It was half past seven when he woke up the next morning, and Ling Yi fumbled to the bathroom to wash up.

He had just wet his face with water when the doorbell rang outside.

Ling Yi only wiped his hands but not his face, then walked to the door and opened it.

"Good morning." A deep and cold voice rang into his ears, and Ling Yi raised his face in a daze: "Good morning."

Feng Chu didn't expect that Ling Yi's face had not been wiped dry, and water drops fell on his neck along his porcelain white face and the light-colored hair on the side of his face is wet with water. This scene looks really moving.

Feng Chu's eyes moved slightly: "Were you washing?"

Ling Yi nodded: "Please come in."

Feng Chu walked in from the outside, and Ling Yi went back to the bathroom to continue washing his face.

The work of being Ling Yi's nurse is very easy, which is one of the reasons why other nurses wanted to come to Ling Yi to take care of him after nurse Deng left.

Feng Chu boiled water to make tea, and soon the room was filled with the fragrance of tea.

Ling Yi was still wearing white cotton pajamas, stepping barefoot on the cold ground, revealing a thin ankle.

"Do you want to eat in the restaurant or in the room?"

"In the room," Ling Yi said, "they will bring breakfast in ten minutes."

Feng Chu glanced at Ling Yi's ankle: "Why don't you wear shoes?"

"I forgot when I got up."

Ling Yi went to the bedroom, and came out a while later wearing linen slippers and thin socks, washed his hands, and fumbled for the tea that Feng Chu handed over.

Seeing his skillful movements, Feng Chu wondered for a moment whether Ling Yi was really blind.

After Ling Yi drank the black tea and put the cup aside, he got up to look for the TV remote control. Feng Chu took the remote control away and watched Ling Yi fumble on the table for four or five minutes.

Ling Yi couldn't find it: "Mr. Feng, did you see the TV remote control?"

Feng Chu handed it to him: "It fell on the ground."

Ling Yi turned on the TV.

Even if he can't see the picture, he can hear a lot of voices.

Feng Chu only accompanied Ling Yi for breakfast. He had other things to do today. Chen Qian heard that Feng Chu was back, so he asked Feng Chu to have a drink with him at night.

Feng Chu didn't want to hang out with this group of cronies, Chen Qian said: "Mr. Feng, besides work, you have to relax and have fun, right? You're going to become a working machine."

It was already eleven o'clock at night when it was over , Feng Chu got into the car reeking of alcohol, Chen Qian was also drunk, he loosened his tie: "The few newcomers signed by the company recently are not good enough, Feng Chu, how many times have I visited the young man in the nursing home? I don’t know when his eyes will recover.”

Feng Chu closed his eyes and meditated: “Don’t try to trick him.”

“By the way, I heard that your grandma arranged a blind date for you,” Chen Qian said, "There are not only women, but also men. Hahahaha, Feng Chu, you see that there is no one around you, and Grandma Feng actually suspects that you like men."

Feng Chu rubbed the center of his brows heavily.

"Let's go racing tomorrow." Chen Qian said, "Fuck, I finally got some free time, and I was as busy as a dog some time ago."..

Ling Yi couldn't drink, Dr. Zhao repeatedly commanded him.

In fact, Ling Yi likes to drink low-alcohol fruit wine. The sweet and sour drink with a little bit of alcohol couldn't be more charming.

Drinks cannot be obtained in the nursing home, and Ling Yi is now blind, so it is even more difficult to buy these things from other places.

Recently, a child came to the nursing home on weekends, about six or seven years old. When Ling Yi went out to bask in the sun, the child often played with Ling Yi with a football in his arms.

Children like people with gentle and good-looking faces. Ling Yi got his first bottle of green plum wine this year from this child.

"My mother brewed it herself, and grandma likes it very much," the child said in a childish voice, "I asked her if she could give it to brother Ling Yi, and she asked me to bring it."

Ling Yi patted the child on the head: "Thank your mom for me." The child's name is Bai Ziyao, and his grandmother lives in this nursing home, so he will visit with his parents almost every weekend.

Bai Ziyao clasped his fingers timidly: "You should thank me, I sent it myself." The corners of Ling Yi's lips curled up: "Okay, thank you Ziyao."

Bai Ziyao continued to clasp his fingers: "Then—brother Ling Yi, can you kiss me? Mom and Dad often reward me, and they will kiss my forehead."

Ling Yi couldn't help laughing: "But I'm not Ziyao's mother, only mothers can kiss children's foreheads, outsiders are not allowed to do this."

Bai Ziyao was a little at a loss.

Before he asked for green plum wine, he had agreed with his mother. He said that as long as he gave his brother a bottle of wine, his brother would definitely kiss him on the forehead.

Bai Ziyao poked his finger: "Then I'll ask my mother."

He picked up the football on the ground and put it in Ling Yi's arms, and ran away in a "thump-dump-dump".

Ling Yi heard the child's footsteps getting farther and farther away, and the upward curve of the corners of his lips slowly fell.

He was about to unscrew the bottle cap of green plum wine, when footsteps came from behind, Ling Yi was worried that it was Dr. Zhao coming, so he wanted to hide the green plum wine in his sweater cardigan.

"It's me."

Feng Chu, Chen Qian and the others got drunk last night, and woke up this morning with a splitting headache. After the morning meeting with his subordinates, he asked the driver to come here.

The nurses will supervise the patient's diet, so Ling Yi didn't take out the wine, he curled his lips: "Mr. Feng is two hours late, and one day's salary will be deducted."

"Okay." Feng Chu said, "I'll ask the dean to deduct "

Ling Yi smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm joking. Now I don't rely on the nurses very much, and I will be discharged from the hospital in winter. If Mr. Feng has a lot of things to do, he can reduce the frequency of coming here."

Feng Chu was stunned for a moment : "Where are you going?"

"I should go back to C City, my home is there."

The cost of the nursing home is too high, Ling Yi's fee is 170,000 per month, and Ling Yi's father has not paid living expenses for these two months, although there is a lot of money in Ling Yi's card, it cannot withstand such consumption for many years.

And there are unpleasant things happening in the nursing home.

Bai Ziyao ran over with a "thump, thump," and Ling Yi knew it was him just by the sound of footsteps.

The kid was sweating from the heat, his pink and jade-carved face was flushed, and he looked at Ling Yi with shining eyes: "Brother Ling Yi, my mother said, you can, but others can't."

"Really?" Ling Yi squeezing the child's hands, he took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his cardigan and wiped the sweat on Bai Ziyao's hands and forehead, "Walk slowly in the nursing home, not too fast, or you may bump into an elderly grandma. "

Bai Ziyao's eyes sparkled: "Brother Ling Yi, kiss me."

Ling Yi touched Ziyao's forehead with his fingers, and kissed him lightly.

Feng Chu looked at Bai Ziyao in disbelief.

At this moment, Bai Ziyao suddenly noticed a fierce-looking man standing beside him.

No matter how gentle Ling Yi is, how terrifying this man is.

Bai Ziyao's little face was about to turn green from fright: "Hi, Uncle!"

Feng Chu hated seven or eight-year-old children playing in mud the most: "Am I your uncle?"

Bai Ziyao stammered: "Hi, Uncle, brother Ling Yi, I'm going to play football."

Bai Ziyao took the football beside Ling Yi away, turning around every step of the way. Fierce men make friends.

Ling Yi heard Ziyao call Feng Chu "uncle" first, and then "uncle" again, the child's reaction made him feel amused: "Mr. Feng, how old are you this year?"

"It should be less than thirty."

Feng Chu found out that Ling Yi likes to bask in the sun, sitting in the sun for a long time, Ling Yi looks very white, although he is not tanned, but there are two very light freckles on the bridge of his nose, which cannot be seen at first glance you can only find out by staring at Ling Yi's face carefully.

"These boys are very naughty and have a lot of thoughts," Feng Chu said, "Don't kiss them in the future, they don't like to wash their faces, and they are not as clean as adults."

"Ziyao should be a very cute child," Ling Yi couldn't see it, and said yes many people and things can only be guessed based on the impression in his mind, "Does he have a pair of big black eyes?"

"It's not cute, his eyes are not big, and his face is full of mud." Feng Chu found that Ling Yi was hiding something under his clothes, "What's in your arms?"

Ling Yi covered it up in a sweater: "Zi Yao gave me a bottle of juice. The sun has moved over, let's go eat."

Ling Yi didn't always like to bask in the sun, when he wasn't blind yet he didn't like the feeling of being exposed to the sun.

Now that he can't see anything, he yearn for the sun very much. If he can't see it, then he want to feel it.

Ling Yi's lunch is still carrots, blueberries, noodles and beef.

The weight of the plate in front of Feng Chu was five times that of Ling Yi.

Feng Chu wondered if Ling Yi would be able to eat enough like a kitten: "Just a little? I'm afraid it's less than one or two in total."

Ling Yi slowly cut the carrot into small pieces: "I was anorexic before. Now I am getting used to it slowly, and I can’t eat too much.”

Feng Chu looked at Ling Yi's hand holding the knife and fork. Ling Yi's fingers were really slender, with a little blush on the fingertips, slightly transparent, as tender as if planted from a pool of water.

Ling Yi probably doesn't have many outdoor hobbies. Feng Chu likes rock climbing, racing cars, horseback riding, and shooting. Although he is pampered, his hands are not as tender as Ling Yi's.

"You really are," Feng Chu didn't know how to say, "There are many disasters and illnesses."

After the meal, Feng Chu sent Ling Yi back to his residence, and Ling Yi occasionally took a nap for half an hour.

Feng Chu suddenly remembered an important thing: "Do you need me to wash your clothes and bedding?"

This is also within the scope of work of the nurse.

"Nurse Deng came over last night, and she helped me take it for laundry." Now that nurse Deng has not completely resigned, and will officially leave at the end of the month, Ling Yi put the green plum wine hidden in the sweater into the refrigerator, "There is nothing this afternoon. See you tomorrow."

Feng Chu saw the word "wine" on the bottle, the green plum wine was made by Zi Yao's mother, and the word "wine" on the card on the bottle was written by Zi Yao, the child's handwriting is very immature.

Feng Chu raised his eyebrows: "Ling Yi, can you drink?"