Chapter 2: The other party should be a handsome man with a cold temperament

Ling Yi could only hear the voices around him.

After losing his eyesight, his other senses were heightened.

"I'm sorry." There was no expression in Ling Yi's beautiful eyes. He asked gently, "Is there someone beside me?"

"It's me."

Feng Chu's voice was deep and magnetic. However, he didn't forget it, and after thinking for a while, he recalled: "You're the nurse who sent me back to my residence that day?"

"My name is Feng Chu, and Dean Zhou asked me to take care of you."

Ling Yi stretched out a hand: " Hello, Mr. Feng, my name is Ling Yi."

Feng Chu held Ling Yi's hand without hesitation: "Just call me Feng Chu."

Ling Yi could feel the man's palm was very big, and his fingers were extraordinarily slender, judging from the size of the hand, this person should be a tall man.

It should be very tall... Ling Yi thought enviously, and his body is also very healthy.

"Did Dr. Zhao tell you about your job?"

In the information that Dean Zhou gave to Feng Chu, Ling Yi's attending doctor was listed. The other party's surname was Zhao, so he should be the "Dr. Zhao" that Ling Yi said.

Feng Chu looked at Ling Yi, he didn't want to play a role-playing game here, Feng Chu is not such a childish and vicious man.

But Ling Yi was very serious and had already believed Feng Chu's words.

Seeing no response from the other party for a long time, Ling Yi thought that the other party had not communicated well with the doctor: "Mr. Feng?"

"Not yet, I will call him later." Feng Chu said, "Wait for me for half an hour."

"Okay "Ling Yi nodded, "I'll just bask in the sun here then."


Dean Zhou was called by Feng Chu again.

Looking at the tall and handsome man in front of him, Dean Zhou wiped a cold sweat in his heart. He really didn't understand why Feng Chu wasted his time in this nursing home.

For a man like Feng Chu, time should be equal to money... Wouldn't it be a waste of life to be a caregiver who's a dignified and wealthy CEO here?

Straight Dean Zhou can't think of more possibilities for the time being, he only thinks that Feng Chu wants to experience a different life here.

Dean Zhou told Feng Chu the contact information of Ling Yi's attending physician.

In fact, nurse Deng has helped Ling Yi adapt to the things that need to be adapted in the early stage. Now Ling Yi can walk alone in the nursing home and is familiar with everything in the room. Ling Yi has an independent personality, and he tries his best to do things by himself.

Even if Feng Chu doesn't know how to take care of patients, he can take good care of Ling Yi.

After greeting Ling Yi's attending doctor, Feng Chu appeared in front of him again.

Ling Yi heard footsteps: "Mr. Feng, is that you?"

"It's me." Feng Chu said, "The sun can't shine here, do you want to go back?"

Ling Yi nodded.

Feng Chu guided Ling Yi back to his residence.

This time Feng Chu entered Ling Yi's room.

Ling Yi's residence is about 120 square meters. In addition to the kitchen, bathroom, and balcony in the living room, there is also a bedroom and an entertainment room.

The balcony is very large, with floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, and the eyes are covered with a very warm beige. The sunlight happens to be projected from the southwest direction, and the room is shrouded in brilliance even if the lights are not turned on.

Ling Yi's side face was blurred in the light, he turned around: "Do you want tea? There is lemon tea in the refrigerator, as well as Longjing and oolong tea."

Feng Chu usually only drinks coffee and rarely tea.

Ling Yi brought out a can of delicate tea leaves, and poured mineral water to boil them.

Feng Chu stepped forward: "I'll do it."

"I know how to do it." Ling Yi put the tea in the cup, "You are a guest, please let me do these small things within my power."

Twenty minutes later, Feng Chu took a sip of tea.

The tea is green and fragrant, and the taste is very refreshing.

Ling Yi took a sip of tea: "It's been a long time since I entertained others like this."

Feng Chu looked at his profile: "How long?"

Ling Yi thought for a while: "One year and twenty-eight days."

He happened to be blind time.

Feng Chu knew that Ling Yi had been in the nursing home for nearly five months, and no one came to visit him during these five months, no matter relatives or friends.

According to the information, Ling Yi came from a hospital in City C, and it was probably the same when Ling Yi was in the hospital in City C.

Was his father too busy?

A businessman is very busy.

Feng Chu sometimes entertains and has no time to spare.

After sitting down, Feng Chu felt that there seemed to be something stuck in his clothes. He opened it and found that it was a string of emerald beads, full of green and rich in color, and each one was about as thick as a finger.

Feng Chu moved the string of beads with his fingers, and Ling Yi heard a voice: "What is it?"

"A string of beads bought at the night market." Feng Chu put it in Ling Yi's hand, "It's very relaxing when you move the beads."

The rich color complements the whiteness of the skin, like the navy blue cardigan Ling Yi is wearing today, and so is the emerald bead string on his hand.

Feng Chu has a dark complexion, this string of jade beads is emerald in his hands, and flowing green in Ling Yi's hands.

Ling Yi toggled it twice: "It's ice-cool, very comfortable."

Jade can generate warmth, and after a while it becomes the temperature of the hand.

After Feng Chu drank the tea in his cup, he refilled another cup. He had never drank such delicious tea before. Curious about what kind of tea it was, he opened the refrigerator and looked. The tea was actually supplied by a nursing home. Although the quality was good, it was not good enough to be recognized by Feng Chu.

After he finished drinking the tea, he turned around and saw Ling Yi fell asleep on the sofa. The sofa is not big, Feng Chu will be uncomfortable on it, but it suits Ling Yi's figure very well.

Feng Chu laughed dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that Ling Yi had so little defense against outsiders, Ling Yi was so beautiful, but Fan Feng Chu had evil intentions; he took the blanket next to him and covered Ling Yi's body.

Ling Yi's voice was very soft: "Thank you."

"Are you awake?"

Ling Yi said "um", "I haven't slept too fast."

Feng Chu was very curious about how Ling Yi's hair was styled, such a beautiful flaxen color, such natural curls reminded him of angel's hair in some illustrated books.

If Ling Yi's eyes had never been blind, the light in his eyes should be as bright and clear as the eyes of an angel.

"Does a stylist come to do your hair for you?" Feng Chu thought for a while, "The hair color is very beautiful, giving people a noble feeling."

Ling Yi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was misunderstood, he couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, it will take five hours to set the shape, and you can't do any movements during the set."

When he was in City C, the attending doctor was very mean, and he was an indifferent old man. After the fracture was almost healed, he was sent to City B in Province A. It is said that the nursing home in City B is very good. However, the nurses who take care of Ling Yi are often women over forty years old. Ling Yi doesn't have much to say to them. Seriously, Ling Yi occasionally worried that he would offend the other party.

Feng Chu was a very suitable person to talk to, with a calm personality and a willingness to help others.

Ling Yi guessed that Feng Chu's age was over twenty-seven and under thirty-five.

Judging from Feng Chu's voice, the other party should be a man with a handsome appearance and a cold temperament.

Because Ling Yi had to rest and Feng Chu had to go back to the company to do some things, he left first.

Ling Yi handed the string of emerald beads to Feng Chu: "I'll give it back to you."

"Three strings of ten yuan money," Feng Chu said, "You can keep the small things you buy in the night market and play with them."

Ling Yi got up and rolled it up three times and put it on his wrist. He hugged the blanket and closed his eyes: "Mr. Feng, see you tomorrow."

Feng Chu glanced at him again, Ling Yi was now wrapped in the blanket, and his beautiful thick curly hair was scattered on his emaciated body. On the side of his face, it looked like some soft, white and easy-to-handle little beasts. Feng Chu's Adam's apple rolled a bit: "See you tomorrow."


In the evening, a staff member brought dinner over, and Ling Yi eats his dinner on his own slowly.

The phone rang suddenly.

Ling Yi is not very convenient to use a smartphone. When Dr. Zhao contacts him, he usually calls the phone in his room.

Ling Yi said "Hello?".

Dr. Zhao's voice came from the microphone: "Xiao Yi, have you met a new nurse?"

Ling Yi said "Yes" then, "I met him this afternoon."

When Dr. Zhao received a call from Dean Zhou today , he almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

The members of the Feng family are completely untouchable to Dr. Zhao. He only reads the news, and even thinks about it when the stock market fluctuates, but he never expects that the president of the Feng family will play a whimsical role. A role-playing game where he works as a nurse for one of his patients.

It's the biggest joke in the world.

Dr. Zhao liked Ling Yi very much. Ling Yi was very polite, well-bred, and very well-behaved, just like a little prince who came out of a fairy tale book.

If Dr. Zhao gave birth to a daughter and Ling Yi was not blind, he would definitely have brought his daughter to Ling Yi without saying a word.

Dr. Zhao said: "The new nurse may not be familiar with the work. He is a novice. Remember to tolerate him and don't lose your temper with others. Remember, you must keep your mood calm now. Impulsiveness is not good for your eye benefits."

Ling Yi smiled slightly: "I know."

Dr. Zhao also knew that Ling Yi had a gentle personality, and he was simply the calmest and most cultivated patient he had ever seen.

The only thing he was worried about was finding fault with Ling Yi after the boss of the wealthy family became unhappy.

To be on the safe side, he specially reminded Ling Yi.

"That's good." Dr. Zhao thought for a while, "Has the patient on the second floor left the nursing home?"

Ling Yi's smile slowly subsided: "He hasn't.

"I can't let you move to another building, that man is out of his mind, thinking that he has a lot of filthy money." Doctor Zhao said bluntly, "Xiao Yi, bear with me for a while, don't take his words to heart ,your eyes will definitely return to normal, and that insidious villain will be in trouble."

Ling Yi thanked Dr. Zhao and hung up the phone.

The milk in the cup was not so warm anymore, but Ling Yi still took a sip of the milk.