Translator: Soafp

Ten years later.

A wedding is about to begin at the Grand Mall Hotel Observatory in Kanagawa Prefecture.

But to my dismay, the groom had not yet arrived.

I tried to call him several times, but the power was not on, or there was no connection at all.

The beautiful woman on the phone, in her early twenties with dark hair, sighed loudly and looked at the TV in the waiting room.

“Big trouble! A government plane has been hijacked! It seems that Prime Minister Oizumi has been taken hostage!”

Wawawawa?! This is terrible!

The black-haired woman called the other attendees.

‘A criminal statement has been released! The perpetrators are said to be remnants of the extremist group that caused the Grand Mall Hotel hostage crisis ten years ago!”

The wedding guests gathered in front of the TV were buzzing.

“[We are going to avenge our sins now. That’s what the extremist group says!]”

We’re going to avenge our sins. ……? What does that mean, ……?

“Oh, the government plane is on the move! It looks like it’s taking off!

The cameras of the news team followed the government plane as it took off from the airfield.

“What’s the point in doing this?

Shinnosuke Oizumi, Prime Minister of Japan, yells at the man who is holding a gun to his head.

“Our people will be vindicated.”

“Killing innocent people will not make up for it!”

“Shut up!”

Prime Minister Oizumi was punched in the face.

This militant group is going to crash this government plane into the observation deck of the Grand Mall Hotel.

I guess it’s revenge for ten years ago. –No, that’s not the right word at all. This is just an act of revenge.

“Hmph, are you really so embarrassed that only one high school student failed you?”

“…… Okay, kill him.”

The men pointed their guns at one of Prime Minister Oizumi’s aides.

“—-Wa-Wait! I’m sorry, I apologize!

“We’re all going to die anyway. It’s just a little faster. –Do it.”

Just as the man was about to pull the trigger, Pash! Pash! A sound was heard

In the end, the man did not pull the trigger and fell backwards.

“—-W-What the hell?”

“From behind–“

Pash! Another man falls.

“The enemy! Use the hostages as shields—-“

Pash! One more man fell. His head was bleeding.

Now there are only two people left, one in the cabin and one in the cockpit.


From behind the seat, a man who looks like a mere civilian appears.


The militant organization in the passenger cabin has been wiped out.

The man must be an agent called a ninja.

They have excellent fighting skills, but they don’t let you know it.


The cockpit door opened with a bang, and the last man took Prime Minister Oizumi hostage and held him at gunpoint.

“Put the gun down! If you don’t, I’ll–“


The last one is dead.

“Oh, ……, oh, …….”

He didn’t hesitate to shoot even though he, the prime minister, was being held hostage. –He’s a great guy.

Oizumi laughed and said, “Fufu”

“I thank you. –What’s your name, boy?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry, I can’t give you a name.”

“That’s right, ……, but is that also for me?”


Prime Minister Oizumi looks at the agent man.

He is still young. His age was probably in his mid-twenties.

Medium build. He has no features at all. I guess this is one of the characteristics that make him a good agent.

“I would like to thank you in some way.”

“In that case, I’d like to ask you a favor.”

“Oh, yes! Anything you want.”

“This government plane is currently heading for the Grand Mall Hotel, correct? I’d like you to keep it on course and keep it overhead.”

“Hou? Why is that?”

“I have a wedding to attend there. That way, I won’t be late.”

Prime Minister Oizumi laughed out loud.

“I see! It’s my fault you’re late for the wedding! Then that’s what I’ll do! –Hey, tell that to the pilot!”


The secretary heads for the cockpit.

“Thank you, Prime Minister.”

The agent man bows his head.

It’s a small price to pay. Just to confirm. You’re going to jump down from here and go to the hotel, is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Oizumi laughed again.

“That’s great! We’re almost there. What’s your wife like?”

“She’s a mathematician and a cook apparently.”

The man speaks matter-of-factly as he prepares his parachute.

“Hoo, that’s an interesting title. By the way, what do you mean by ‘apparently’?

“I haven’t seen herin ten years, after all, I just came back to Japan today.”

“I see. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for devoting your life to our country. I wish you many years of happiness.”

“Thank you very much. —-Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

The man opened the door and flew out into the sky.

I landed safely in the grounds of the Grand Mall Hotel, removed my harness, and hurried to take the elevator directly to the observation deck.

This was a memorable place for me and my girlfriend.

What happened here changed our destiny.

Pong. The elevator doors open.

“Ah, brother, you’ve arrived!”

“Oh, Soma! You came at the right time, like you were supposed to!”

“Hmph! As expected of Soma-chan!”

Tsumugi …… has become …… beautiful, but she still talk like that, huh

Father, mother, how do you feel about your new home?

“You’re too late, Yagami!”

“Being late in the workforce is just not possible!”

Kitahara, Komatsu …… is something normal. Do you have a child?

“Yagami, you’re not late for the first time in ten years!, that’s pretty impressive!”

“Yagami-kun, it’s been a while!”

“You’re just in time.”

Hoshi, Ichijo, Yoshida, Shinagawa and Kinomura …….

“Gahahahaha! Soma! It’s been a while!

“Soma-chan! Congratulations!”

The villainous senpai is wearing a proper suit.

Kenji has become a completely beautiful woman. …… Could it be that she has had surgery?

Terada-senpai and Takagai are there.

Hattori is not there. That’s because he has the same job as me.

I’m sure he’s in Tajikistan right now.

“Hey, Yagami. You haven’t changed much, huh”

“Let’s do some mitts for the first time in a while! Yagami!”

“Let’s go to the underground arena. I’ll bet all my money on you.”

The old man Zama has aged completely.

President Aragure is still the same.

Sakoda-san, let’s not go to the underground arena, you have kids.

“Yagami, come on, let’s go.”

“I have been waiting for you, senpai!”

Sakurako-sensei……. Shino …….

They both have the same charm …… as they did ten years ago, but they’ve become even more wonderful women.

The two of them lead me onward.

A dark-haired woman in a wedding dress is standing with her back to me.

“It’s been ten years since I’ve seen you…….”

The bride looks back.

While showing a cute smile with double teeth peeking out.

“Soma-san ……, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time …….”

“I’m really sorry.”

Her memory is still lost.

But it doesn’t matter.

“From now on, the two of us will make many memories together.”

“Yes. I’m really looking forward to it.”

We hugged each other.

With 10 years’ worth of thoughts on board.


TL: With this we have finished Forced Youth! Thank so much for reading and have a nice day.