Chapter 105: Old Crow

Name:Dawn of the Void Author:
Chapter 105: Old Crow

It was a four-hour flight to Old Crow. The Gulf Stream was svelte and elegant and cut through the air with silent efficacy, cruising just shy of the speed of sound and with enough gas to make the return flight without needing to refuel.

Yadriel was like a kid at Christmas. He let out a cry of sheer amazement as he entered the plane and then stopped, taking in the huge leather seats, the teak dining tables between groups of four, the geometric patterns on the rich gray carpet, the huge port hole windows.

Man, I made it! He tossed his duffel bag into the arms of the steward and leaped into the closest seat, stretching out with a pointed sigh of contentment as he interlaced his fingers behind his head and kicked out his legs. Yo, you guys got any champagne up in here?

We do, sir, said the steward with obvious good training. Would Moet Chandon suffice?

Moet Chandon? You aint got Crystal?

Serenity smacked Yadriel upside the head as she passed him, the other filing in behind. People dropped into the seats, almost everyone still beholden to the luxuries of the old world that they couldnt help but gaze around themselves with some small measure of wonder and appreciation.

The main cabin had seating for ten, the plane being divided into two areas, and James sat in the back with Kerim, Serenity, and Olaf. After a brief wait, the jet pulled out onto the airstrip. A single figure was directing them with a glowstick, and James looked past the man at the dark bulk of JFK airport. The terminals were dark, the machines and cars and luggage trucks sitting silent. Was there a skeleton crew keeping things moving? Or had military folks come out here just to get them off the ground?

They took off smoothly, and a moment later the steward came down the length of the plane with a silver tray of chocolate dipped strawberries in one hand, another bearing flutes of champagne.

Thanks hon, said Serenity, flashing the man a smile. Youre the best.

Enjoy, said the dude. Something tells me these may be the last chocolate strawberries in the world.

James turned his over in his fingers and then took a bite. Damn good.

Olaf leaned forward, his champagne flute dwarfed by his massive fingers. One thing I have been wanting to know: do you think there is chance we go back to normal after this is over?

James exchanged a glance with Serenity. Normal?

Yah. Chocolate covered strawberries. Good TV shows. People happy and living good lives again.

James sat back. Thats a hell of a question.

Weve already lost, what, almost half our species? asked Serenity.

About that, yes, said Kerim. Though the ability to detail losses has degraded as weve lost more people. Given everything Ive seen, however, I dont think it would be untoward to guess three or four billion dead, especially in light of this fourth wave.

Olaf frowned. But we can win?

What does winning mean? asked James softly.

Defeat the Nemeses. Clean the Pits. Win.

Not the way things are going, replied James. I dont think so. Theres an intelligence behind whats going on, but I dont get the sense it wants to leave us new and improved after the dusts settled.

Olaf drained his flute in one pull and set the glass on the glossy table before him. Then what do you think it wants?

Thats the million-dollar question. James looked at Kerim. Professor?

Nobody knows, obviously. But its clear were rewarded for certain behaviors. We level as a result of using our powers to kill demons, and level faster for working in teams. The challenges that are thrown our way are always surmountable after terrible losses. Its clear this System wants us to reach the Pits, to evolve and grow. It would have been simple to deprive us of Manna bread and cause mass starvation. But they didnt. Our Fabricators can construct everything from shirts to War Hounds.

So the System is like parents? asked Olaf dubiously. Stick and apple?

Yes, said Kerim after a moments hesitation. But we still dont know to what end. Are we a source of amusement? Do the demonic leaders watch us to see how long we will last, and place bets? Or is this meant to be a form of spiritual purification, so that the worthy - as determined by demonic morality - are rewarded if they survive long enough? Do the odds only grow forever until all are slain, or is there a hidden end point beyond which every survivor inherits the Earth? We dont know.

Theyre bastards, said Serenity, tapping the base of her flute against her knee. We know that much. They pretend to help us, but its as James said. Were meant to suffer and grow weaker with every wave. As a species. Whoevers in charge is a fuckin sadist.

James nodded. Yeah. Thats the feeling I get. The Benedictions, the Virtues, all of it. Theyre tools, but insufficient. Were being bled out as a species. The question is for how long well remain distracted by our new shinies while the rest of us die.

Olafs frown deepened. So you do not think we can win?

Not if we play according to their rules. Hence this trip. James saw the pain in Olafs eyes. Im sorry, big guy. I dont think theres any going back to the way things were. But if we fight smart instead of just hard, maybe we can create our own future, not just the one the demons want.

Olaf sat back, crossed his arms, and stared out the window. Up front laughter broke out; someone had made a musical selection, and some bounce music had come up, the beat infectious, the bass deep. Kimmie jumped up and began to dance with surprising fluidity, prompting Yadriel to leap up and move behind her to start hip thrusting. She laughed, turned, and shoved him in the chest so that he fell back into his chair.

Im in love, yo! Yadriel grinned up to Kimmie. I didnt know you could move like that, girl! Lets make babies.

Theres a chance he was, said James. Sarahs wariness was growing rapidly, her suspicion and alarm. We dont want to get him in any trouble. We just want to talk to him, see what he knows. Its why weve flown up here from New York. Just to talk and see if what he knows could help.

I see. Well, you can speak to Robbie tomorrow about snowmobiles if you want to get out there. If they havent all been rented already.

Great, said Yadriel. We shoulda brought the Wings.

Yeah, should of just stashed them in the overhead compartments, said Denzel.

Maybe we can get situated at your B&B, said James. Talk a little more there?

Sure. Its not far, but you wont want to walk in this cold. I can fit three of you in my truck at a time. I can take you there in groups.

Sounds great, thank you.

Thank you, said Kimmie with a broad smile. We will appreciate everything youre doing.

For a moment James expected to feel Kimmies power, for her to start working on Sarahs reluctance with Inspire, but when it didnt come he felt a sense of relief.

The two guys brought in the last of their suitcases, and it turned out Rupert and the pilot, Captain Jeramy, were going to be staying closed by at one of their homes until needed for the return flight.

Everybody said their thank yous and goodnights, and then Sarah took James, Olaf, and Kimmie out to her truck.

The cold was wicked, and James hunched over the backseat as Sarah turned on her truck and put the heater to blasting. It didnt do anything, and the layers of arctic gear felt useless as he hugged himself and stared out the window.

Old Crow was a tiny community set alongside a broad river, the roads broad like avenues, the buildings dwarfed by the immensity of the starlit skies and looking to be mostly log cabins or other single story buildings. The truck drove slowly through the snow, and four minutes later pulled up outside Sarahs home.

It was a large wooden building with a peaked roof and nothing to indicate it was a B&B. A solitary pine tree grew at an angle as if it had been hit by a car, and the motion sensor light lit up the white snow that blanketed everything.

Sarah led them inside with forced cheer. The interior was warm and homey, with patterned blankets thrown over couches or hanging like tapestries from the wooden walls. There were three small rooms in the back, each large enough for two, and Sarah had clearly prepared for them by turning the living room into a campsite that could accommodate another three.

Coffees there, tea, you can raid the fridge, make yourselves at home. Sarah smiled and returned to the front door. Ill be right back with the next lot.

Half an hour later they were all present, and the building felt packed, voices interlacing, people stomping around, the fireplace roaring. Kimmie helped Sarah make hot chocolates for everybody, and folks paired off while Yadriel, Jason, and Kimmie claimed the couch and sleeping bags laid out in the living room.

James waited for the right moment, and when Sarah was left alone in the kitchen stepped inside with a handful of dirty mugs and moved to the sink.

Oh, youre fine, Ill clean those in the morning.

Happy to help, he murmured. There was no dishwasher. He took up a sponge and small bottle of dish liquid. You been in Old Crow long?

My whole life, she said, turning to regard him. Feels like it, anyways. I moved here in 93 to marry Pete. He passed five years ago, and now I think Im here for good, though Ive a sister who keeps telling me to move to Dawson City. She considered him. But you just want to know about Belanger.

Guilty as charged. He set a dripping mug aside. You remember anything about his arrest?

At least youre straight forward about it. Yes, was a big to-do. Hed only come into town a dozen times, less and less as time went by. Word was hed claimed the homestead, though I dont know how, that old place was half collapsed. But he bought some tools and an old snowmobile. Not sure where he got the money from, Kevin said his notes were all crumpled and old like hed been sitting on them for several decades. Hed come in for supplies, but nobody really liked him. Too Sarah paused, looking for the right word. Wild? Like he was more wolf than man. But he was tough. Like old roots. Youd have to be, to live out there by yourself.

Mmmhmm, said James, setting another mug aside.

Anyways, he kept to himself and we were glad to leave him alone. But then on the 19th he showed up yelling about the apocalypse. He tore across town, trying to find someone to listen to him. Some of the boys confronted him, told him to simmer down, and he started throwing punches. That got him arrested, but he broke free somehow and got back out onto his snowmobile. Left town. Chief Anderson filed his report, and then everything went to hell.

Sarah sighed and stared out at nothing. Guess Belanger had been right. Anyways, some military types came out to investigate Andersons report, flew out to homestead in a chopper. There was no sign of Belanger, but there was a demon symbol thing floating above his house. Its still there, last we heard.

Huh. James turned and crossed his arms. Nobodys seen Belanger since?

No. And if he dont want to be found, nobody will, either. Its a big country out there. Belangers comfortable with the wilderness. If hes gone to ground, nobody will find him. Sarahs gaze turned hard. Not you, not the other soldiers, not anybody.

James, there are two men watching your building from across the road. Theyre using military gear I dont recognize. Want me to buzz them?

No, hold on. Ill be with you in a sec.

I see. Well. Thanks for the information, Sarah. Its much appreciated.

Its been a month since Patrick disappeared. Whatever youre looking for, Mr. Kelly, I can tell you one thing: its long gone.

James pushed off the counter. Well just have to see about that. Good night, Ms. Sarah. And he stepped past her to rejoin his crew.