Chapter 215

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 215: The Third Trial (3)

Long Long blinked.

‘Did I just hear that wrong?’

He's going to ask Paimon where Vulcan is because he doesn't know where it is?

Is this the common way of thinking of the human race?

If so.......

‘Who spread the rumor that humans are weak?’

He was really curious.

And why wouldn't he be? Paimon is no ordinary demon.

He is one of the 72 demon lords, out of hundreds of millions of demons.

And his rank is not low either.

He's not 72nd, he's 7th.

In other words, he's the great demon of the great demons.

Even he, a Balrog who is revered in the Demon Realm, cannot dare to belittle him and must always address him with the honorific title of "nim".

That's who Paimon is.

―Are you really, really going to meet him?

"You talk too much, shut up."

―Ah, no...... I'm just worried that Kim Minwoo might be in danger.......

"Who's worried about who?"


If I guide you!

And for such a trivial reason!

‘Then I'll be in big trouble!’

No matter how respected a Balrog is in the Demon Realm, it doesn't mean that all their sins are forgiven.

Wasting the time of a busy demon lord is a serious crime.

With a single gesture, he would be turned into a bloody mess. That's why he was desperately trying to stop him.

―It's really dangerous! Paimon doesn't live in the middle of nowhere......! He lives in a castle in Batalian, one of the seven major cities of the Demon Realm......! There are a lot of demons there!


―There are a lot of demons there with a keen sense of smell! They'll probably drool over Kim Minwoo's scent!

"Like you did earlier?"

―......The vulgar ones with nothing but instinct left will rush right in! I'm telling you this because you're too reckless! With all my heart!

"You're a Balrog, aren't you?"

―Yes? Yes.

"You're respected in the Demon Realm, right? Because you're strong."

―Th-that's right?

"Then you can protect me if I go to Batalian or whatever."


"If some trivial demon comes at me, you can turn them into a bloody mess. It's not that hard, is it?"


"If it's hard, tell me. I'll correct your thinking right now."



It was just the sound of a small finger bone in his fist cracking.

Why was his body trembling?

The once 'corrected' body was reflexively spitting out fear.



―That's easy! Who am I? I'm a popular Balrog in the Demon Realm! Haha.......

"Is that right?"

―Yes, that's right.

"Get ready. Oh, is it far?"

―It won't take long if we fly. About a day?


He waved his hand.

Long Long carefully slipped away.

―A city in the Demon Realm.......

―You don't trust Minwoo?

―No, it's not that. The master will do as he pleases.

―Exactly. Paimon or Pie or whatever, he's just asking a question, right? If he's not an idiot, he'll answer. Right, Minwoo?

"Of course. Absolutely."


He seems pretty strong.

But, he had something he can rely on.

The future Vulcan.

He saw his power.

‘I rolled and rolled and gouged out his eyeballs back then, but......’

Kim Minwoo back then and Kim Minwoo now are worlds apart.

‘Back then, I was level 200. But now?’

‘Over 500.’

The equipment and skills are also incomparable. Honestly, He didn't think he would die to a demon lord even without using a nuclear bomb.


‘Going in circles is not my style.’

He had to find out where Vulcan is anyway.

To do that?

He had to meet a demon related to Mr. Pa or ask him directly.

‘That means my actions will be exposed.’

If he's going to confront him anyway, it doesn't matter how he goes about it.

If not, it's better to just go and ask him directly and be done with it.

That's why.

He chose to go straight ahead.

"I should do some sightseeing while I'm at it."

Let's see what a demon city looks like.

* * *

―Elmantra. One of Paimon's sons.

‘......He's a bigger shot than I thought?’

That's when it happened.

―Sniff. Sniff. But, I smell something delicious?

The guy, who had been sniffing and licking his lips, stared at them.

―This is... a human smell? Right? Why is Lord Long Long with a human? Ah! Could it be!

The guy clapped his hands and said.

―I see! Is this a tribute to my father? Right? Humans are very precious!

―Uh...... it's not like that.

―Haha! There's no need to be shy! Come to think of it, it's been a long time since my father had a special meal. The passage hasn't been opening lately...... Neither have I.

He smiled and approached them.

He could see him reaching out to take off his hood.

―Let me see your precious face...... Huh?

He grabbed his wrist.

And, he broke it.



Long Long's eyes immediately became sad.



"Does Paimon have a lot of sons?"

―Quite a few. Great demons are known for their fertility.......

"I guess he eats a lot of humans too?"


"So, is he a precious son?"

―He's just...... a son.

"That's what I thought. Then I've made up my mind."

He drew his sword.

And, he swung.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The headless corpse fell to the ground.

―What the?

―He killed him?

―Oh, that guy's pretty hot!

One of the demons on the street gave him a thumbs up as if to say he was admirable.

Is the thumbs-up a universal language?

‘I don't think he knows he's Paimon's son.’

He gave him a thumbs-up back with a smile.

Long Long may have drooled, but he never actually ate a human.

It didn't matter if it was a rare, precious treat or not.

But this guy was different.

This guy was a cannibal.

He could tell just by looking at his eyes.

‘Then I have to kill him.’

Well, that's good.

If Paimon is also a demon who enjoys eating humans.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to give him a warning.

―You're really hot.......


―......You, you're going to the castle, right?

"I don't think that's necessary."

A huge castle in the distance.

It looks like Paimon's house.

A jet-black shadow was flying towards them from there. Long Long's face turned pale when he saw it.

Before long, the shadow that had been rippling approached them and a voice came out of it. It was as if it was being hammered into his head.

―My son... is dead...

"Ah, are you Mr. Paimon?"

―Yes. I am Paimon. And you?

"I'm a human named Kim Minwoo. You need to teach your son some manners."


The rippling shadow transformed into an eyeball shape.

A huge eyeball blinked on its own.

―Long Long.

―......I am in the presence of Paimon, one of the seven great lords of the Demon Realm and one of the great demons.

―What is going on here?

―......Your son... was rude. To Kim Minwoo, here.

―Is that really true?

―......I believe it is.

Long Long.

He was a Balrog with more backbone than he thought.

He decided to help him out a little.

"Why are you acting like this? You're a fertile man, so don't be petty."

―I've lived a long time. I've seen everything.......

"You've lived a long life? Congratulations. By the way, I came here because I have a question for you."


The eyeball, which let out a tone that was either admiration or frustration, blinked once more.

―Humans drink tea when guests visit, right?


―I have some good tea.

"We can talk here."

―I need to prepare to welcome you.

Soon after, the eyeball became blurry.

He really wants to serve him tea, doesn't he?

It seemed like he would have to go inside the castle.

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]