"That young man has been here for two months. It is said that he became blind in both eyes due to a car accident," Chen Qian said as he walked, "It's a pity, he looks so handsome." Sitting on the chair was a young man in a white shirt, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a small and fair face, thick and fluffy flaxen curly hair, very beautiful eyes, but there was no expression in his glass-like pupils.

When Chen Qian walked by, he couldn't help but look at the young man again, lowered his voice and said to Feng Chu: "There are not many male stars with such a perfect appearance in the entertainment industry. If he is not blind, I really want him to sign with our company, I will definitely make him popular all over the country."

Feng Chu said coldly: "Shut up."

Chen Qian quickly closed his mouth, and made a movement of zipping his mouth.

Chen Qian and Feng Chu have been good friends since childhood. This high-end hot spring sanatorium is invested by Feng Chu, and Feng Chu's grandfather is staying here.

Old man Feng has always liked to be lively, and he hasn't stop even when he gets old. He heard that the nursing home newly invested by his grandson is good, with a beautiful environment surrounded by mountains and rivers. He brought his wife and a few old friends to live in it for two months.

Feng Chu seldom comes here. Chen Qian's grandfather and Mr. Feng are comrades in arms. Chen Qian was brought up by his grandfather since he was a child, so whenever he has time, he would come here to see his grandfather.

Walking slowly along the forest path, Chen Qian was still reminiscing about the young man's appearance: "The bones and skin are gone, I have to ask if his eyes can be cured, if it can be cured, I must find a way so he can sign to our company, with his face, he can attract countless fans even just as a vase[1]."

[1] beautiful appearance but no talent

Feng Chu said coldly: "The monthly cost of this nursing home is at least 150,000, do you think he seems to be short of money?"

"150,000 per month...is that a lot?" Chen Qian couldn't believe that this sentence came from the mouth of the spendthrift President Feng, and he looked at Feng Chu in surprise, "You were so casual last night. It's more than 150,000 yuan to open a bottle of wine."

Feng Chu didn't want to talk to this mentally handicapped Chen Qian.

Chen Qian recently wanted Feng Chu to invest in their company's new movie. Feng Chu has always been irritable and serious, so Chen Qian didn't want to mess with him at this time.

Old Man Feng's residence is a detached villa with an elegant environment, some distance from the public area. When the two of them entered, Chen Qian's grandfather was playing chess with Old Man Feng.

Old Man Feng raised his eyelids and looked at the two of them: "Xiao Qian, Feng Chu, you are here."

Feng Chu nodded.

Chen Qian sat on the edge of Mr. Chen's sofa and watched the two play chess. While watching, he directed blindly. He didn't like to talk, so he went out to light a cigarette.

Grandma Feng's seventy-fifth birthday is this year, and Feng Chu wants to make a big deal for the old man.

Feng Chu's parents lived apart, and he didn't grow up in the old house of the Feng family. He only returned to the Feng family after graduating from university.

Three years ago, Feng Chu's father passed away due to illness, and the old man Feng was old, so all the burden of the Feng family fell on Feng Chu. Feng Chu had a lot of entertainment outside, so he seldom went back to the old house on weekdays. Even if he did, he would have nothing to say with Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng.

Just after lighting a cigarette, the service personnel in the garden came to stop Feng Chu: "Sir, smoking is prohibited in this garden, and the smoking area is in the front, then turn left."

Except for some head of the nursing home, no one knew Feng Chu. He's very low-key, outsiders know Feng Chu's father and mother better, Feng Chu rarely appears in public.

Feng Chu glanced at this person.

To be honest, Feng Chu was tall and burly, handsome but with an overly stern demeanor, not a face to be provoked, and the service staff who blocked him was a little guilty, ready to call the security guard over at any time.

Unexpectedly, Feng Chu snuffed out the cigarette in his hand and changed to another place to smoke.

After smoking two cigarettes, Feng Chu planned to go back.

Around the corner, he saw the blind young man again.

The young man was indeed beautiful, with beautiful and delicate bones, and even more so... Feng Chu didn't know how to describe it. He felt that if he pinched the young man's chin, it would definitely leave a clear mark.

"Shall we go to dinner now?" The young man turned around, even though he knew that the other party couldn't see him, Feng Chu subconsciously stepped back.

Ling Yi thought it was the nurse who took care of him: "Miss Deng?"

At this time, a woman in a white coat ran up from a distance, and the woman came to Ling Yi panting: "Sorry, Mr. Ling, I have something to do just now. It's meal time, do you want to eat now?"

Ling Yi smiled slightly: "It's okay." The woman guided Ling Yi to the restaurant.

Feng Chu looked at Ling Yi's back.

It is indeed a pity to be blind at such a young age.

Ling Yi's voice is very pleasant, without any accent, very standard Mandarin, gentle and charming. Feng Chu can't tell where he is from.

Lunch was very light, and there were still boiled carrots. Ling Yi skillfully cut the carrots into small pieces with a knife and fork. Even though he was blind, he was very skillful in doing these small things.

Nurse Deng went out to make a phone call.

When Feng Chu passed Nurse Deng, she heard her voice: "...how many times have I told you, don't feed your children with weird folk remedies, Mom, you should send Yan Yan to the hospital now...God, what are you talking about? "

Feng Chu sat on the table next to Ling Yi.

Most people's meals in the restaurant were specially customized recipes by nutritionists, Feng Chu ordered a cup of coffee.

He watched Ling Yi eat up the carrots first, and then a little bit of noodles, a few thin slices of beef, and a dozen blueberries.

His eyes scanned over Ling Yi, who was very thin.

Nurse Deng came over again, and Ling Yi was drinking scented tea now. She looked apologetic: "I am familiar with the way from the restaurant to the residence, Ms. Deng, please leave first, if necessary, I will ask other staff for help."

The nurse Deng seemed really anxious, and she hurriedly left the restaurant.

Ling Yi drank water very slowly.

His lips are very pale red, with white teeth.

The flaxen-colored thick curly hair reaches just above the chin, and the hair looks clean and loose.

After Feng Chu drank his coffee, he walked up to Ling Yi: "Do you need any help?"

Ling Yi thought it was another nurse called by nurse Deng, so he nodded, "I want to go back to room 305. "

Ling Yi doesn't need anyone to help him lead the way now, Feng Chu led him into the elevator and pressed the floor for him.

When he got to the door, Ling Yi unlocked it with his fingerprint: "Are you a new nurse?"

"I just arrived today."

Ling Yi entered the door: "Thank you, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"


"Dean Zhou sent a document, and I sent it to your mailbox."

Feng Chu vaguely remembered.

He turned on the computer, and Assistant Zhang sent him an email two weeks ago.

Feng Chu was too busy at the time, seeing the title, he didn't think it was too important, so he put it aside.

The information given by Dean Zhou is not detailed. After all, his position is only the dean, not a private detective.

Feng Chu has read ten lines at a glance.

Ling Yi, nineteen years old this year, is from C City. His father is a business man and his mother is unknown.

At his age, he should have been studying in university. Ling Yi had excellent grades and was the top student in liberal arts in C City. He didn't go to university C because of a car accident after the college entrance examination.

Assistant Zhang left Feng Chu's office. Feng Chu forgot to put the jade bead chain in the box and put it in the pocket of his trousers.

He hadn't seen the old man and the old lady for several months, and asked the driver to take him to the nursing home in the afternoon.

Only after he went there did he know that Mr. Feng moved back to the old house last week.

Dean Zhou followed Feng Chu, and Feng Chu saw Ling Yi again. This time, Dean Zhou remembered the young man: "The nurse who took care of Mr. Ling plans to resign, and she wants to go home to take care of the children. Many nurses in the nursing home want to take care of Mr. Ling, especially some unmarried girls."

Feng Chu looked at Ling Yi's back: "Is he very attractive to girls?"

"Some male nurses also want to take care of him." Dean Zhou said, "Me and him discussed it, and he said it's best to let the male nurse come, he wants to chat with someone."

Feng Chu gestured for Dean Zhou to leave.

Ling Yi was wearing a navy blue sweater cardigan today. The clothes were dark in color and soft in texture. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head subconsciously.

Feng Chu felt that Ling Yi's hair had grown a bit.