Translator: Soafp

Sakurako-san and Shino-san have been struck down, and it is just me and Yagami-san left.

I put up a barrage and start jamming.

Sakurako-san and I practiced the “Black Iron Warrior” desperately to prevent Yagami-san from going to America.

But she told me that my skills are not as good as they used to be. It’s natural, since my hands have become clumsy.

Sakurako-san recommended that I focus on being a support rather than an attacker.

My main roles will be sniper cover, flares for missile attacks, and camera jamming.

I’ve never used jamming before.

The calculations were kind of difficult and I didn’t think I could do it.

Surprisingly, however, I was able to jam very well.

In fact, I was good at calculations.

From then on, I practiced jamming every day.

My skills improved rapidly, and I was able to operate the aircraft and jam at the same time.

Sakurako was overjoyed, saying, “Haha, now Yagami-kun can stay with us.”

It made me happy, too.

“Yagami-san, please take care of it!”

Jamming was successful. The camera in front of Yagami-san is down.

I approached quickly, trying to get a shot off from zero range.

Yagami-san said he loves me, but he’s going to leave me behind. I can’t forgive him. It’s too selfish.

He says it’s to protect us.

But I don’t care about that. I just want him to stay by my side forever. Even if it makes me unhappy.

You can’t talk about a girl’s heart with logic!


I fire shotguns and rockets in rapid succession.

The right arm of the eight divine machine Prividieny (that’s a really cool name) is badly damaged!

Even though I couldn’t see the front, I avoided a direct hit to the torso. I’m impressed.

But he lost his anti-ship sword. The game is over.



The left arm of the Kugelschreiber (which shows how good my taste used to be, doesn’t it?) was badly damaged.

I can’t believe it. The front camera was dead, but he was still able to hit me with its sniper rifle.

“Yagami’s secret was well understood.”

You want to go to America that badly, don’t you?

That’s your way of showing love, isn’t it?

“Then, I’ll give you my secret.”

I will do my best to stop you

That’s how I show my love.

I start jamming again.

He has already recovered his camera.

With the loss of the anti-ship sword, his attack power has been drastically reduced.

I also lost one of my shotguns, but I still have another shotgun and the rocket launchers on both shoulders.

I have the advantage by far.

Yagami-san has not been able to attack me and has allowed him to operate his jamming.

“Seventy percent. ……”

The jamming will be completed in another 30%.

If I do that, my victory is assured.

Yagami-san fires his sniper rifle, but he can only launch monotonous attacks, and I can easily deal with him.


Yagami-san …… Let’s go eat a bowl parfait together again.

It’s hard to be with you, but I’m sure you’ll get over it.

Then we can start making the memories we lost again.


After this competition, Christmas will soon be here.

Let’s have a party together.

That’s right! I’ll be making a cake with Shino and Tsumugi!


Then, to celebrate the New Year, we’ll all go on a New Year’s visit.

Since I’m probably still in a wheelchair, let’s go to a shrine that doesn’t have stairs.

Then the next thing is …… Valentine’s Day!

This is going to cause a stir among the three sisters! Kyahaha!

I’ll make homemade chocolates!

“100%! It’s the Jamigu Kangyo!”

Now it’s my win!

You are a very strong person. You don’t need to go to America to protect us. You saved me at the hotel, remember?

I bring the Kugelschreiber in close to the Yagami machine.

Yagami-san fired a sniper rifle at me, but the bullets flew in completely the wrong direction.

He may have thought he was firing a warning shot, but it was completely pointless.

“It’s all for nothing.”

This time, I’m going to hit him directly in the torso!

Pull the trigger and it’s over. That’s it, I’ve won.

Boom. The screen went black.

“The camera’s ……!”

No way. …… No way. ……!

Is he jamming me?

He was also fighting and jamming at the same time,……?

Indeed, now that I think about it, his fighting style was not as sharp as in the beginning.

But I had no idea that he was jamming.

Now that the camera is dead, the lock-on is also removed.

I’ll have to hit it manually.

And that’s what he’s doing.

So all that’s left is to …….

“I’ll take care of it.”

Who’s feeling is stronger?

That’s the only thing that separates the game.

I read Yagami’s thoughts.

How would he come?

–I’m sure he’ll be aiming for the cockpit from close range!


I fire a volley at the front.

–And then, with a loud explosion, it was settled.