Chapter 56: Must win!

Chapter 56: Must win!

Beep, beeeeeep, beeeep!

It was the fulltime whistle!

0:0. It was a draw!

Dong Xuebing released the ball in his arms and supportedhimself up with both arms. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and panted. Tothe spectators, it was a great save. But only Dong Xuebing knew how close itwas. He nearly couldn't reach it. Luckily his fingertips on his left hand andhis right thumb touched the ball and stopped it.

It was really a close shave!

He was lucky to save it!

The Chaoyang team lowered their heads in despair. TheWestern District team and its supporters were cheering at the top of theirvoices!

"Bing Zhi!" The tall and fat Zhuang Zhi ran over. "Youreally did it!" This material is rooted in n0velbin★

A player which Dong Xuebing does not know gave him a thumbsup. "It was a perfect save! If we know you are so good, we should have let yoube our goalkeeper in the past few matches! This way, we will not lose 6 gamesin a row!"

Tan Limei also shouted in her high-pitched voice: "Bing Zhi!You are terrific! You can even save that ball! You are the best!"

Changjuan only shouted: "Terrific!"

All the players crowded around Dong Xuebing to thank him.

Guo Shunjie saw Dong Xuebing had saved the day again and wasspeechless. That ball was aimed for the top left corner. How did Dong Xuebingblock it so easily? This Dong Xuebing was really lucky.

Eastern District's Xu Yan saw they did not lose the matchand she shook her head and walk away.

Xu Yan was the last to alight from the bus. She stood therelooking at all the players. "Thankfully Xiao Dong was able to save that penaltykick today, and we can end our 6 matches losing streak. But remember this. Westill have not won a match for 7 matches. We are the last team of thetournament. Don't you all feel embarrassed?"

Guo Shunjie wanted to voice out that they were embarrassed.But the team was not strong enough.

Xu Yan continued with a cold look on her face. "Today, Iwant all of you to go back and have a good rest. At the same time, reflect onthe reason why we can't win a single match. Tomorrow is the last match of thetournament. I don't want to see us getting a draw or lose. Tomorrow we will befacing Eastern District. We must win! We will show them how good the WesternDistrict is! Are you all confident of getting a win tomorrow?"


"... Yes."

The players replied weakly.

"I can't hear you!" Xu Yan shouted. "Are you all confident?"

"Yes!" This time, the players' replies were louder.

"Good. Dismiss!" Xu Yan was acting like a coach.

Actually, the players who knew the insider information knewwhy Xu Yan was so serious. The opponent tomorrow was Xu Yan's long-time rival,Deputy District Political Commissar Xu. No matter whether it was officially orprivately, Xu Yan does not want to lose to Deputy District Political CommissarXu.

On the way home, Dong Xuebing was thinking about the day'sevent.

He had left a good impression with Xu Yan. But it was notenough. She would not help him get the position of Deputy Chief over such atrivial matter. If he wants Xu Yan to help him, he must do something moresignificant and will mean a lot to her. But what should he do? Eh? Tomorrow'smatch is significant to Xu Yan and the Western District team! 7 games without asingle win?! No one will want that result! This is a must win the match! Then...what should Dong Xuebing do to perform and let Xu Yan be grateful to him?

That's right!

Must make use of this opportunity to get closer with theleaders! This way, Guo Shunjie will not be promoted!

Penalty! Let tomorrow's match have a penalty!

I pray for a chance to save a penalty kick again tomorrow!

Tomorrow's match is critical!