If I win the world tournament of the Black Iron Warriors, you cancel your trip to America!”

The world championship of the Black Iron Samurai?

What about the teams that have already made it to the finals?

I mean, Sakurako-sensei can’t play games in the first place.

Let me explain about the [Black Iron Samurai] world tournament.

The tournament consists of an online qualifying round and an actual final round.

I was planning to win this tournament with Himari, but I didn’t know how far she would be able to go, so I held off on entering until the last minute.

This is because once you enter, you can’t change the members.

The rules of the world tournament are 3 vs. 3 deathmatch, but teams can have up to five members.

The team members are chosen based on their compatibility with the opponent and their strategy.

However, in the finals, there is a rule that all team members must compete at least once before the finals, and it is broadcast live to the world.

If Himari, who couldn’t fight properly, was forced to participate, she would be humiliated by the world and it might hurt her.

So, in the end, while I was holding off, I was shot and went into a coma.

In the meantime, the entry deadline had come and gone.

However, I had asked Tsumugi to be my substitute in case I couldn’t enter for some reason. This was as good as I could do.

However, in that case, I decided to register only the three of us, me, Tsumugi, and Shino.

So, unfortunately, Himari will not be able to participate in this tournament.

Instead, I will definitely win. This will probably be my last tournament.

–The qualifying rounds of the world tournament have already been completed, and the 32 teams that will advance to the finals have already been decided.

Naturally, my 【God Eight Breath】 team has already won.

Of course, the winner of the previous tournament, the “Cookie Magicians,” is also participating.

So, I won’t be fighting with Sensei in the finals.

Since they are amateurs, they probably don’t know much about such things.

“Sensei, that’s impossible.”

“Does that mean Soma won’t make it to the finals?”


“The leader of the Cookie Magicians. Kirschblutte (Sakura). That’s me.”

“Eh, ……? You’re lying, right?”

“It’s true, senpai. I saw Sakurako-chan’s account.”

Really…..?! I didn’t think that the champion was this close to me …… and that it was my teacher ……!

Since the finals were held in person at the venue, the faces of the players were naturally exposed.

However, the members of the “Cookie Magicians” were not allowed to show their faces, so they all wore masks. I think the leader was wearing a squirrel mask.

Because of this, no one knew who they were until now.

The only thing we knew was that they were women, because they had breasts.

“I see. We can’t let anyone know that the …… faculty is at a game convention, huh”

“That’s what I meant. –So, what do you think? Will you accept?”

“You don’t have to accept it, Senpai. There’s no point in taking it.”

“…… No, there is a point to taking it, Shino. I just want her to be convinced.”


“You’re right, Soma. Then you promise?”

“Yes. I’ll see you in the finals.”

“I won’t lose for sure!”

“I’ll definitely make you win! I’ll never lose to Sakurako-chan!”

“Haha. I’ll show you how scary I am.”

After spouting this discarded line, Sensei picked up a bottle of alcohol and went into the room.

It seems that this is not only a battle between me and Sensei, but also between Shino and the teacher.

This is sure to be a rough one.