Chapter 662 The Sword Falls

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 662 The Sword Falls

Ricar, the current clan head and one of the Elders of the Dawnblade Clan, was part of one of the ten powerful Elders that allowed the Dawnblade Clan to be at the top, practically ruling the Light Faction.

However, their power had lowered in recent times, gaining a small boost when Beatrix won the last Martial Arts tournament, but then weakened again with the loss of one of the Elders to the Crimson Crane.

They were now in a state where they needed to prove themselves, which was why Ricar had volunteered himself to leave. Not only that, but he didn't like staying around the other two for long.

'They have been trying to allow the Dawnblade Clan to fall from the top for so long. Using anything they can, but I won't allow them to,' Ricar thought as he headed to the door, ready to see what was happening on the other side.

On the outside, the match was still going on. It was one of the longest matches that had occurred. The crowd was almost silent, only whispers heard among each other. For a while now, they had no longer been enjoying the event.

Amir stood there looking at Simyon.

"That boy has always had a strong conviction, he was always the one that lasted the longest in our training. His body as well is well-refined like a legendary sword that only grows stronger. Although in many ways his growth is the slowest among all of the others.

"He has the potential to become one of the strongest, which is why I don't want him to lose his life here, just give up, boy."

Amir glanced at the hooded person next to him. For a while now, both of his fists had been shaking.

"I know you want to get in there, but believe me, you aren't the only one. There are many that wish to jump in the arena right now, yet not a single one of them has done," Amir commented. Although he did find it weird.

Judging by the others' personality, he was sure some people would try something at this stage, so what was going on. Amir thought about heading back to the Dark Faction viewing area, but for now, it was important he at least saw the outcome of this match.

Amir was greatly unaware of the events that were occurring in the arena itself where the others couldn't see. Murkel had pushed Safa and Liam into a corner. His Qi was starting to leak out from his body, and the moment it touched the two of them, it would be over.

Killing his own wouldn't be considered too much of an issue; it would just raise questions. In the first place, Murkel wasn't a man who worried about what others thought about him.

'She's using her magic...out in the open, this isn't going to be good, but I can understand why,' Raze thought.

Instantly, Safa was using her Light magic to heal what parts of Simyon she could. He was still breathing, but who knew if he could survive what he had been through.

As she used her light magic, there were those in the crowd, those that were part of Alter, noticing what had taken place. They couldn't quite believe their eyes.

"One of the Pagan students using magic, and so young as well, just who is that person."

After using what she could, she placed her hands down to her side, and Liam picked up Simyon, placing him over his shoulder.

"He's going to be okay, you've done enough Safa, I can promise you, you don't have to do anymore," Liam stated. He knew because his system had stated that Simyon's vitals had returned to normal.

There was no more need for concern; Light magic was something that was truly powerful. When they finally returned to the Dark Faction room, the Light Faction warrior checked on him and had physicians come in as well to have a look.

After it was confirmed that Simyon was fine, there was a sigh of relief, including from himself and the middle-stage warriors out in the field, the ones that had gotten involved in stopping the match.

At the same time, Mantis had returned. His focus seemed strange; he didn't look at anyone in the room, and no one said a word to him, as they felt like it would do nothing.

Just like that, Mantis went and leaned up against the wall like he had done for the entirety of the tournament so far, as if nothing had happened at all.

"With all the single match phases currently finished, we now have our final contestants for the finale, Hannah from the Light Faction, and Jake and Mantis, from the Demonic Faction!"

In the crowd, Amir walked over right to the edge as he looked in the distance.

"As expected he wasn't enough to break it out of him, but in the next match, I'm sure, we will all need to be ready."