Chapter 233

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 233: High Priest (1)

"You cheeky little rascal."


Alex's face crumpled after receiving a flick on the forehead.

"Why did you hit me, Hyungnim?"

"Who gave you permission to call me that?"

The term 'Hyungnim' had two meanings.

It could be used to address any older male.

Or, it could be used to address the older brother of one's wife.

This cheeky brat was clearly using it in the latter sense.

"It would be weird to call you 'Mister.' We're practically family."

"We're not."

"You can deny it all you want, Hyungnim, but it won't change anything. I've seen the future, you know?"

"Didn't you say the future is uncertain?"

"It is, but..."

"And are you sure you really saw that future? I doubt Naye would like a weakling like you."

Although her preferences were still developing at her young age, he could make some educated guesses about Naye's type.

She was crazy about Cedric (a skeleton, large build, cool dragon head) and showed great affection towards Vulcan in his muscular, handsome mode.

On the other hand, what about this Alex kid? He admitted the boy was handsome, but that was about it.

'He lacks masculinity.'

And he saw a future where they got married?

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the boy intently.

"I-It's not a lie."

"Then why are your eyes wavering?"

"I'm just a little flustered because you're looking at me like that, Hyungnim..."

"This won't do."

He snapped his fingers.

—Huh? Minwoo?

Merhen, who was overseeing training at the guild's training ground, was summoned.

"Sorry to interrupt while you're busy. It's important."

—No problem. I was getting bored teaching those dummies anyway. So, what's up?

"It's about this little guy. Can you verify if what he's saying is true? And explain it to him so he doesn't get scared."

—Sure, that's easy enough.

Her gaze turned to Alex.



—I'm going to infuse your body with my mana. I'll analyze everything, from your pulse to the slightest reaction. If you accept the mana without resistance, you won't feel any pain. Understand?

"...Yes, I understand. But can you really do that?"

—Infuse mana? That's nothing.

Mana had a unique form and energy for each individual. Infusing it into another person's body without causing discomfort required delicate control.

It was like matching wavelengths. But for Merhen, it wasn't difficult. She was an Archmage, after all.

And her subject was just a seven-year-old Awakened, still immature.

Merhen reached out her hand towards Alex. Her mana began to seep into his body.

"Wow, this is amazing..."

Alex's eyes widened.

The sensation of slightly cold mana coursing through his veins and filling his entire body!

It felt like he had ice packs all over him.

—Refreshing, isn't it?

"Yes, it's incredibly refreshing!"

—Good. Just relax and accept it. Hmm... let's see.

Merhen, who had been nodding with her eyes closed as if sensing something, spoke.

—I've got it. You can ask him now, Minwoo.

Even the most well-trained agent would find it difficult to hide their body's reactions. Merhen's mana infusion was a technique that allowed her to observe those internal responses. Her mana, perfectly assimilated, would flow through every corner of his body, gathering information.

"I'll ask the same question again. Do you truly believe that Lee Seoyoon will be in danger?"

"Yes. According to the future I saw."

Merhen nodded.

Lie detector test, passed.

"Then... is it also true that you saw a future where you marry Naye?"

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie about something like... Ow!"

Alex flinched as if he'd received a mild electric shock.


"N-No, it's not... Ow!"

—Increased heart rate. Elevated blood pressure. Increased perspiration. Rise in body temperature, dry mouth. 20% increase in micro-movements... Shall I continue, little guy?

With each observation Merhen listed, Alex's face contorted as if he'd bitten into something rotten, while Kim Minwoo's face brightened like a sunflower.

"That's it! Merhen, you did great."

—Heh. It was nothing.

Merhen's face also lit up as he patted her head.

"...It's true. I've had many dreams about Naye. Really..."

—That part is true.

"Then it must have been just a silly dream."


"Hey. Look me in the eye."

The drug dealer's head was crushed instantly as he crawled on the floor, tears and snot streaming down his face.

The gang members, lying on the ground with their legs severed, were filled with terror.

"P-Please... spare me..."

"No can do. You're all bad guys. I know all about you."

Lee Seoyoon smiled sweetly and proceeded to cut off the gang member's fingers one by one with her knife.


"Keep wriggling. Scream. Scream louder. Got it?"

She continued to torture him personally until his screams finally stopped.

She stood up, stretching her body.

It was a dark night.

The makeshift building constructed from scrap materials was surrounded by corpses.

The Golden Triangle Syndicate.

It was one of the major drug cartels with a rather grandiose name. He'd heard it was the largest organization spread throughout the Philippines. She had already taken down four of their branches in two days.

"Sometimes, this body is pretty useful, isn't it?"

Lee Seoyoon touched her arm and smiled grimly.

The undead didn't have an appetite.

They didn't need sleep.

They didn't experience fatigue.

In other words, they had plenty of time on their hands.

And this body displayed near-perfect performance in combat.

It was incomparable to when she was just a B-rank Awakened. As an assassin alone, she could aim for the global rankings.

That's why she was able to kill so many.

Of course, it wasn't without its drawbacks. Her incomplete senses included her sense of smell. The scent of blood, once so vivid, now required intense concentration to detect.

Her sense of touch was also sorely lacking.

One of her pleasures had been to closely observe her victims' reactions during torture. But with her numb body, it was difficult to gauge their responses. It was hard to empathize with their pain, for instance.

'Killing is much easier now...'

That's why it was even more disappointing.

Her body was ready to revel in more slaughter, but it wasn't as enjoyable as she'd thought.


She stretched and left the building. According to the information Kim Minwoo had given her, there were many more organizations to dismantle.

That was when it happened.

A smile crept onto Lee Seoyoon's lips.

"Quite a crowd."

Her heightened senses detected numerous presences.

Judging by their rapid approach, they all seemed to be high-ranking Awakened.

'Easily over a hundred.'

Soon, the crowd surrounded the abandoned building.

"Hey, you there."

A deep voice called out.

A scarred face came into view.

A giant of a man in a suit.

A familiar face.

'Ramon el Diablo Santos... wasn't it?'

Lee Seoyoon recalled the information she'd seen in the documents. The emperor of the underworld who had transformed a small syndicate into a massive organization across the Philippines in just ten years. He was observing her with an intrigued expression, a cigar clenched between his teeth.

"I heard an interesting story. An Eastern woman is tearing through our organization. Judging by the stench of blood reaching us... you must be her."

"Seems like the story left out the part about me being a terrifying woman. You even came to find out for yourself."

"Whoa, easy there, friend. I'm not here to fight."

"Then what are you here for?"

"Simple. I want to recruit you."

"Ha, me? You want to recruit me?"

"Don't you want to become stronger?"

"And all you can offer is a wad of cash?"

"Not at all. We have some pretty decent methods."

"...Decent methods?"

"Don't you want to grow faster? We might be able to help you with that."

"How exactly? Stop beating around the bush and tell me."

At that moment.

Santos took a step closer and whispered.

"...Would you believe me if I said we have a way for you to gain more experience than others?"


Lee Seoyoon's eyes gleamed like a predator that had found its prey.

Rapid growth.

Those were familiar words to her. It was what the shadow usually said when tempting people.

Perhaps sensing her interest, Santos's demeanor softened.

"Friend, you're in luck. A very important person from our side is currently visiting. They heard about you and are very curious. They'd like to meet you. If it weren't for that... we might have taken a more forceful approach. So, consider yourself lucky."

Santos said, his knuckles tucked into his pockets. If not for that person's interest, he would have crushed this woman with those knuckles. Losing four branches wasn't something he could laugh off easily.

Lee Seoyoon also smiled at his words.

Santos was easily on the level of a branch manager in the Philippines. If he referred to someone as a "very important person"...

It was obvious.

'I've got a bite.'

And a big one at that.

The first tug felt exhilarating.

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]