Chapter 216

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 216: The Third Trial (4)

Invited by Paimon, he visited the castle.

A grotesque creature sat on a giant throne at the very top floor. The creature looked like a mass of dark clouds gathered together.

Its head resembled a camel's.

A long beard grew beneath its wrinkled jawline.

It looked like a camel-human hybrid, but with five horns on its head, it could also be considered demonic...

A crimson snake was coiled on its shoulder.

'Does this guy also have a pet?'

Just like Hayang.

At that moment, Paimon, who had been staring at him, smiled brightly and said,

—Welcome to my concert, human! Sing my praises!

The thick lips of its camel-like snout rippled and transformed into musical instruments.

Tambourine, trumpet, cymbals.

Lips transformed into three instruments began to spread grotesque music.

Crack. Boom. Crash!

Clang, clang, clang!


Long Long's knees buckled at the strange music.

His breath hitched, and his vision blurred.

His eardrums burst, and blood flowed.

Long Long's eyes shook greatly.

Seventh in rank, the Great Demon Lord Paimon.

Music was one of his specialties.

He could enchant or tear souls with his melodies.

This time, it was definitely the latter.

'Cunning bastard!'

Inviting him for tea and then attacking him right away!

Long Long gritted his teeth inwardly.

The melody was so intense that even he, a high-ranking demon, could hardly bear it.

Not to mention a human, known for their weak mental fortitude...

"...What are you doing?"

—Oh. Are you alright?

"You play terribly."

[You have entered the Demon Lord Paimon's concert!]

[You have been directly hit by 'Horrifying Music that Shakes the Mind (SSS)']

As soon as he saw the message, he assimilated Hayang into his body.

The attribute was chaos.

It was the attribute most specialized in mental power.

Thanks to that, he was able to maintain his sanity amidst Paimon's music.

His body's energy became a bit dark, but there wasn't much change in his appearance.

Seeing that, Paimon's eyes gleamed with interest.

—Oh... This is truly surprising. Even my servants wouldn't be fine after hearing this.

"Is this how you usually treat your guests, Lord Paimon?"

—Of course not. It was just a simple test. I'm not that harsh of a demon. But, you... You wield a very unique energy? An energy that protects the mind...

Paimon, who quickly put on a smiling face, added,

—And a moment ago, I played poorly on purpose.

As if to prove it, beautiful music began to resonate this time.

[You have been directly hit by 'Heavenly Music (SSS)']

[All stats will be greatly increased for 30 minutes!]

[All skill effects will be greatly increased for 30 minutes...]

[All healing speed will be greatly increased for 30 minutes...]

The effects were the opposite of what one would expect from a demon.

When the three-minute performance ended.

—How was it?

Kim Minwoo found himself clapping involuntarily.

Of all the music he had heard in his life, Paimon's was the most beautiful today.

"You're good. You should have done that from the start."

—Haha, thank you for the compliment. Come sit down.

Paimon gestured, and a large table rose in front of them.

A teapot with steam rising from it and two teacups as well.

Long Long clicked his tongue at the sight of Kim Minwoo and Paimon sitting down calmly.

'What kind of energy battle is this...?'

He could understand Paimon trying to subdue them with music as soon as they arrived.

It wasn't even 10 minutes ago that his son's head was blown off.

And by a lowly human who was supposed to be nothing more than prey.

What surprised him was Kim Minwoo.

He was standing perfectly fine on two legs even after listening to the music of the Great Demon Lord Paimon.

'Was it to this extent?'

Maybe it wasn't for nothing that he came to the castle to meet the Demon Lord...

—Now, let me formally introduce myself. I am Paimon, a Demon Lord. Welcome to my domain, wise and brave visitor.

"Now I'm finally being treated like a guest."

—I apologize for the rudeness just now. So let's forget about it. Elmantra is no longer my child.

"Does that greatness include things that eat people?"

Paimon smiled at that remark.

—The humans I've seen are quite peculiar creatures. They tend to adjust the world's standards to their own.

"You talk as if demons don't do that. They all seem the same to me."

—We demons are strong. Unlike those insignificant prey. So, what are you so curious about that you came all the way here?

"Vulcan. You know him, right?"

—Of course. He's a very brave mercenary captain. He's helped me deal with many difficult situations.

Paimon said with a smile.

His attitude was like that of a father.

He asked him,

"I'd like to meet him."

—Vulcan? Why?

"It's personal."

—Hmm... That would be difficult right now.


—He's on a confidential mission. Ah, don't ask me what it is. I can't tell you.

"Then when will it end?"

—You'll probably be able to see him soon. So wait.

At that moment.

Kim Minwoo quickly drew his sword and stabbed it towards Paimon's face.


A strong rebound was felt in his hand, as if he had struck a hard diamond.

〈You nasty human.〉

The red snake sitting on his shoulder.

The red snake had wrapped itself around Paimon's body and was burning brightly.

It had also blocked the Shadow Sword.

—Why did you attack me?

"If you're going to lie, you'd better wet your lips first."

—...Did I lie?

"Didn't you? You seemed to dislike Vulcan."

Chaos is an attribute that allows one to see the target's memories.

Of course, it didn't work on everyone.

In the case of the Demon Lord Paimon, even if he saw his memories, it was very limited.

Small memories like fragments.

He could only see these memories because they were related to 'trauma'.

The memories of Vulcan there...

'The treatment was very bad.'

Paimon had just praised Vulcan, but the memories were the opposite.

The leader of the balrogs with powerful force.

He was a troublemaker that even Paimon couldn't easily control.

Vulcan's tendency to be straightforward caused all sorts of conflicts with Paimon.

But he said that?

'It means it was a 100% lie.'

He said this without changing his expression, truly befitting a Demon Lord.

"Where is he, Vulcan?"

At those words, Paimon, who had just been smiling warmly, instantly hardened his face like a fierce demon and said,

—It's difficult. Very difficult...

"What is?"

—You said Long Long, right?

"Yes, that's right."

—Don't you want to rule the village where Vulcan used to be in charge?

"No, suddenly?"

—Vulcan is going to die. Soon.

Kim Minwoo stared at Paimon.

“Why do you think so?”

—That Vulcan has a lot of enemies. He was too reckless. There's not a single Great Demon Lord who hasn't been tormented by him. Long Long, you should have some idea.

Long Long's face turned pale.

Indeed, it was true.

Why did the Balrogs move their base so often?

It was because Vulcan, who was in charge of mercenary work, caused trouble everywhere.

But, they thought it would be okay under the 7th Lord, who was relatively merciful among the lords...

"Don't tell me, Lord Paimon, you also abandoned the captain?"

—Abandoned? Was he my subordinate? No. He was just a mercenary. It means it was a contractual relationship, not a master-servant relationship.


Long Long clenched his fists and remained silent.

Paimon looked at Kim Minwoo and said,

—The Great Demon Lords have all agreed. To get rid of him cleanly. I, Paimon, am no exception. If you want, you can meet him once before he dies. Will you do that?

Damn it.

Kim Minwoo clicked his tongue after hearing Paimon's words.

All the Great Demon Lords were joining hands to bury Vulcan.

'Is this guy some kind of Lu Bu?'

It wouldn't be strange for one of the lords from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to come to mind.

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]