Chapter 234

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 234: High Priest (2)

As they drove to meet the "important person," Santos and Lee Seoyoon quickly became acquainted.

They had something in common.

Santos was a priest and administrator of the Shadow's Philippines branch.

"Oh! So you, Lee Seoyoon, were also a member of the Shadow?"

"That's right. I belonged to the Korean branch."

"The Korean branch... the one Han Baekgil managed?"

"Yes, that one. Not North, but South Korea."

"Haha, I know that much. This is quite the irony. The crazy woman who slaughtered our men was actually a colleague?"

"I wanted to find you guys as soon as possible. It's not exactly a secret that the Shadow is spread across the Third World."

"...So you killed them on purpose?"

"I figured a big shot like you would show up. And you did, didn't you?"

Santos nodded.

It was certainly a drastic approach, but there was no faster way to meet him, who was always hiding.

"Alright, I'll admit it. But I've never heard of such a talented individual like you in Korea."

"That's because I was just a trainee back then."

"...A trainee? Are you serious?"

Santos asked in surprise.

Usually, the Shadow dispatched individuals with the rank of priest as representatives to each country. Han Baekgil, who managed Korea, was also a priest.

Among the talents scouted and trained by those priests, the lowest rank was that of a trainee.

'This woman was really just a trainee?'

Judging by her skill in wiping out four branches in two days, she could easily surpass most priests.

"I was trapped in a Hidden Gate."


"Yes. It was... a terrible hell."

Santos stroked his chin.

There were many types of Hidden Gates. With bad luck, a low-ranking Awakened could end up in a high-level Gate. The problem was that usually meant certain death.

'Did she survive? And gain some kind of opportunity?'

If so, it would explain her incredible strength. The rewards from Gates were limitless. And Hidden Gates were said to be overflowing with treasures and opportunities.

"And then?"

"When I got out, almost half a year had passed. The Korean branch was destroyed, and I had no way to contact my superiors."

"So you came to the Philippines?"

"Yes. If I caused trouble in Korea, I'd most likely die. My superiors were all missing, so what else could I do?"

"...That's true."

Santos nodded.

He didn't believe everything Lee Seoyoon said. At this level, one had to be cautious.

'But most of it must be true.'

After Lee Seoyoon revealed her name, Santos had investigated her.

Real name: Lee Seoyoon.

A B-rank Awakened known as the "Shadow" in Korea, who had gained some notoriety. She went missing half a year ago and was declared dead shortly after. If the reason for her disappearance was a Hidden Gate, and she'd only recently emerged...

'The story adds up.'

Furthermore, after requesting information from his superiors, he confirmed that she had indeed been a trainee of the Shadow's Korean branch.

Because the name Lee Seoyoon was definitely on the list of trainees.

'But there are no further details...'

It wasn't particularly strange.

She might be impressive now, but back then, she was just a trainee.

And even with her reputation, she was only a B-rank Awakened.

As the priest in charge of information, Han Baekgil probably didn't see the need to meticulously record details about every trainee.

In truth, Han Baekgil had simply glossed over the information to avoid reporting the loss of a trainee to Kim Minwoo, which would have negatively impacted his performance evaluation. But neither his superiors nor Santos had any way of knowing that.

Thus, Santos had mostly dispelled his doubts about Lee Seoyoon.

"So, do you know anything about how the Korean branch was destroyed?"

"Do you know an Awakened named Kim Minwoo?"

"...Of course. He's quite famous. The world had completely changed while I was in the Gate."

A mansion stood in the forest.

Santos entered.

Reaching the massive door, he knocked and spoke in a respectful tone.

"High Priest, the humble Santos requests an audience. I have brought the woman with me."



The door opened.

The interior of the room was austere, almost colorless. A figure in a jet-black robe sat at a table.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and greet them!"

"Hmph. You seem to be mistaken. I'm not part of the Shadow yet. The Korean branch was managing me, and they're gone. So our contract is over."

"What nonsense! Then why did you seek us out...?"

"What if I hadn't? You already know I was with the Shadow. Did you expect me to be pressured forever? If I'd made a name for myself while being this strong, you would have come after me to tie me down, wouldn't you?"


"Or maybe you would have informed Kim Minwoo about my former affiliation. That's why I'm here. To settle my affiliation once and for all."

"...You dare to try and escape us?"

"Not necessarily. But you'll need to pay me handsomely to avoid any future trouble, right?"

—Haha. Priest Santos, there's nothing wrong with what she's saying. Calm down.

A booming voice echoed from within the robe. Santos quickly stepped back and bowed.

—So, you're Lee Seoyoon?

"Yes. Are you the famous High Priest?"

—Indeed. I've heard of your exploits. The Philippines branch is no pushover, so you've done quite well.

"I appreciate the compliment."

—But tell me... are you enjoying your new life?


Lee Seoyoon's poker face completely crumbled. Her new life?

He was accurately describing her current state.

'He knows?'

She swallowed hard and replied calmly.

"I'm not sure what you mean..."

—The curse of 'that one' is strong and harsh. It's just as I've heard. But it's not impossible to break. Don't you want to cast off the shackles of the dead and become human again? Or rather, don't you want to escape the life of a slave?

A shiver ran down Lee Seoyoon's spine.

He knew she was an undead.

He even knew she was Kim Minwoo's Summoned Being.

'He's called the High Priest for a reason...'

She had vaguely imagined him to be a remarkable person, but this was beyond her wildest expectations.

"Is that... possible?"

—Nothing is impossible in this world. Nothing at all. If you desire it, I can certainly help you. Ah, but first, we must deal with the uninvited guest who has arrived at our doorstep.


As soon as the High Priest finished speaking, one of the walls exploded.

A familiar face appeared before Lee Seoyoon.

Her master.

The Necromancer who had bound her with an inescapable curse.

Kim Minwoo.

"Are you the famous High Priest?"

—Greetings, young man. I am indeed an old man who goes by that title.

He was likely the highest-ranking figure closest to the Apostle Hadronox.

The High Priest.

'Found him.'

Kim Minwoo's eyes gleamed.

The High Priest, now standing with a wrinkled wooden staff in his hand, glanced at Lee Seoyoon and spoke.

—What a waste to keep such a promising young woman bound like this. So, I'll make a polite request. Would you be willing to release her?

"Old man, have you perhaps lost your mind?"

—Tsk tsk. What a sharp tongue. It seems you need a lesson in manners.

A sharp blade shot out from within his staff.

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]