Chapter 26: Bullied!

Chapter 26: Bullied!


Dong Xuebing had secretly downloaded a stock market softwareon his office computer to analyze thestock market.

Dong Xuebing also wanted to make some money. But he thoughtit through. He does not think it was a good idea to trade shares. He does nothave the capital, and the currentregulations restrict the sales of the shares on the same day. He would have towait for the next day. Which was also known as T+1. Dong Xuebing's BACK couldonly return to 1 minute before. He might be able to know the shares will rise in the next minute, but he could notpredict what would happen when the market close. The risk was too high.

Just like HainanRubber shares. Yes, in 1 minute, the share prices had climbed up from thelowest point and had made Chief Zhou happy. But as when the market was closing,the share prices fell back again. The next day, the prices continued to decline. There were not many profits, and Chief Zhouhad almost made losses. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

The only securities that could be traded on the same day of purchase at T+0 were warrants. But there was only one warrant left - ChanghongCWB1. This warrant was like a dead fish. The prices fell by a few cents everyday. There were almost no fluctuations. This was why Dong Xuebing gave up theidea of making money through trading. He only wants to analyze the stock market for Zhou Changchun. Although he might notbe able to guarantee to make money forhim, at least he could make him happy. This way, he would be closer to hisdirect supervisor.

Dong Xuebing, you must work hard!

All these are for your promotion.

"Hehe, Bing Zhi is so early today."

"Good morning everyone."

"Good morning."

Everyone had slowly arrived at work.

Dong Xuebing greeted his colleagues and quickly close thestock market program.

Guo Shunjie was the last to arrive in the office. He saw there was some dust on the floorand said: "Why is the floor dirty again? There is an inspection today." BecauseZhou Changchun had been coming in late these few days because of his health,Guo Panwei could not be bothered with cleaning up the office. It had been DongXuebing who was cleaning up. Guo Shunjie walked to his desk and turn to DongXuebing: "Xiao Dong, go and sweep the floor."

Guo Shunjie looked at him coldly: "Yes. Bring in a bottle ofwater for the dispenser."

Old Yan also felt Guo Shunjie was too much. He looked up from his newspaper: "Xiao Dong is alsotired. You can just give the cleaner Old Wang a call. He is the one who hasbeen topping up the water for the dispenser." Old Yan was not afraid ofoffending the District Political Commissar. He had offended a leader who was two ranks about the District PoliticalCommissar before, and he was not afraidof offending one more person.

Guo Shunjie replied without facing Old Yan: "Old Wang iscleaning the corridors now. He is not free to top up the water."

Dong Xuebing asked: "You did not even call him. How do youknow he is busy?"

"Why?" Guo Shunjie stared at Dong Xuebing. "I cannot ask youto bring in a bottle of water? Do you know the rules here? These jobs are doneby newcomers. Are you expecting me andPanwei to go and carry in the water?"

Changjuan tried to calm the situation down: "I think ChiefZhou is coming in soon. Stop arguing."

Tan Limei look at Guo Shunjie with disgust: "That right. Isthe document which Director Li wants with you? I met him earlier when I wascoming in. He says to bring the documentsto him as soon as possible."

Guo Shunjie uttered a reply and took a brown envelope fromhis desk before turning to Dong Xuebing again: "I don't believe that I can'torder you around. No one is allowed to help him. Let him carry the water inhimself." He walked out, and when he passed by Dong Xuebing, he said: "If the waterbottle for the dispenser is not changed when I return, you are dead."

"Ok. I will wait for you." Dong Xuebing could no longertolerate him. He sneered: "I will not change the water. What can you do to me?"

Guo Shunjie replied with a smirk: "Fine. Go ahead and try."

Bang! Guo Shunjie walked out of the office and slammed thedoor close.

The mood in the office was still tense and before Tan Limeiand the rest could say anything, the door opens again.

"Huh? What's wrong with everyone?" Zhou Changchun walked inwith his briefcase.

Changjuan immediately replies:"Nothing. Good morning Chief Zhou."

Zhou Changchun nodded and was about to enter his room whenhe remembered something. "Oh, Xiao Dong. Come to my room."