Chapter 525 The Truth Of The Man Behind The Mask

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 525 The Truth Of The Man Behind The Mask

With Raze's mask having fallen, everyone could see what the attacker looked like. Of course, those that had traveled with him had all seen his face before, but it was the first time for Niang.

"All of this trouble is caused by you. I've never even seen your face before, and how can someone so young cause so much trouble!" Niang screamed.

The wound healing on Niang's chest didn't go unnoticed by Raze. He had seen such things happen before, and he had a few guesses in mind as to what it could be.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

'An enchanted item, one at a high rank, or is it possible that this person knows Light magic. From the look of the sword as well, it seems to be producing Light magic. It's quite the strong sword as well, at least at the Mythical level... it's quite possible that the healing effect and the attack are all coming from that sword, if I can just pry it away from his body.'

Niang pointed the sword at Raze again, and moments later another beam of energy shot out directly towards him.

Swinging the sword down, Raze was able to stop it using his Qi and his Ghost blade. It was strong enough to take the attack.

'I can't just rely on the enchantment of my blazer, enough attacks and it will soon run out.'

The sword was still pointed right at Raze, and soon several shots of white beam energy came at Raze. Using his footwork, he started to run across the sides.

He had to swing his sword once in a while to stop the attacks, but Niang was quite smart.

He was attacking ahead of where Raze would be, almost predicting where his movements were. Not just that but the attack beams could vary.

Niang was able to let out small short bursts allowing him to unleash more attacks. Raze blocked a few, but some had hit him, and his Blazer had activated, blocking the hit.

Right after, Niang unleashed a longer beam of energy; Raze was unable to strike back and held his sword in place.

It hit the side of the sword and his body was being pushed back. Raze was trying to push with his Qi to move himself forward but it wasn't working.

While one hand blocked the sword, Raze with his other hand free, shot out a lightning bolt. It scattered across heading right for Niang, but as if to protect him, the energy from the sword shot out hitting the lightning and getting rid of it before it reached his body.

The beam attack had stopped pushing Raze back, but all the progress he had made in getting closer to Niang was reset.

With the sword glowing by his side, Niang was finally moving from the stage and was heading down to where Raze was.

'Everything I've tried so far hasn't worked, but I have by no means given it everything I have. Out of all the magic in my possession, although Light magic is weak against Dark, my Dark Attribute by far is stronger than any other attribute of magic I hold.'

Magic started to swirl around Raze's body, and as the intense amount of magic grew, the color from his hair was starting to change again.

The black was fading, and the white was starting to show. Holding the sword with both of his hands, Raze was ready to unleash another devastating attack.

Yet, by the side, seeing the new look of Raze, and the white hair that had appeared on his body... there was a sudden realization that was setting into Harbour.

'White hair... the young appearance and how strong he is... he's the White Dragon, isn't he?'

Rather than words of admiration or astonishment like the others when they had discovered Raze was the White Dragon.

Harbour felt something else instead, his fists were starting to tense as he began to think things through. The words of his sister.

'That damned White Dragon is ruining everything for me.'

'There's a troublesome one that is running the balance at the academy...'

'It seems like too much trouble is occurring, I'm going to have to get rid of him myself..'

'Don't you think taking Royo is too far!'

'This White Dragon, I don't know why but at times when I look at him I get this feeling. I need to have Royo by my side...'

Feebie had been talking to Harbour like she was obsessed with this person, the White Dragon. The last words she had spoken to him were that she was going to deal with him, and now she was dead.

'Could it be... the person that is helping me right now... is the one that killed my sister!'