Chapter 663 Raze’s Grand Plan

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 663 Raze’s Grand Plan

A physician from the Light Faction had been called, and Liam was looking over their every move. They had brought out a makeshift table and set it out in the room. Now they were checking over his wounds, placing a type of ointment on the cuts, while also feeding him internal herbs that were meant to progress the healing. The reason why Liam decided to stay by his side was to check every ingredient that was being used.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

To put it simply, he didn't trust them. After what they had done out there, not stopping the fight, he wouldn't be surprised if the Light Faction was now to poison Simyon and kill him, even though it wasn't their usual methods.

'Everything they've used so far, the system states that none of them are poisoned and should actually help him recover. Most of the work though was done by Safa,' Liam thought, looking over to where she was.

Safa was sitting on one of the single seats. She was slouched, her face slightly pale, her breathing slightly heavy. She was trying to meditate, to gather her energy back.

'After telling all of us to take it easy just in case Raze needs our help, she goes and does that and pushes herself too much, but it's most likely thanks to her that Simyon is still alive.'

Once in a while, Liam would also take a look over his shoulder. Murkel and the other Dark Faction leaders didn't seem to be concerned by what state Simyon was in. It was already announced to the crowd that the student was doing fine.

Yet, Liam knew just moments before the match ended, Murkel was serious about taking them out. Which put them in a dangerous situation.

'Right now, the only thing that is keeping everyone alive is the fact that this tournament is still going on. After it's done and we head back to the academy, we're as good as dead, if Raze has no plan, we need to start coming up with one.'

[Signs of activity are being detected]

Liam quickly looked at Simyon and even the physician who was spooked causing him to take a step back.

Right after, eyes were fluttering and open wide, and immediately Simyon lifted his upper body.

"I can still fight, I can still fight!" Simyon declared.

Looking around though, he quickly realized that he wasn't out in the arena fighting anymore. Even looking down, he could see the wounds on his body, and how sore he felt, and eventually his eyes laid on Safa.

She had a large smile on her face, and tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked exhausted though, too exhausted to stand up.

"What happened, did I lose the fight, why is she like that?" Simyon asked.

"It might be best that you rest," the physician claimed. "Your body was extremely injured during the fight; I didn't think you would be awake for a few more days. For you to be up right now is a miracle in itself."

It didn't take long for Simyon to guess what had happened, and Liam to come by his side and gently push his chest so he laid back down on the makeshift table.

With that, Mantis had left the room, and Raze had decided to head to the back of the room and closed his eyes, as he began to cultivate. To grow stronger with every moment he had, knowing very well what could come next.

Now Anna and Alba were left standing next to each other and they both turned their heads at the same time to check on Raze. Noticing this, they both turned them back quickly as well.

"You seem to be a person good with numbers," Alba said. "You know what Raze's plan is in all of this, what percentage do you think you have it working out."

Anna didn't reply instantly. There was a long gap before she said anything, making Alba think that maybe she was being ignored on purpose.

"It's extremely hard to say because there are a lot of variables in all of this. We don't know what the plans are of those that are moving in the crowd," Anna replied. "The thing is, Raze is extremely smart to come up with the plan that he has done.

"He plans to remove as many variables as he can, in order to make it so the current plan has the highest chance it does of being achieved."

"You might be right if you're just talking about the plan itself," Alba replied. "I've seen what he can do, I have no doubt he will be able to pull that off, but then it's after. The hardest parts come after the plan is implemented. There's still a lot that he, and us need to do and I'm not sure if he's thought about the after-effects even if everything works out."

Right now, Anna simply didn't have enough information to figure out everything, all she knew was she needed Raze, and the student named Liam alive. She needed to get answers for herself.

Mantis was walking through the halls, and for once, he had desisted to put on his Pagna clothing properly and even pulled up part of his shirt to cover his face.

While he was walking out through the walls and such, he didn't want to be noticed by the crowd.

'I don't know what happened to me back there, I was in control, but at the same time, it felt like I wasn't in control, and why was my back hurting so much,' Mantis thought as he went and grabbed his throbbing head.

He was remembering what had happened at the clan base, everyone getting beat including his own clan head, and how weak he felt when going up against them, but after that his memories they seemed to go to a blank.

'Did they do something to me back then... what was it, and why would they do such a thing?' Mantis thought.

While touching his throbbing head, Mantis felt a strong presence go past him, and a whisper that was directed straight toward him.

"If you had gone any further, then I would have killed you, you're lucky you're still alive, so go out there and do what you need to do."

Mantis had heard those words and turned to look at who it was, but could only see a hooded figure walk past him.

'Who was that... and who the heck would be threatening me in a place like this,' Mantis thought, as he decided to shake it off. No matter what, he would be the winner of this event.