Chapter 526 Raze Pushed To The Edge

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 526 Raze Pushed To The Edge

Seeing the white hair on his helper, a string of memories came back to Harbour. All of them, conversations he had with his sister, the last leader of the Lethal Bite Clan.

It was because of her death that a string of events had occurred—the selection of a new leader and Niang clawing his way to the top.

"Is that man... is that man really the one that my sister had a grudge on?" Harbour thought. "He fits everything she said, and how many people at a young age have a full head of white hair? There can't be many out there."

"Am I now helping my sister's killer?"

Harbour knew straight away he should rephrase that word because it wasn't that he was helping him; more so, he was getting help from his sister's killer.

"All of this started because he killed my sister... my family, the loss of the clan, all of the chain of events," Harbour clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white again.

He was thinking that maybe he had it all wrong. That the one he should be angry at, and the one that he should be going against was the White Dragon.

It was what his sister would have wanted. However, another image started to appear in his head, and it was of his family... the last moments he had seen them before heading to the clan.

Because he was unable to even see them in their last moments, not even having permission to give them a proper goodbye, and all of that was because of one person.

"No, I have no idea what situation led the White Dragon to go against my sister. That business is her business. He had no hand in going against my family; the only one that I wish to see perish today is Niang, so I will continue to cheer on the young man!" Harbour thought, confirming his resolution.

With Raze having fought so much in the fight so far, he was finding the strange healing effects of Niang extremely annoying, so he decided to go for a bigger attack.

Lifting up his sword, he was ready to use the Eclipse Strike. Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

"I have plenty of Qi, and Charlotte is here, so I can't use my Dark magic, but I think this will be enough!" Raze thought.

While the sword was lifted above his head, he decided to risk it. He placed his foot on the ground and slammed it on the floor, using the first step of the descending steps.

Right after that, he continued to go through the motions of each of the steps one by one, the Qi building up. At the same time, he was carefully using them, avoiding Niang's shots with the beam.

"You're like an animal moving around like that; just stay still!" Niang shouted as he constantly fired out several blasts.

A couple had managed to hit Raze, but his blazer had activated, protecting him from the hits and beams of energy.

However, Niang, getting more frustrated, shot out a larger single line of energy from his sword. It was coming out like a laser and now was chasing Raze.

Before it touched his skin, though, just like the times before, his barrier activated due to his specially made blazer, but when the strike had hit, like glass, the barrier had shattered.

"It's protected me from too many hits; it needs time to restore its magical properties."

This didn't go unnoticed by Niang, and taking this opportunity, he started to punch the air again and again with all the speed he could of an eighth stage warrior.

Raze lifted his sword trying to protect himself from the hits, but his body was being pounded by the energy. It hit his leg, his stomach, his face, his head.

The beams of energy were hitting him every. It was as if he was directly being hit by the fists himself right in front of him.

Blood spurted out from his mouth as several solid blows hit him in the stomach.

"He's going to lose this fight; we have to help him!" Charlotte said.

Another strong hit had hit his stomach, lifting Raze up on his feet, and blood gushed out of his mouth onto the floor.

"Forget covering this crap anymore; I'm sick of getting hurt!" Raze said as magic surrounded his arm. It was covered in black magic.

"Dark Push!" Out from his hand, a large wave of dark energy surged forth, pushing away the Light magic attack.

It continued to propel forward through the air until it struck Niang. The attack left a tingling sensation on his skin.

Startled, Niang's rhythm of attacks halted momentarily, but the sword's healing effect did its job, and he no longer felt pain on his body.

Instead, he focused his attention back on Raze, who wiped his mouth. Still holding the glowing sword in one hand, Raze's other hand was cloaked in darkness.

"What was that... he just used?" Harbour asked.

The others weren't so sure; they assumed it must be one of the many powers he had displayed in the fight so far.

"If he could use something like that, then why didn't he do so from the beginning?" Ivor questioned.

Charlotte was the only one who knew, her eyes glued to his hand.

"He's using... Dark Magic," she mumbled to herself.