Chapter 25: Price increase!

Chapter 25: Price increase!

Next day.

General Affairs Office.

Dong Xuebing had read up on the stock market in the morningand left home slightly later. He reached the office precisely on time.

Tan Limei joked: "Bing Zhi, why are you so late today? Tellme. Did you go out on a date with your girlfriend last night?"

Dong Xuebing smiled and placedhis bag on his glass desk. "Stop making fun of me. I don't have a girlfriend."Dong Xuebing had never dated any girls before while he was in school. He hadaverage looks and was from a poor family. Without car and house, no girls wereinterested in him. This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

"Oh?" Changjuan laughed. "Do you want elder sister here tointroduce you some girls?"

Dong Xuebing smiled: "Thank you, Sister Chang. I am currently good by myself."

"If you are interested to know girls, tell me. I will keep alookout for good girls for you."

Dong Xuebing did not really want to be single. He enviedthose with girlfriends. But with his looks and family background, it was hardto get a girlfriend. He rather focusseshis energy on his career. Once he was promoted to be a leader, he will havemoney, and it will be easier to getgirlfriends.

10 minutes later, Zhou Changchun entered the office. It wasthe leader's privilege to be late. No one will say anything.

Guo Panwei had been waiting. Once he heard the footsteps, heimmediately went to brew a cup of tea.

Guo Shunjie was pretending to be hard at work. After ChiefZhou had entered his office, he continued to laze around. He turned to DongXuebing: "Xiao Dong, you should clean up our office. Don't wait until Chiefcomes in and scold us. Later if you are free, mop the floor." The cleaner OldWang will only clean up the corridors outside and send bottles of water to theoffice. The cleanliness of the offices was usuallydone by the staff workers.

Dong Xuebing was pissed when he heard this. He was the one thatcleans up the office the last time. He was also the one before the previoustime. Why was it his turn again? Are you trying to challenge me? If it wasChief Zhou's instruction, I don't mind. But who are you to order me around? Youasked me to do all your task at work, andyou still want to boss me about non-work-related matters?

Dong Xuebing had tolerated him for too long and was about toblow his top.

Zhuang Zhi was really someone worthy to be friends with. Hesensed the tension in the office and immediately say: "I will clean up theoffice."

Dong Xuebing did not say anything and picked up a rag andclean the office with Zhuang Zhi.

Guo Shunjie glanced at Dong Xuebing and snort.

Everyone in the office wasbusily doing their things in the morning.

Chief Zhou had gonefor a meeting on level 3 and returned back at noon.

At about 2.05 pm. Ring, ring, ring. The General AffairsOffice's phone rang. Dong Xuebing happened to be at the photocopier and was thenearest to the phone. He reached over and answered: "Hello. General AffairsOffice." It was Chief Zhou. "Xiao Dong? Come into my office now."

"Yes. I will be right there." Hah! My opportunity finallycomes!

Zhou Changchun's office.

Zhou Changchun was laughing happily and pointing to thestock charts on his monitor. "I had just sold off all my shares, and I am going to buy one or two blue chips.But I am not sure which to pick. Give me some of your opinions."Zhou Changchun did not mention about DaqinRailways shares, and Dong Xuebing was notfoolish to talk about that.

"Sure. But I need to take a look first."

"Just trust me this time. There is not much time left." DongXuebing said anxiously.

Because Zhou Changchun did not listen to Dong Xuebingyesterday, he made lesser profits. Now, Dong Xuebing seems very confident thatthis share will rise. He frowned and thought for about 1 second and said:"Fine. I will buy this company's shares." Zhou Changchun was using trading software to trade online. His passwordwas saved on his computer, and he couldlog in and place the trade very fast.

After buying the shares, both of them were staring at themonitor in silence.

Hainan Rubber share prices remained unchanged. There weresales orders of almost 100,000 shares in the queue.

Zhou Changchun looked at the monitor and tapped on his teacup.He was tapping faster and faster.


Hurry up and rise!

Dong Xuebing also clenches his fist nervously.

1 second...

2 seconds...

Suddenly, a big order to buy the shares appeared on themonitor.

Followed by 20,000shares traded.

Another 7,000 shares traded.

Chief Zhou could see the share prices of Hainan Rubbershooting up like a rocket.

Chief Zhou banged the desk excitedly. "It had gone up. Theshare price had risen!"

Dong Xuebing was jumping in joy in his heart. "It will stillgo up further."




Zhou Changchun points at the monitor: "This is a goodshare!"



The share prices kept going up.

Zhou Changchun laughed and slapped Dong Xuebing's back. "Howdo you know it will rise?"

Dong Xuebing made up an excuse: "From my analysis of thecharts."

Zhou Changchun laughed heartily. "Good. You are really capable!"